Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 311: Is it a little adventurous

The latest website: At present, it is just Su Yehao's wishful thinking. There is still a question mark on whether to acquire icq.

When he greeted the director of the head office of the First Quanye Bank, Adrian from McKinsey Consulting Co., Ltd. contacted many friends to inquire about it.

At this moment.

Adrian walked up to Su Yehao, shrugged and told:

"Su, fortunately you didn't contact Goldman Sachs. I heard that AOL tried to contact icq this time, and it was the Goldman Sachs team that was in charge. They wouldn't take your business and would only make them wary. AOL As for the company, I am not really optimistic about icq, but want to spend some money to settle its potential competitor, a common trick used by large companies. If it cannot suppress it, then choose to spend money to acquire it, and then throw it into the warehouse like garbage. inside."

Su Yehao didn't know much about the icq chat company. He only knew that Brother Xiao Ma once imitated and tossed out an "oicq", and then the defendant changed his name.

Regarding the follow-up development of icq, he is also not impressed, at least he can't see its name in the news, obviously it has fallen behind in the future development process.

Considering the fact that AOL started to contact icq in order to maintain its leading position in the market, Su Yehao guessed that this very popular chat software might just be thrown into the warehouse by AOL like garbage.

Behind this, there may be some shadows of communication operators.

For example, in Hong Kong City, there is news from time to time that online chat is not safe enough, and hackers can casually read chat records and other opinions, which are published in newspapers every now and then, affecting users who do not know why.

Su Yehao spent a small amount of money some time ago, asked someone to help him investigate, and finally found the shareholder of Gangcheng Telecom, who is also an influential celebrity.

The reason why it will be targeted is because of tat, which affects the interests of communication operators to a certain extent, and the charges for mobile phone short messages are very expensive.

In the face of such a small friction, Su Yehao did not choose to make the contradiction public. Anyway, the other party could only use some small tricks, which had little effect on the tat, and just acted as a car.

After listening to Adrian, Su Yehao touched his chin and said:

"If it is to kill competitors, perhaps icq will be more inclined to cooperate with us. I only value its users and technology, but it can also be repositioned and kept. The key depends on what AOL is willing to pay for it. The price of icq's customer acquisition cannot be reduced, its value in the eyes of others should not be high, and its growth rate is a bit poor."

Doing business is not charity.

The current icq, burning thirty or forty dollars in exchange for an active user, advertising everywhere, there are hundreds of people in the company, but the profit is pitiful.

Such a company is much weaker than Yahoo. Recently, Yahoo has reduced the cost of customer acquisition to about two dollars. Many customers are actively looking for it, and it has almost become a must-have product for installation, and its popularity is getting higher and higher.

And icq, not only the loss continues to increase, but also faces many competitors, such as the more interesting aol chat room.

These have limited investors' evaluation of icq, believing that it can only survive by burning money, which is equivalent to providing services to users in vain. The plan to try to add advertisements in the chat window has failed with the loss of users, but it is cheaper. icq's competitors.

A similar situation applies to tat and tvt that has just been tested. It burns a lot of money, cannot make profits, and has many competitors...

Su Yehao knows this, but he doesn't think he will go astray like icq. The advantage of tvt is that it uses social functions to bind users, and functions such as personal space and dressing can also create profit points.

Adrian nodded and said, "There will definitely be trouble. I want to get a thorough understanding of this company first, and I will meet with the major shareholders of icq as an intermediary in a few days."

"I'm going too?" Su Yehao asked him.

Shaking his head, Adrian told: "If you go, it will make the contact more formal, and I want to know what the management thinks first. I'm just a middleman, even if I'm rejected, it doesn't matter, you will appear too much. Take this deal seriously."

After listening to it, it seemed to make sense, Su Yehao didn't say any more.

The acquisition plan involving 300 million to 400 million US dollars will definitely not be completed in a while, not to mention that the bank has not given an accurate answer yet, so let's get in touch for the time being to understand the situation.

After leaving the McKinsey consulting firm on Fengsha Road, Su Yehao contacted John Zhou on his mobile phone and asked him if he was on line with Yahoo founder Yang Zhiyuan.

Knowing that Boss Yang was away again to discuss acquisitions with a company in Canada, Su Yehao went home to rest first, preparing to visit the company in the afternoon...


More than ten hours later, Tokyo.

No. 1 Quanye Bank is very strong, but this time it involved a loan project of at least more than 300 million US dollars. The news was passed on layer by layer, and finally it reached the ears of the head of the head office.

To this end, the president specially called the director who manages the Gangcheng Branch, as well as the president of the No. 1 Quanye Securities Company and others to accompany the president of the Gangcheng Branch for a meeting.

The chief executive asked about Su Yehao's situation, opened the information and browsed for a while, and asked with a slight frown:

"He is a big customer. He has a lot of loans in our bank. If he lends another 350 million US dollars according to his wishes, he will owe us a total of 600 million US dollars. Isn't it a bit risky?"

The president of the Gangcheng Branch, in front of the big president, the directors of the head office, and the presidents of the subsidiary companies, could only stand and speak. He helped:

"Su Yehao's credit is very good, and his assets far exceed his liabilities. There are two businesses that are guaranteed in the name of his father's company, so the risk is relatively small. And this time, icq, which he is going to acquire, is also a well-known high-tech company. Ben has 500,000 users, and I have made statistics on user growth data and market share."

The head of the bank looked at the information again, smiled happily, and then said:

"He just used our money to invest in The risk is uncontrollable. Once the stock price plummets, are you sure he can repay the loan in time? And this American company called icq, the situation is even worse. Last year, the total loss was 60 million US dollars, and the revenue was only 8 million US dollars. After he bought it, our company will continue to give him a loan?"

The director resolutely flattered and wanted to climb a step further and become an executive director, and said in agreement: "I also think the risk is too great, and I should think about it again, so I came here to ask your opinion."

The branch manager glanced at his immediate boss, and didn't say any more wisely. Instead, he suggested that he recruit a few interested colleagues to jointly fund and provide loans.

This set of plans was once again rejected by the big president.

Su Yehao is indeed valued by the people of First Quanye Bank, but there is an upper limit to this attention.

Soon, Su Yehao received a call from the president of the Gangcheng Branch, saying that the approval of the project might be a little troublesome, and he was still trying to get it...


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