Guard With a Knife

Eight Hundred and Thirty-Nine: [Snoopy is obviously improved in the extreme state]

"Hey, Snoopy. How many shots are you going to miss at the All-Star Game in Orlando! Ten? Twenty?"

When the young Duke was about to enter the tunnel, a guy wearing a Durant jersey kept shouting at him.

Originally, to Snoopy, this situation was not worth mentioning at all. He has experienced too many such attacks, most of which are fans of Kevin Durant and LeBron James. After all, everyone knows that these three stars are now competing for the biggest voice in the NBA: Generally speaking, the little Duke's The greatest influence. LeBron James is considered the strongest, while Kevin Durant, the youngest scoring champion in history, is considered the star with the best chance of surpassing him.

The three of them fall in love with each other and fight among their fans.

It has completely surpassed the showdown between LeBron James fans and Kobe Bryant fans, as well as the earlier Kobe fans VS Tracy McGrady fans, Iverson fans, Carter fans...

"Fuck you!!"


While the little duke turned a blind eye, Jenna, who was following him, suddenly turned around. She raised her two middle fingers and started scolding him directly.

As a result, several fans threw popcorn at her, and one person threw two drinks.

Although Snoopy's actions were timely, the two of them still became drowned.

Although security personnel quickly went to control the situation, Snoopy was able to protect Jenna and leave in time to avoid a larger group incident.

After all, when Kevin Durant fans attack, Duke fans on the other side won't just sit idly by. If Snoopy had stayed at the scene and wasn't paying attention, a massive brawl would have started.

This is what Duge doesn't want to see.

When Shaquille O'Neal's party was held as scheduled, many big stars did come, even Denzel Washington appeared on the scene. This shows how popular sharks are.

However, Blake Griffin waited eagerly but could not find Jenna's figure, and the pervert was also missing.

This made him uneasy.

The turmoil when leaving the court has become the biggest news of the night. The Durant fan has been controlled by the police, and the NBA has issued an order banning these people from entering the arena for life.

But where were Snoop and Jenna?

Standing under the green light, Blake Griffin felt something was wrong the more he thought about it.

About ten minutes later, Shaq told him, "Snoop isn't going to be there tonight. Oh, and Jenna."

Griffin raised his head, his face turning green at a speed visible to the naked eye: because the light is green.

"Okay. Shaq."

Griffin was about to leave, and Kevin Durant on the other side reached out to call him. He stepped over, and the two chatted very happily.

After all, Griffin is from Oklahoma, and they even talked about having the opportunity to play together in the future.

At the same time, Segou was looking for a change of clothes for Jenna in the hotel.

However, when he rummaged through it, it seemed that there was only one nightgown in Jenna's suitcase.

This is a very embarrassing thing.

But he still walked to the bathroom and handed it in through the crack in the door.

However, Jenna wanted more than just clothes, and she found the courage to grab the little duke's hand.


Durant fans' attack on the young Duke became the headline news in major fan forums that night.

And it quickly turned into a Kevin Durant vs. Snoopy dispute, and by the way, LeBron James fans also joined in.

Duke fans laughed at the fact that the two of them had no championships, no season Grand Slams, and the combined number of triple-doubles in their careers was not as many as Snoopy's. And looking at the battle records, it's simply crushing.

Durant fans ridiculed that the pervert only knows how to pick up female stars, make movies and hold concerts, and is not dedicated at all. Moreover, the shooting rate is low, and triple-doubles are all forced, which is meaningless.

Zhan fans were jumping up and down, doing various things to stir up the flames of war.

The fan forum created by a bunch of people is a mess.

Finally, the fans got angry. They all said that just wait and see during the All-Star Game, Durant will definitely beat up the pervert, or Snoopy will definitely kill the fake Death, and so on.

Before the players could speak, the fans were already fighting! !

However, this tense atmosphere still affected the player team.

Snoopy received a call from Daphne at noon the next day. She suggested that Snoopy be more serious in this All-Star Game and not let down the fans who support him, and don't let the fans feel disappointed because of the failure.

Similar reminders also occurred on Durant's team.

The relationship between stars and fans has always been close, and fan groups are really popular. Can stars not take it seriously?

Snoop didn't go anywhere on the second day of the All-Star Weekend except to attend a community event officially arranged by the NBA with Kobe Bryant.

He doesn't care about the slam dunk contest, nor is he interested in the three-point shooting contest or the technical challenge.

He only cares about his body.

He could feel some subtle changes taking place inside his body, but there was no concrete display. He only went to the gym to train. He could feel that his ability to control his body's center of gravity during rapid breakthroughs had improved, but his shooting percentage had not substantially improved.

This puzzled him.

Have you fallen in love with the wrong person?

That's not right.

Before the sex dog recalled it, the feeling was very strong.

The last day of the All-Star Weekend arrived without knowing what was going on.

When Snoopy made his final appearance at the Amway Center, the cheers almost lifted the ceiling completely.

Little Duke’s male basketball fans are staking their claim.

This was a response to the attack on Durant fans the night before, and also expressed strong support for Snoop.

Although Kevin Durant condemned some irrational fans in an interview yesterday, he also said that he will go all out in this year's All-Star Game and strive to win the first All-Star Game MVP in his career.

This afternoon, the young Duke also emphasized in an interview: "I will not let my supporters down, and I have never let my supporters down."

"The game hasn't even started yet, and I can already smell the unusual smell of gunpowder!"

Shaquille O'Neal sat in the TNT commentary box and said seriously: "I can guarantee that if Snoopy continues like this, he will become the public enemy of all NBA players. He has stolen the dream lovers of too many NBA stars. "The two victims, Griffin and Durant, had been plotting revenge at my party the night before, and they didn't even touch the beautiful waiter's butt."

After he joined the TNT commentary team this year, he quickly formed a new comedy group with Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley. Under their strong performance, the popular Earl Johnson often couldn't resist and could only hide it with laughter.

"So, do you think they're going to be successful? I mean, can the West beat the East?" Kenny Smith asked.

"It depends on how long coach Spoelstra puts four Bulls players on the court at the same time." Charles Barkley provoked discord: "It doesn't look like the Filipino is a guy with a good memory. , he should forget about being swept 4-0 in last year’s Eastern Conference finals.”


Doesn't this mean it's not said?

But anyway.

When the whistle blew, he still followed the will of the fans' vote and put Derrick Rose, Snoop Dou, LeBron James, Joakim Noah and Dwight Howard on the court.

Correspondingly, the five starting players of the Western Team are: Chris Paul, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant, Blake Griffin and Andrew Bynum.

The main starting lineup in the Western Conference is the two Los Angeles lineup plus Kevin Durant.

When the whistle sounded, Dwight Howard was not fully prepared and the basketball was swatted away by Andrew Bynum.

Chris Paul caught the basketball, reached the frontcourt and passed it back to Bynum.

Bynum's data this season is gratifying, and he has gradually produced data that makes the Lakers management feel gratified.

However, at the same time, problems are also coming to light. The new head coach Mike Brown couldn't control him at all. He not only let himself go with his hair style, but also played reggae music loudly in the locker room as if no one was watching. He often doesn't follow tactics on the court, and has a glorious tradition of stretching beyond the three-point line and throwing three-pointers many times. He seems to have seen the future trend of basketball.



The basket rejected the heavy center's greetings.

The little Duke got to the basket and easily grabbed the rebound.

In fact, during that process, Durant also jumped up quickly to prepare for the scramble. But he has the advantage of height and wingspan, but when the two collided in the air, he was quickly bounced away.

The perverted dog easily picked up the basketball.

Then move forward.

At this time, Shaquille O'Neal in the commentary box frowned: "Strange? How come Snoopy's landing is so stable? And he can accelerate very quickly."

The commentator next to him didn't understand what he said. Because none of them had any experience of colliding with Snoopy on the court.

The Sharks had direct conversations in the series.

He knew that the little Duke's confrontation ability was very strong, but he was actually able to land smoothly and launch a quick counterattack after a strong confrontation.

This is so unusual.

Generally speaking, after the little Duke performs a strong confrontation in a weightless state, he will appear unbalanced when he lands.

but now?

This tiny detail didn't go unnoticed by fans.

However, Snoopy was thinking strangely as he quickly counterattacked forward.

How could I control my center of gravity and body posture so well under extreme confrontation?

How will this help me?

As thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning, Snoopy quickly rushed into the paint.

In the All-Star Game, the opening ball is basically undefended.

However, Griffin cannot play according to the basic All-Star rules. Snoopy took away the woman he fell in love with at first sight the night before yesterday. Tonight, the girl was sitting on the sidelines wearing the No. 10 jersey and cheering for him, looking happy.

How can you swallow your anger like this?

At that time, he jumped up and flew over to try to block the little Duke's layup.

However, his dash away had only one consequence.

That is when the little Duke completed the first gliding lever in his life. His body curved slightly in the air, and after dodging Griffin's block, he suddenly opened it. At this time, he had already glided to the other side of the basket. He suddenly straightened his waist in the air, and then dunked back with his backhand... …boom!

The rim was dunked with a roar.

The Amway Center in Orlando once again welcomed an explosive version of the sound: Snoopy...Du! !

The Duke fans at the scene roared in unison.

At the same time, Jenna on the sidelines was also extremely excited. Although her physical discomfort prevented her from jumping up and shouting, her voice was still loud and accurately reached the ears of everyone on the court: Good job Snoopy of! !

At that time, Griffin felt like the elementary school student who knocked over the five-flavor bottle in the composition. It was so uncomfortable!

At this time, Kenny Smith in the TNT live broadcast seat raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "I actually saw a trace of elegant beauty on Snoopy? What's wrong?"

"Snoopy's ability to control his body has improved under extreme conditions." Shark finally determined the reason. He said with certainty: "The speed of Duke Dog's progress is too weird."

"There is no way. Once the twelve-cylinder engine is well matched with the suspension, it can instantly kill those three-cylinder turbines on any track." Charles Barkley raised his eyebrows, he was very proud: "The players I support are aiming to surpass Michael Jordan's goal. God knows why Durant fans regard Snoop as an imaginary enemy."

Sir Buckley had obviously put on his waistcoat and yelled at people the night before.

Of course, no one can be sure whether KD wore a vest and went into battle in person.


Durant turned around and hit a super three-pointer.

LeBron James didn't guard him at all. After all, this was the All-Star Game!

However, when looking back, Joakim Noah received Snoopy's assist and dunked at the basket, but Bynum stopped him with a foul.

Bynum is clearly taking things a bit too seriously.

Of course, his seriousness is not without reason. Last December, Joakim Noah criticized Bynum for not knowing how to defend.

"You really don't know how to defend."

Joakim Noah didn't forget to trash talk Andrew as he stepped to the free throw line.

Bynum's vicious and unnecessary fouls made him furious.

Therefore, he directly cursed at the All-Star Game. Under Snoopy's rule. Bulls players are very high-spirited. They never wrong themselves and take revenge on the spot when they have any grudges. After all, in the words of the little Duke: The more you think about it, the angrier it becomes, the more you think about it when you step back, the more you lose, and it’s over!



Noah missed his second free throw.

But it doesn't matter, the little Duke has already jumped up in front of Griffin. He pushed the basketball upward in mid-air. Dwight Howard understood it clearly. The volley was an alley-oop... Boom!

The Western team's basket was hit hard again.

The Amway Center also burst into cheers again.

Howard liked the feeling of this alley-oop very much. Deep down, he believed that Snoopy was his best partner.

In fact, the little Duke was also very happy at this time.

This feeling of being able to stably control the center of gravity and body posture even in the extreme state of mid-air is really great! !

No more throwing yourself into the sky like a strong man breaking his arm, and then falling straight to the floor.


He looked towards the sidelines, where Jenna was already casting admiring glances at him.

Griffin next to him saw it and felt pain in his heart.

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