Guard With a Knife

Eight hundred and forty: [The little Duke is fierce]

Griffin attempted a dunk on the next possession, and he even made eye contact with Kevin Durant.

However, KD's pass was hijacked by Dwight Howard midway.

Then he passed to Snoopy, who rushed into the frontcourt and passed to LeBron James. James rushed into the penalty area and completed a gorgeous and violent tomahawk dunk.

This caused cheers from the audience.

But, come back. Durant and Griffin of the Western Team seemed a little depressed.

First, the big-mouthed O'Neal defined them as losers who failed in the emotional competition and discussed dealing with Snoopy on TV. Then, although they tried their best to cooperate on the court, Griffin couldn't get into the paint. KD's shots from the outside also seemed to suddenly lose their accuracy.

A die-hard Duke fan even said something very 'philosophical': "This proves that Durant is not that strong at all. He is just good at using high scores to cover up his lack of scoring ability."

Um? ? ? ?

This statement made O'Neal, Smith, and Johnson next to him feel numb.

Hey, Charles! He is a two-time scoring champion, but you say he lacks scoring ability? Did you leave your logical thinking skills behind two nights ago? Don’t be led astray by comments like those on the Internet criticizing Snoopy for his triple-double to cover up his lack of versatility.

Spoelstra made a substitution before the commercial break. All three Bulls players were replaced and replaced by Dwyane Wade, Paul Pierce and Chris Bosh.

The Eastern Conference instantly changed from the 'Bulls system' to the 'Heat system'.

At the same time, the West also made three up and three down substitutions. It's just that Paul, Kobe and Bynum were replaced. Replaced by Stephen Nash, Nowitzki and Kevin Love.

Before substitutions, the Eastern Conference led by 7 points at 16:9.

Snoopy led the team to play a beautiful offense.

After the substitutions, the Eastern Conference fell into a situation where they wanted to perform but failed. For example, Dwyane Wade reached the basket and a powerful dunk actually missed. LeBron James and Chris Bosh's rebounding and coordination caused the basketball to pass directly to Durant's hands.

The east became disorganized.

Correspondingly, the west suddenly became brighter.

Kevin Durant finally found his touch on the outside, and Griffin also began to show off his short-handed ball control skills. Coupled with Stephen Nash and Nowitzki's precise shooting, Kevin Love's backcourt rebounds.

The Western team quickly recovered the score and took the lead.

Although in the second half of the first quarter, both sides made substitutions, and Durant and Griffin also took a rest.

However, at the end of the first quarter, the West still led 38:31.

The young Duke has been sitting on the bench to rest. His understanding of the All-Star Game is that in the first three quarters, each other was letting each other off for show, and only in the fourth quarter did he play seriously.

But, obviously.

KD and Griffin in the Western Conference tonight were a little out of character.

After they played at the same time in the second quarter, they once again showed a strong desire to attack. When others were taking it easy, they played extremely seriously, were also very focused on the defensive end, and even switched defenses very professionally.


When Luol Deng's shot was blocked by Durant in a double attack, Snoopy looked obviously unhappy.

And when Griffin, who was involved in the double attack, waved his hands vigorously towards the sidelines, the audience of TNT TV station could clearly see the little Duke gritting his teeth, with an unhappy emotion growing on his face.

So, when there were 4 minutes left in the second quarter, Duke Jr. and Deron Williams were replaced on the court at the same time.

He broke into the penalty area and completed a dunk on the first ball.

However, as the Western Team quickly replaced Durant and Griffin, there was no direct dialogue between them.

After Snoop returned and formed a super mobile team with Pierce, Deron Williams, Joe Johnson and Carmelo Anthony, the Eastern team showed extremely strong aggression and also perfectly combined with performance.

The young Duke often plays tricks in fast breaks, sometimes showing a behind-the-back pass to assist Carmelo Anthony to hit a three-pointer.

Sometimes he would get to the basket and attract double teams, then slam the basketball back, and Pierce would follow up with an exaggerated layup.

In addition, the cooperation with Deron Williams is also quite exciting. The little fat man swayed laterally outside the three-point line and then handed it to the perverted dog. The perverted dog continued to sway, took two steps forward, and then passed it to the little fat man to sway... The two swayed into the paint area, and then hit the iron angrily. The little Duke took off quickly. Completed the deduction in front of alumnus Love.

In this brisk and efficient atmosphere, the Eastern team relied on Joe Johnson's super long three-pointer to beat the buzzer before halftime, narrowing the point difference to 1 point.


The two teams are tied!

The score is warm and harmonious.

But for Griffin and Durant, it was quite unpleasant. The old couple worked hard for almost two quarters and finally opened up a point difference, but the result was that it was evened out as soon as the pervert came on the court. This hurts enthusiasm.

And most importantly, Segou almost had a triple-double at halftime. 12 points, 8 assists, 8 rebounds and 1 steal. Why is it that a triple double seems like a joke, and it doesn't matter how hard he exerts it? How come he is sure of a triple double?

If this trend continues, as long as the Eastern Conference wins, the MVP will become his bag again.

Not happy!

How could he be allowed to steal the show?

Griffin sat courtside and stared closely at Snoopy during the halftime performance.

The NBA actually invited Sex Dog to be a guest performer this year. Why on earth can you collect performance fees from the league when you are still playing basketball when everyone is a player? Isn't it just singing? Who wouldn’t? !

Durant also pursed his lips. He felt that he needed to release an album this summer. It doesn't matter whether it sells or not, the key is to have the identity of a singer. He had already thought of a stage name, AKA...adu!

I just don’t know if his rap rhymes will rhyme, such as: I should be under the car, not in the car.

The Little Duke's performance of classic songs brought the atmosphere to an extremely high level. This makes any subsequent Kanye West performance seem dull.

Since Kanye West took the initiative to reconcile with Little Duke, he has shown a very strong interest in basketball. For example, he took over the wife of former NBA player Humphries.

So, he had a very friendly conversation with Jenna after the show.

After all, Kardashian already has his child in her belly.

God knows why Kanye, a famous rap producer, fell in love with Kardashian, but no matter what, I wish him happiness, and if that fails, I wish him comfort.

Kevin Durant joined in during the conversation and said he hopes to collaborate on a rap album with West.

Kanye West, adhering to the attitude of not earning anyone's money, agreed and emphasized: "My fees are very expensive."

Durant has no problem, but he emphasized: "I hope it can surpass Snoop's album."

At that time, Kanye West raised his hands and thought to himself: Are you kidding me? Those are two of the greatest albums of the new century.

"You shouldn't be like this, KD." West advised patiently: "This is more difficult than trying to steal the MVP from him. You know, he is a musical genius."

But how could Kevin possibly listen to such words. He shook his head speechlessly, and then walked back to his seat.

He feels Kanye West understands neither music nor basketball.

You actually said it would be difficult for me to steal the MVP from Snoopy?

The person who currently tops the regular season MVP rankings is me, not him, okay?

Also, as long as the West wins. Now that I have scored 21 points, I am definitely the MVP, OK?

After being left out and underestimated, his fire inside was burning brightly, and he wanted to prove his worth tonight!


cj131412" Reward from "the third child of the Zhao family".

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