Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 344: Panjiayuan

There is basically nothing wrong with a plain campus love movie with a little inspiration, warmth and friendship.

After watching a movie.

The person in charge surnamed Zhao stretched out his hand, shook hands with Su Yehao, and said with a smile:

"I don't think it's a problem. Some dialogues need to be changed. It's rare to see such a clean Hong Kong city movie. To be honest, during this period, I always felt that there would be a few gangsters. Every modern Hong Kong city movie seems to have such a scene, Shooting like this makes me a little uncomfortable.”

"Haha, after last year, the streets are much cleaner, so we have to follow the development of the times."

Su Yehao said something polite, and then he asked tentatively, " there any problem with the screening?"

"Well, a rare good movie, I personally support it, but the process of going through is still to be completed, I will give you an answer in two or three days, and review your movie first."

The middle-aged man surnamed Zhao pinched his brows and said again: "If the movies are all this good, it would be much more comfortable to work. Sometimes I sit and watch bad movies for a few days, and my mind is buzzing."

Having said all that, Su Yehao still has nothing to be dissatisfied with.

After thanking them again and again, I wanted to invite them to a meal, but the other party only said that it was unnecessary, and declined with a smile.

The trial was smoother than expected.

On the one hand, it was because the movie itself was very good, and on the other hand, it was also because Father Su asked someone to greet him. Everyone knew that Su Yehao's identity was not simple.

If you really want to nitpick, just relying on the reason that "puppy love on campus affects the physical and mental health of young people" is enough to overwhelm this movie.

Fortunately, sensitive issues are not covered at all, and the subject is very positive, so there is no need to be too serious. .

Director Zhao personally escorted Su Yehao downstairs, and when he was about to part, he asked, "Master Su, shouldn't this movie be based on you? I remember that my son downloaded a TAT program on his computer, and he also It was filmed at your alma mater, and the hero and heroine ended up together?"

Su Yehao didn't expect this guy to gossip too. He shook his head and said frankly:

"Actually, this movie is more like a large-scale advertisement, and it is often interspersed with pictures of TAT instant chat software, which has nothing to do with me. I was quite liked by girls when I was studying, so there is no need to be so entangled, usually It was someone else who was chasing me. As for the ending, those who liked them together would like them to be together. Everyone has different ideas. I don’t think it’s necessary to be too straightforward. separated once."

After hearing this, Director Zhao immediately became happy, nodded and said, "That's right, Young Master Su grew up with a golden key in his mouth, and a long-standing talent must be different from the protagonist. Then I'll take you there. Here, wait for the result to call again?"

"Okay, excuse me. I heard that mainland schools like to organize students to watch movies. I think the theme of the movie I invested in is very suitable, right?"

Su Yehao was a bit of an acquaintance, after all, he was half an acquaintance, so it wasn't too much.

Director Zhao understood immediately, he didn't refuse or agree, he just said with a smile, "I don't care about that, I'll ask you when I get a chance, but it's not guaranteed to happen..."

After thanking me again, I got into the Mercedes-Benz S-Class that I borrowed from my father.

After the review, it seemed that there was not a big problem. The speed of handling this matter was smoother than expected. After thinking for a while, Su Yehao did not rush home and took Nong Qingying to the Summer Palace for boating.

Originally, I wanted to buy a better house and continue to satisfy my cravings. Unfortunately, after asking the people from the decoration company yesterday, I didn’t hear that any bigger house was on sale. The super house, reconstruction and decoration, cost a total of more than 11 million yuan, and a large French copper door cost more than 600,000 yuan.

In 1998, no one like him was willing to spend money on courtyard houses.

Those who were the first to develop prefer to live in European-style villas or super high-rise office buildings. It has to be said that the environment of the courtyard area is really not as comfortable as the newly built community. There is no greenery, no security, and even parking. Gives a headache.

To say that the most expensive houses in the city, Prince Gong’s Mansion, Prince Li’s Mansion, etc., have to stand aside in front of the Forbidden City.

Su Yehao was passing by the Forbidden City at the moment, thinking about whether he would be called crazy by others if he built a Forbidden City to live in, just like the film and television city.

Just thinking about it, the family has a small population, and there are not many concubines. Even he himself feels that this kind of inexplicable idea is really a little wrong. It may be that he has money on hand and is inflated...

Came to the Summer Palace, and finally only walked in the shade.

Nong Qingying was afraid of getting tanned, so she was reluctant to go into the water and row a boat. Considering that she maintained her current beauty and finally enjoyed her own happiness, Su Yehao did not force it.

Walking around like a tourist, after asking the old man who sells popsicles, the other party only said that places like the Great Wall and the Forbidden City are interesting.

He couldn't find a fun place to go. Just when Su Yehao was about to go home, a walnut dish was placed under the tree, and some chess masters reminded him.

I always wanted to learn from my grandfather and spend a little money to buy some antiques.

The last time I came to Sijiucheng, I didn't take the time to look for it. This time I just had to wait for the film review before leaving, so as not to make mistakes in the middle, I happened to be able to try my luck.

He was so rich that he had to use his brain to even spend money for fun, which was quite annoying to Su Yehao.

At this time, he turned around and walked back, and said to Nong Qingying, "Go, accompany me to Panjiayuan to pick up treasures and buy some gifts to honor my grandfather."

"Panjiayuan?" Nong Qingying wondered, it was the first time she heard this place name.

"The place that specializes in selling antiques and I don't know what the scale is now. Anyway, as long as you have the vision, you should be able to find good treasures."

"You, have that vision?"

Facing the question of Nong Qingying's soul, Su Yehao smiled decisively: "Of course I don't, there are so many leaks that can be picked up, the big deal is to spend more money, as long as the good treasure is real and bought at the current price, it will definitely not be in the future. It will be a loss. The shopping malls have long been tired of shopping, and the scenic spots are all the same, but the place like Panjiayuan is interesting.”

Antiques or something seems too niche, and Nong Qingying is also more interested.

After the two discussed it, they immediately left the Summer Palace.

On the way to Panjiayuan, Su Yehao first called his father and asked him to ask local acquaintances to see if there were any regular antique shops.

In addition, he also specifically contacted his grandfather, thinking that the old man might have a way.

Mr. Tang is still far away in Australia, living on a farm on vacation for retirement. Hearing this, he just laughed and scolded a few words about riding a donkey to find a donkey, because in this era, the good things in the mainland are not sold at a high price, and many fine antiques have been sent to Hong Kong City, Auction in Singapore.

Compared with the mainland, it is easier to find some real treasures in Hong Kong City. For example, last year, a Ming Hongwu glaze red jade pot spring bottle sold for a high price of more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong City.

This spring, another Yuanqinghua disk sold for 10.6 million yuan, and the buyer was Mr. Tang.

Compared with the mixed fish and dragons on the mainland, the things in Hong Kong City are expensive, but they can be traded in regular auction houses. Once you buy fake goods, you can ask the auction company to refund the money.

For people like Grandpa Su Yehao, spending more money is more reassuring.

After contacting his grandfather, Su Yehao also understood it, and his thoughts of looking for a baby immediately became lighter, but he still decided to go to Panjiayuan...

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