Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 310: The ambition of the snake swallows the elephant

The latest website: Thinking about it, I fell asleep unknowingly.

After getting up the next day, I ate a buffet breakfast in the hotel restaurant. I heard Linda Yun tell me that the new house had been tidied up overnight, and that home appliances could be brought in today. In addition, a few professional servants would be temporarily hired.


Su Yehao decided to take a look at the new house. It cost more than 4 million US dollars in total, and he still had to continue to invest. It was full of freshness.

Back to the town of Atherton again.

On the road that is not wide, there are supercars and luxury cars passing by from time to time, and some are equipped with accompanying bodyguards.

The house is tucked away behind lush trees, and the environment is empty and quiet.

A hundred years ago, it was just a quiet small village, but now it has become a popular gathering place for billionaires. If you meet anyone on the side of the road, you may have a net worth of over 100 million. The local median house price exceeds 2 million US dollars. You must know that the purchasing power of the US dollar in this era is still very strong.

Even Manhattan, New York, looks weak when compared to a town with the super-rich.

The newly purchased house by Su Yehao is very good, but it is not the best property in the area. When he finished visiting inside and out, standing on the terrace and looking into the distance, he pointed to a house with a red roof and asked : "Who owns that house, it seems very big?"

After receiving the news, the real estate agent who was standing beside him came over and said with a smile:

"It's really big, the yard is about 50% bigger than yours, there are 11 rooms in total, and it has a near-perfect English finish. I just sold it to an anonymous buyer last October, and it will be back soon. If you are interested, I will let you know when the time comes."

After listening to Su Yehao, he asked curiously, "Anonymous buyer? How do you know that it will be sold again?"

"...It's an almost open secret, and all I can tell you is that it's registered to a young girl, and there's a grapevine that Paul Allen, the co-founder of Microsoft, makes frequent visits."

Said it was a secret, but in order to get close to Su Yehao, the real estate agent still put on a "trust me" gesture, smiled, nodded lightly, and continued:

"But Paul Allen hasn't been here for two or three months, and the hostess of the house, who is currently living with a male model, must not be able to afford the high property taxes, not really rich like you. people."

Paul Allen.

This playboy, who has never been married and is also worth more than ten billion dollars, bought a house worth more than six million dollars for a young girl. The story inside can be guessed without saying much.

Just listen to gossip.

Su Yehao shrugged and said, "It's nice to have a beautiful neighbor, but I won't buy a house again. I have a house in Hong Kong City worth 60 million US dollars, and I also own a lot of land, just to live here when I come to do business. Just comfortable."

"...$60 million? Wow, isn't that more than the most expensive property in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles. Asians are crazy and rich."

The real estate agent saw a car approaching and went downstairs to help.

The house was not cleaned up yesterday, their company gave a garden maintenance and swimming pool cleaning service, and also helped to prepare a set of exquisite china, produced by jdz.

They all know that the rich like to get together, and the friends of the rich are often very rich.

Therefore, try to provide the best quality service in order to help introduce more customers. Judging from the strength displayed by Su Yehao, it is worthy of their serious consideration.

The home is clean.

There are very few things, and it looks very neat. The bookshelves of the private library are still empty. At night, people disassemble the crystal chandeliers, wipe them one by one, and put them back together.

Finding that the workers were still busy, Su Yehao went out first, headed to Fengsha Road where venture capital firms gathered, and looked for the office of McKinsey & Company, a consulting firm that had worked with his old man.

A middle-aged Jew named Adrian was in charge of receiving Su Yehao, and Linda Yun, who acted as an assistant and translator, accompanied him.

She had taught Su Yehao English before, and of course she knew his level. It was okay to chat in normal times, and she often needed to make guesses. English words have different meanings. If you don't know it, you don't know it. It is inevitable that you need translation help.

Sit in the VIP room.

Su Yehao held a coffee cup in his hand, raised Erlang's legs, and said, "My father is a customer of your company. He handles a project worth 500 million US dollars in Huaxia, but it is the responsibility of McKinsey Harbour City Branch, but it is also considered to be related to you. Over the intersection."

It's not that he likes to talk about how wealthy he is, and to show his strength unscrupulously.

Mainly because I am unfamiliar with this place in Silicon Valley. If I don't show off, it is difficult to be valued by others.


When Adrian heard this, he immediately became energetic, became serious, and said with a smile: "No matter which country you are in, as long as it is our McKinsey client, we will definitely provide the best service. A few years ago, I was in After working in Singapore for half a year, who is your father... maybe I have dealt with him?"

No matter how you listen to this sentence, it is like checking the account.

For companies such as corporate services, it is common to dislike the poor and love the rich. Everyone competes for high-quality major customers, and the service fee drops again and again. It is normal for ordinary small individual customers to be too lazy to receive.

Su Yehao glanced at Linda Yun.

Linda Yun helped to introduce: "The chairman of Las Vegas Sihai International Group, Mr. Su Sihai is my boss's father, and that is his family business."

Hearing this, Adrian was full of surprise, because he had actually come into contact with it, at a yacht party in Singapore.

Find a connection around the corner, chat enthusiastically for a while, and then talk about the topic.

Adrian asked Su Yehao, "I want to know, what can our company do for you?"?

"icq. I am a businessman. I have become the seventh largest shareholder of Yahoo, and may soon become the sixth. In addition to investing, I am also engaged in entrepreneurship in the Internet field. Recently, the icq chat software company wants to acquire my project. But I want to buy them more, so I hope you McKinsey will collect all the intelligence about icq for me."

Su Yehao struggled for a moment before going to bed last night, and thought about it after getting up this morning.

When he found out that spending more than 300 million yuan, he had the opportunity to become the world's largest instant chat software service provider, and there was nothing to hesitate about the rest.

If icq is annexed at a price of 350 million US dollars, calculated on the basis of 7 million active users, and spread to each user equally, it will cost 50 US dollars.

The cost of acquiring customers is too high and it is not profitable for a long time, which is one of the main reasons why the valuation of icq is too low.

It looks expensive, but it is cheaper than tat’s current cost of accumulating users. The cost of acquiring customers can be diluted with the increase of users. It doesn’t matter if the initial cost is higher.

What's more, it can remove the obstacles on the road of expansion in one fell swoop, and win the patents owned by icq company, together with the patents of tat and tvt, to create a barrier and make it difficult for peers to imitate.

Taking a step back, it's only more than 300 million US dollars. As long as Yahoo continues to develop according to the current momentum, there is a chance to earn this investment back without waiting until the end of this year.

Adrian's heart was pounding for a while, and in order to avoid Bai's excitement, he immediately asked, "I didn't understand, are you going to just let us collect information, or entrust our company to help and be responsible for all the work of mergers and acquisitions?"

"...It's okay, if the price is right, I can give it to you. But I heard that Goldman Sachs Group is the best in this I hope to buy it at a suitable price."

When Su Yehao said these words, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

A business of two or three billion Hong Kong dollars can be converted into cash, which can fill an entire small warehouse or two trucks with a load of ten tons.

The thought of so much money made him deeply stressed.

Knowing that success is more likely to be successful, subconsciously, I can't help but worry, for fear that if I accidentally screw it up, I will lose the profit I made with the principal and profit.

Signed a service agreement with McKinsey to avoid leaks.

Su Yehao continued to seek help, trying to fulfill his ambition of swallowing an elephant, and contacted the chief executive of the Gangcheng Branch of the First Quanye Bank.

The other party was a Japanese, and he didn't dare to give an answer after understanding it. He only said that he would fly back to Tokyo today and discuss it with the executives of the head office...


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