In life, there are roughly six levels of mastery.

Complete incompetence.

One knows nothing about something.

Unconscious incompetence.

Their experience is little and confidence is high.

Conscious incompetence.

They know they have little experience, but they've reached a point they realize their ability.

Conscious competence.

They realize they're decent at it.

Unconscious competence.

They don't realize they're decent at it.


They've mastered it to a high degree.

Everything between the first and last level can be mixed up to a degree.

I'm so tired.

I've spent my past life pursuing the mastery of killing all to reach a grand goal.

Everyday was hell. I witnessed the death and fall of too many.

Sins I've committed, sins I've seen, the victory of evil, and the failure of good. Terrible things.

People thought I was a hero haha. It hurt to see.

All my friends died. I was betrayed a number of times.

I've lost the ability to feel hatred.

I'm just so tired.

But I can rest now!

This kite is gonna be so worth it!

I can't wait!

I woke up, hyping myself up for making the kite.

I walked back to the house, I saw Mono reading, in my cheeriest voice, "Hey! Mono! How are you?"

"I'm fine, you?"

"I'm feeling great! Anyways, you got like a giant pot?"

"Huh? What for?

"Boiling wood."


"To make paper."

"Oh, alright, also no. We don't have a large pot.

"That's cool, where could I go to find a giant pot?"

"The nearest town, just keep walking on the road."

"Which direction?"

"That way."

"Alright, what do they accept?"

"Money or trades."

"Alright, do you got any money I could use?"

"Yeah, lemme go check."

She went into her room, eventually coming out with a gold coin, a few silver ones, and a few copper ones.

"Alright, this should be enough."

"Uhh, could you tell me the value of these?"

", the gold coin is worth ten silver coins, the silver coin worth ten of the copper ones."

"Alright. Thanks. Welp, Imma go now."

Then I got ready for the intense journey for a giant a.s.s pot.

After thirty minutes of walking, I saw a unicorn. Just standing there.

It looked at me, and spoke, "Uhhhhhh.... hello."

"I thought you guys were hard to find?"

"We are..."

I think it started sweating out of fear.

"Right, aren't unicorn things valuable?"


"Sooooooo, can I have some of that tail hair?"

"Soo, if I do that... you aren't gonna try kill me?"


"Sure, take as much as you want."

I walked up to its back and with one smooth motion with my dagger, I look all of it.

Then I walked away.

I think I heard the horse sigh in relief.


I was just standing there. Until this human looked at me.

As a result of being apart of a race filled with magic, permanent chaotic curses and such might be manifested unconsciously when young.

For me, they'd normally they'd be filled with immense hatred for me and attack.

That or they'd be struck with paralysing fear.

If they attacked I'd usually fight them off.

This was awkward, because they weren't scared nor rabidly attacking me.

He just looked confused.

This meant a few things. Either he was so powerful it didn't do anything to him, he had made highly specific defences against such types of magic, or he was incapable of feeling either fear or hatred.

So after a somewhat awkward exchange of words, he asked me if he could have some of my tail hair...

If he wasn't one of the only non unicorn who could treat me normally, I would've probably tried beating his a.s.s for asking for such a valuable thing.

But I had no sense of pride.

I decided to let him take some.

And he took nearly all of it instantaneously. How? Who gets this good at cutting hair with a dagger so smoothly?

Then he vanished from behind me, to walking on the road in front of me.

I decided to let him go. I'd grow it back soon... maybe.


Well. Now I had quite a bit of unicorn hair, a dagger, ten copper coins, five silver coins, and a gold one.

I wonder how much the unicorn hair cost.

That was a strange experience.

I just met a mythical creature and got some magic hair.

While walking, I noticed that the hair contained some noticeable mana. Very exotic feeling, but I wouldn't know, as I had virtually zero experience with this sort of magic.

So while walking around, I decided to play around a bit.

Creating a dark and bright purple galaxy orb.

It was pretty fragile, but probably used up more energy than the fireballs I made earlier.

It took a lot of focus to keep it from vanishing.

I decided to just make as many as I could. Eight.

Then I just left them there, floating around me.

They were calming to me, but also a bit taxing.

Soon enough, I reached the town, and I lost enough focus for the orbs to vanish.

There were a lot of people. I haven't seen that many in like four months, on the day I died.

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