Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 271: Patronus Curse

Not paying much attention to the glare of Harry standing in the study, Wright took off the saprophytic wood wand wrapped around his wrist, took it into his hand, and walked alone to the grass in front of the house.

Villita did not come out with him this time, which was also Wright's special request. Because he was not sure whether the spell he was going to practice later would cause harm to the Obscurus power contained in Villita's body. After all, as we all know, Obscurus' power attribute is biased toward darkness and evil, and the spell that needs to be practiced later almost represents the most positive and brightest magical energy in the wizarding world.

This magic is naturally the Patronus Charm.

The spell of the Patronus Charm is Expe, which is the most famous and one of the most powerful defensive spells known in the wizarding world.

In Latin, "patronus" means "guardian", "protector" or "protector", and "expecto" or "expecto" means "I expect", so the incantation of the Patronus Charm can be roughly understood as "I'm looking for a protector."

However, even if you know the meaning of the Patronus Charm, it is still a very complicated and difficult spell to cast. The vast majority of male and female wizards in the wizarding world cannot summon any form of Patronus. However, most wizards do not need to learn the Patronus Charm, because their lives are not involved with those dark creatures.

Among the wizards who need to practice the Patronus Charm, some may be able to successfully cast the Patronus Charm without any pressure, but when they face huge difficulties, such as facing dementors that can suck away happy memories or silently... When the crouching bat is breathing, the difficulty of casting the Patronus Spell will increase several levels, because by that time, the "happy emotion" required to cast the Patronus Spell will be easily replaced by fear or coldness.

Typically, a successfully cast Patronus Charm evokes a semi-embodied positive force, the Patronus.

The successfully summoned patron saint can be divided into two forms: physical and non-physical.

Generally speaking, people who are exposed to a Patronus Charm for the first time will usually cast a non-corporeal Patronus (if they are successful). The incorporeal Patronus is unlike any known creature and has few distinguishing characteristics. It is said to be a patron saint, but in fact it is more like a ball of silver-white gas or smoke that jumps out from the top of the caster's wand, without any specific form.

However, non-corporeal patron saints can still resist Dementors or Voldemort Bats to a certain extent, but the effect is not outstanding. They can only barely resist, but cannot drive them away.

When practitioners gradually master the Patronus Charm, they will successfully summon a patronus in the form of a physical animal.

Most wizards' patron saints are in the form of ordinary animals, such as otters, stags, deer, hares, cats, etc. Patronuses in the form of magical animals, such as Dumbledore's Phoenix Patronus, are very rare.

The even rarer forms of patron saints are extinct animals.

According to the information Wright has been searching for these days, there was once a wizard named Hedley Fleetwood, and his patron saint form was a giant mammoth, and this creature appeared about 10,000 years ago. have been gradually extinct.

The rarest of all is another example, the only one in wizarding history.

There was a wizard named Andros in Greece in the classical period. According to records in ancient books, at a certain time, he mastered advanced wandless magic and also mastered the use of the Patronus Charm, that is, wandless summoning of entity guardianship. god.

Not only that, it is said that the patron saint of Andros is as big as a giant. Although his shape is unknown, as a tribute to his magical abilities, he won the title of "The Invincible Andros" and borrowed the name "Andros the Invincible". This featured in the Chocolate Frog cartoon.

As early as his second year, Wright had discussed something about the Patronus Charm with Dumbledore. At that time, he felt that advanced spells like the Patronus Charm were inextricably linked to the caster's emotions.

Because according to Miranda Gorshak's record in "The Book of Spells", the magical patronus is a reflection of a wizard's most positive emotions, and the shape of the patronus is usually the shape of the animal most closely related to that wizard.

It's just that in that discussion with Dumbledore, Wright didn't get a good answer. Later, because the Patronus Charm was too difficult and the demand was relatively low, Wright never seriously studied this magic. It was only now that he was about to face the situation of Dementors that he began to seriously understand this aspect of knowledge.

Wright did not feel troubled by the fact that he possessed shadow energy, because his own energy attributes did not seem to affect the casting of the Patronus Spell.

In the wizarding world, it is generally believed that only those with pure hearts can successfully summon a Patronus. The most famous example is the dark wizard Rashidian, who conjured white maggots when his wand backfired when he tried to use the Patronus spell. Devour him whole.

But in fact, this perception is a fallacy, and many people with negative personality traits are also able to summon mature patron saints. If someone values ​​power in his heart, it will not have any impact.

For example, few people would have noticed that Dolores Umbridge, who later became Voldemort's Ministry of Magic official, was able to successfully cast the Patronus Charm. She could transform into a cat-shaped Patronus to help herself avoid being captured. Attack of ghost monsters. (Note)

However, there are still very few Death Eaters who can cast the Patronus Curse. According to the information collected by Wright himself, Snape is probably the only Death Eater who can use the Patronus Curse. His former Patronus The form is unknown, but it should be a doe now, just like Lily Potter.

Thinking of this, Wright couldn't help but turn around and glance at the room behind him. Harry's figure that was originally behind the floor-to-ceiling window had disappeared. He didn't know if he had gone to the bookshelf to look for a book.

Stag and doe, Wright's mind slowly recited the patronus forms of Harry's parents.

Most wizards' patron saints are in the form of ordinary animals, which is good. But in general, there are not many wizards who can master the patron saint spell. Almost every wizard has a different patron saint, and different patron saint forms are just right. It also reflects the different personalities of different wizards.

But there are always exceptions.

When the spell caster experiences some degree of mental shock or emotional upheaval, such as falling in love, their patron saint form is likely to change.

Wright remembered that Nymphadora Tonks, who should still be undergoing training in the Auror office, was the natural disguise magus who was born in Hufflepuff. After falling in love with Lupin, her patronus became It transformed from its previous form into a huge silver-white four-legged animal - a werewolf.

Another example is Snape.

In addition to this, it seems that the patron saints of some wizarding couples also produce a magical "complementary effect", that is, different genders of the same creature.

Wright didn't feel much expectation for his Patronus form, because in his memory, a wizard's Animagus form seemed to be the same as his Patronus form.

In other words, if nothing unexpected happens, Wright's own patron saint form will be a tiger.

Eh! etc! Wright suddenly seemed to think of something.

If I remember correctly, Dumbledore's Patronus form is a phoenix, so Lao Deng's Animagus should also be a phoenix?

Wright frowned in confusion. How did Dumbledore overcome the magical changes caused by transforming into a magical creature? Or through the contract between the Dumbledore family and the Phoenix?

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