Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 270 Harry’s first week at St. Catchpole

A week has passed since Harry "escaped" from the Dursleys' house on Privet Drive.

Six days ago, Harry, who had just spent the night at the Wright house, was taken to the Weasley house as a guest. Unknowingly, he heard a lot about the relationship between Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel at the dinner table. Gossip.

Harry then declined Mrs. Weasley's offer to stay at the Burrow and followed Wright back to his house on the northern edge of the village of St. Catchpole.

Before leaving, Harry remembered what Wright had said about Trace. He also hid the wand that Hedwig had brought back with Ron the night before. Of course, while avoiding Mrs. Weasley.

Life at the Wrights was much freer than at the Dursleys, even freer than at the castle.

Every morning, Harry would enjoy a lunch carefully prepared by Jar Jar, the original castle kitchen elf (when he first met Jar Jar, he thought it was Dobby, but it was not). If he got up late, It doesn't matter if he has it, because Jia Jia can prepare what he wants to eat at any time, he only needs to wait for a while;

Morning time is usually used for homework. When he was at the Dursleys' house, Harry not only completed very little homework, but also always had to hide under the sheets and hold a flashlight to do it. But now he could sit in a bright and comfortable study or outside under an umbrella and complete all his papers, sometimes with Wright's help.

Whether it's Charms or Transfiguration, all of Harry's questions can be answered perfectly by Wright. What's even more amazing is the history of magic. Harry feels that Wright must have memorized all the historical information in the wizarding world, and is more comprehensive, profound, and richer than his good friend "Miss Know-It-All" Hermione. It's like a precise machine. Like a humanoid computer.

After lunch, it was usually Wright and Fred's chat time, and the twins would come over almost every afternoon (because they needed to help Mrs. Weasley complete the housework in the morning).

Wright and the twin brothers mostly talked about magic props, and there were some things that Harry still couldn't understand at all. For example, Fred and the others seemed to be preparing to develop a new type of flying prop, which involved a lot of ancient magic script knowledge and Upgraded application methods for levitating spells, hovering spells, braking magic, etc.

However, Harry later learned that Fred and George were not doing research and development, but asking Wright for advice. They were like two apprentices learning how to make magic props from Wright, and they were tirelessly learning alchemy from Wright. technology-related knowledge.

Harry had never been to Zuko's Joke Shop in Hogsmeade Village, nor had he taken a detailed tour of Diagon Alley. At this time, he only felt that Wright should really open a magic props shop. In that case, he would definitely do it. Become a top consumer member inside.

After wearing the Flying Silver Sickle for the first time, Harry fell in love with the feeling of being able to fly freely without a broomstick, and ordered one directly from Fred and the others. He didn't buy the Flying Gold Galleons, not because of the price, but because he felt that the Flying Siko was enough.

Of course, if he had to make a choice, Harry felt that his favorite should still be Quidditch.

Although Chang Chu had heard that almost all of her broomsticks were made by Wright himself, Wright had never shown Harry his broomstick workshop, and Harry had never made a similar request to Wright.

But whenever Fred and George finished discussing Weasley's Wizard Wheezes with Wright, the two brothers would bring Ron and Ginny over, and they would play with the flying skateboard made by Fred and the others. A few less than standard Quidditch games.

Since there is no Golden Snitch and no need for a Seeker, Harry usually fills some other team positions, but he still has a lot of fun.

In the evening, after Fred and George left, Wright would play movies on the open-air balcony on the third floor for entertainment. If you don't like watching movies, you can also choose to watch TV programs in the living room on the first floor.

But between TV and movies, normal people know how to choose.

Compared to the Weasley family's magical house, Wright's house is more like a home where ordinary people would live, which makes Harry more familiar and accustomed to it.

Moreover, compared to the Dursley's, the furniture and facilities in the Wright's home were more complete and advanced. At least Harry didn't think that Uncle Vernon would be willing to buy something similar to a home theater in his home.

In addition to this comfortable and free life, the other two owners of the family hardly put any pressure on Harry.

Harry, who was well aware of Wright's strength, had already given up the idea of ​​comparing him with Wright. And during the few days he spent in the village of St. Catchpol, he even more clearly recognized Wright's magical power.

During Harry's first week here, Wright spent most of his time practicing Animagus.

As a student of Gryffindor House, Harry naturally knew that his dean, Professor McGonagall, was a cat-shaped Animagus and one of only seven Animagus registered with the Ministry of Magic in the 20th century. One of Nemagus.

But Harry never thought that any student would master such profound and profound transformation magic while in school. Professor McGonagall mentioned more than once in class that Animagus is the magician of transformation. The ultimate secret.

But in just one week, Wright was able to transform into an Animagus form like Professor McGonagall without using a wand, which was a huge blue-black tiger, although the speed was slower than that of Professor McGonagall. It was much better, but it was still beyond Harry's reach.

Moreover, Wright is also very good at alchemy, making magical magic props, and summoning the three-headed hell dog Luwei...

Harry once wondered whether Wright would become as famous a super wizard as Dumbledore or Voldemort if they were placed in the same era.

As for the other owner of the house, Villetta, Harry was not very familiar with her.

When he was at school, Harry noticed this first-year girl from Slytherin House. She would always appear next to Wright during breaks. She was always silent and didn't like to talk much.

What they didn't expect was that even though they lived in the same house, Harry and Villita had no communication at all.

Harry tried to greet Villita in a friendly manner on the first night, but Villita just glanced at him lightly.

The ability to observe words and emotions developed in the Dursley family since childhood told Harry that in this house, the only things that could attract Villetta's attention seemed to be related to Wright.

But it was obvious that although Harry felt that he should be Wright's good friend, he was obviously not within the scope of Villetta's attention.

Unknowingly, another three or four days passed and July arrived.

After breakfast in the living room and preparing to go to the huge floor-to-ceiling window study to read for a while, Harry discovered that Wright did not go directly to the back garden to practice Animagus as before, but instead picked up his current A wand that is rarely used.

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