The day ended with a sumptuous dinner——

Hermione's parents invited Harry, Tierra, and the Weasleys to a sumptuous dinner at the Leaky Cauldron, using Galleons of course. Thanks to the magical price of food in the wizarding world, they The meal didn't cost much—

A whole roast turkey, a big pot of green beans and mutton soup, a huge grilled lobster, a huge plate of red wine steak, a plate of big pig's trotters, a basket of fried fish that looked like it could fit Harry, half a grilled crocodile , and french fries per person, salad, and Bitierra head-bigger bread—

These cost only fourteen Galleons and five Sickles in total.

The two families, one Harry and one Tierra, had a great time eating and talking in detail during the dinner.

But the little host——Hermione Granger didn't seem so happy. She hid beside her parents viciously with a knife and fork to cut up the big pig's feet on the plate.

Others may think she is a hungry and crazy cook——

But only Tierra knew that Hermione took this big pig's trotter as herself...

Tsk tsk tsk, Tierra reluctantly picked up a piece of fried fish and put it on her own plate, enjoying the wonderful feeling of a mouthful of fat filling her mouth.

The little girl now is just a broken picture, isn't it just that the confession was rejected?

As for being so bitter and bitter?

Tiera sighed.

That's why he doesn't like teenage girls.

My heart is always full of unrealistic fantasies and love views I don't know where to look.

If Tierra doesn't want to go back to the original world, but wants to live here for a long time, then the adult Hermione may be a very good choice——

Smart, beautiful, strong, rational, but also soft and sensual as a woman.

But Tierra couldn't have any sense of belonging to this world after all.

The dinner ended with laughter——

Including Hermione.

After taking the pig's trotters as Tierra to vent her anger for a dinner, Hermione's mood calmed down a little.

At least his expression is no longer so gloomy.

"See you at school!" Before leaving, Hermione said to Ron, Harry, and Tiera who was standing next to Harry.

"Come on, kid, you can stay at our house for a few days."

After saying goodbye to the Granger family, Mrs. Weasley put her arms around Tiera warmly, and patted Tiera on the shoulder with her hand.

"You're a little skinny, kid." Mrs. Weasley said, "But it's okay, I'll feed you fat these days!"

"Thank you, ma'am." Tierra said "shyly", "I will trouble you these few days."

"No trouble, no trouble!" Mrs. Weasley laughed.

Tierra, Harry followed the Weasleys to the Burrow through the flying stove net of the Leaky Cauldron.

As soon as she stepped out of the fireplace, Tierra could smell the aroma of wheat wafting in the air and a bit of pig feces mixed in it...

Ah, this familiar smell.

Tierra heard it every day when she went to plant wheat in the fields in her previous life.

At that time, he wished he could go back to the office——

But now it made him feel like a world away.

"You, Harry, and Ron should sleep in the same room." Mrs. Weasley followed Tierra and came out of the fireplace, "Let Ron take you, I'm going to put the bread for tomorrow's breakfast first." Well fermented."

"Do you need my help? Mrs. Weasley." Tierra asked politely.

"No, things can be done with a wave of the wand." Mrs. Weasley smiled and pushed Tiera, signaling Tiera to follow Harry and Ron upstairs——

Then Mrs. Weasley turned around like a tigress.

"George! Fred!" roared Mrs. Weasley. "And Arthur!"

"How many times have I told you! Don't ask rude questions in front of Muggles!" Mrs. Weasley's voice was like a lion roaring across the river, "Didn't you see the expressions of Mr. and Ms. Granger just now?" Are you going to be ashamed of—"

"Let's go, let's go." Ron hurriedly dragged Tiera and Harry upstairs like a frightened kitten.

Tierra followed Ron and Harry, and came to his room through the narrow stairs of the Burrow. Perhaps because of the traceless extension spell cast here, Ron's room was much bigger than it looked from the outside. Much bigger.

Tierra stepped inside, the sloping ceiling almost touching his head.

In Tierra's room, his eyes suddenly went out of focus for a moment, because everything in Ron's room looked a dazzling orange-yellow: the bedspread, the walls, even the ceiling.

Finally Tierra discovered that Ron had covered almost every inch of the worn wallpaper with posters, and all the posters showed the same seven witches and wizards, all dressed in bright orange robes, carrying Broomstick, waving cheerfully.

Ron's magic textbooks were piled in a mess in the corner of the room, next to some comic books, which seemed to be The Adventures of Martin Miggs, the Mad Muggle.

Ron's old wand was placed on a large fish tank on the windowsill, and many tadpoles were raised in the tank.

His gray-haired fat mouse, Ban Ban, was snoring beside the fish tank——

It was Peter Pettigrew.

"It's not very big." Ron sat down on his own bed. It was a small single bed. There was another single bed next to the single bed, and Harry's clothes were placed messily on it. Clothes, socks, and underwear, and a hammock near the window—

This should be where Ron often reads.

"Harry slept in the sleeping bag." Ron said, picking up a candy from the bedside table and putting it in his mouth. "You can only sleep in that hammock."

"No problem," Tierra said, "Can I walk around?"

"Okay," said Ron.

Tierra put the suitcase on the ground, then came to the window, and carefully observed the little tadpoles in the fish tank.

Harry followed Tierra and said, "That's great Tierra!"

"We can play together for the rest of the summer!" Harry said happily.

"Yeah." After watching the tadpoles, Tiera pinched her neck and pinched Peter Pettigrew, who was sleeping soundly next to the fish tank.

Peter was taken aback, but seeing that it was Tierra, he rolled over in Tierra's armband and fell back into a deep sleep.

Tierra rubbed Pettigrew Peter's mouse head over and over again, while using the "snooping" magic and Legilimency to search for Pettigrew Peter's memory—

A companion is like a tiger, and now he has the scariest village-level terrorist in history on him. If there is a chance to get more information, Tierra will definitely not let it go.

It took less than half an hour, while Tierra was chatting with Harry and Ron, while looking through all the memories about Voldemort in Peter's memory——

Because Tierra had just learned Dementia this summer and was not good at learning, most of Voldemort's memories in Peter's memory were distorted and blurred by his fear, which prevented Tierra from getting any particularly useful information. Not as much as he learned from movies, novels and fanfiction in his previous life.

"Speaking of which, Ron, little... Scabbers is very old." Tierra said, "Didn't you consider breeding him?"

【Damn Tierra! Ron should also refuse this time! 】

Tierra "heard" Peter Pettigrew, who was lying in his arms, think so.

"We've tried it before, but Scabbers didn't seem interested in the mother mouse," said Ron, "so we never forced it."

"Have you tried male mice, then?" said Tierra. "Maybe Scabbers likes male mice."

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