Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 343: Submit for trial

On the second day of coming to Sijiucheng, Su Yehao had four more mosquito packs on his arms and legs.

Backed by the lake, there are too many mosquitoes.

People went out to buy mosquito coils in the middle of the night, and the shops were closed, so I slept and woke up all night, until I woke up in the morning, there was still a buzzing hallucination in my ears.

After getting up in the morning and feeling lethargic, the first thing I did was ask secretary Linda Yun to buy mosquito coils and mosquito nets.

While dozing off one after another, the business still has to be done.

Just according to the number that Father Su wanted to call, I called a radio and television staff member, and made an appointment to come to the door at about 10:30 to discuss the details of the screening, and then Father Su came to the courtyard.

After looking inside and out, Father Su said hello to Nong Qingying who had just woken up, then turned a blind eye and said to Su Yehao with a smile:

"Last night, I went to drink with some acquaintances in Hong Kong City. The Chang'an Club is near the square. The environment inside is really good. I opened a few bottles of old wine from the 1960s. I want to come find you later."

"It's really my own, go to such a good place, don't bring me to learn together?"

Su Yehao's tone was a little uncomfortable.

Of course, he knew which club Dad was talking about. When he passed by the entrance of the Chang'an Club last evening, Su Yehao was curious about the guests inside.

Father Su didn't care, and asked cheerfully: "A group of adults are present, and I have a normal relationship with them. What's the matter with taking you, and you are not interested in that kind of occasion. I used to call you three and block four, how could I know? You want to go."

Su Yehao just said casually.

It’s not that you don’t know where the gate is, you can go in anytime you want, no matter how expensive the cost is. .

He changed the subject and said to his father, "I called the phone number you gave me just now, but I didn't know who the other party was. Is the relationship you're looking for reliable? Can you help me arrange the movie release?"

"This... I don't know. I found someone to help me find out. It should be no problem."

Really unsure, Father Su didn't dare to say it to death, and continued: "But I heard that mainland movies are very strict, what kind of movies are fighting, killing, not suitable for children, and bad views, etc., There is no way to pass the review, unless you delete all the clips, you are not shooting a romantic film, right?"


With a blatant snort, Su Yehao said, "I'm like that kind of person? Before shooting, I asked someone to ask, and I didn't shoot anything that shouldn't be filmed, it's just a serious, positive youth film, the scale is only To Lala Little Hand."

Hearing this, Father Su immediately lost interest, and said casually: "Oh, your house is really nice, give me the key, I should come and go often in the future, and then I will live with you."

"Diaotai Hotel is not good enough?"

"It's good, it's good, it's very good to say it out, but occasionally I want to bring friends to play mahjong, drink tea or something, others can't get in."

Hearing his father's words, Su Yehao thought of Chu Jun in Yinhai, who drove such an expensive Bentley last year and was stopped at the door, so he couldn't get in.

Think luxury cars.

Su Yehao remembered the incident and said to his father, "In the name of your company, buy me two or three good cars. I usually use them in Pengcheng. It's more convenient for you to go there. The business here is gradually picking up, and it is estimated that there will be more cars. I come here often, and it is always inconvenient to rent a car. I went to dinner last night and took a taxi.”

"Well, I always wanted to buy it, but I always forgot."

Buying a car is just a trivial matter, something you don't have to worry about at all.

Father Su then talked about the business, saying that building a cultural tourism city in Guangzhou should be much easier than last time. After all, there are acquaintances, and it does not involve urban planning. It belongs to the agricultural land that has not been included in the development scope.

This time, it is estimated to invest 5 billion yuan, and it wants to acquire a total of 5,000 mu of land. It also plans to invest in an additional cement plant in Guangzhou and acquire several basic building materials manufacturers.

All in all, it's definitely a huge investment.

Even for some Fortune 500 companies, the scale of investment in attracting investment is not so large, and it is also conducive to the development of the Guangzhou land market, which can be included in the scope of the new city.


The pace of real estate marketization has just begun, and there is a shortage of land everywhere, but there is a shortage of investment.

It is a good thing to take the initiative to come to your door and want to invest, and you will refuse it if you are stupid, and there is a precedent before. Now you just need to wait for the discussion and research to complete the procedures.

After listening to Su Yehao, he only said that there is no need to worry about funds.

His father was also free and easy, but he didn't intend to let his son pay, saying that he had already discussed with the bank. of……


After cleaning up.

Going out at ten o'clock, I went to the radio and television to find the person who was on the phone.

The other party should have chatted with others and knew something about Su Yehao, and soon prepared some people to try out the samples together.

If there is a problem with the movie, it is useless to talk more, and it is not wrong to look at the content first.

Director Dou Jiafeng was prepared in advance, and the dubbing of the Mandarin version provided a relaxed and comfortable start.

The middle-aged person in charge surnamed Zhao, after watching it for a few minutes, whispered to Su Yehao who was sitting next to him: "If this atmosphere continues throughout the movie, then it should be fine."

Of course, Su Yehao knew how strict the mainland's review of movies was, and replied with a smile: "If it harms young people like "Young and Dangerous", I wouldn't dare to send it. Influence. To tell you the truth, I was also excited by the Hong Kong City movie at the time, and I fantasized about being a big brother all Now thinking about it is so naive, it's almost shameless."

The other party looked at Su Yehao and joked:

"If you go to be a boss, you really have that foundation. I haven't watched many Hong Kong movies, and I still know something about your side. If you do business according to the rules, your status will not be much higher than that of gangsters? Of course, it's better to gamble. Sheng Na's unique ability to shuffle cards, I really don't know how the director's brain looks, and he can even think of supernatural abilities."

Hearing this sentence, Su Yehao laughed.

I always feel that Mr. Zhao's work is very good. They can see what others can't watch. Others work boringly. They can sit and watch dramas openly and honestly for the reason of their work.

A TV series, which takes a few days to review, is simply the kind of work that fish lovers like most.

Of course.

This job has a high threshold, and it is not easy for ordinary people to come in.

When the movie was filmed before, Xiao Nizi also often stared at it. Su Yehao repeatedly reminded the scale of the plot, so after watching the movie for more than ten minutes, there was still no major problem with the content.

After the filming, Su Yehao also watched the whole film for the first time. He only thought that Director Dou Jiafeng had a few brushes and made the campus of Donghuang Rose Middle School very beautiful.

As for content.

It is nothing more than the protagonist who loves programming. He falls in love with the most beautiful girl in the whole campus. He also becomes the same table near the water tower, but he has never been liked by the other party.

A lot of small stories happened by accident, and the two slowly approached, each talking about their ideals.

The female protagonist wants to be a painter, and the male protagonist wants the TAT developed by himself to be liked by more people, and even use his spare time to attract investment.

There was only TAT before, but with the advent of TVT, the title of the movie is a bit of a problem.

Fortunately, this film was originally shot for the mainland market, so it would be better not to change it...

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