Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 287: make an appointment

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With the help of McKinsey Consulting Company, after Su Yehao understood the situation, he was basically relieved.

Following the resolution of the establishment of the investment department, it was successfully passed at the meeting. After the reorganization is completed, the funds can be allocated.

As for how to invest, Su Yehao hasn't thought about it yet.

After much deliberation, it is nothing more than making private equity investments in the mainland, or trying to find a way to bring money to the Nasdaq stock exchange. He prefers the latter because it is easier.

If the profit in one year does not exceed 30%, it means that Cosmopolitan International can only make 43% of the profit. It is not all his own benefits. Of course, Su Yehao hopes to make money easily.

Yahoo's share price has risen to $76, but there is still a lot of room for appreciation. He is considering using leverage to maximize returns, and he can justifiably gain a batch of shares in the Midea Group.

If there is no accident, these shares can also appreciate in the future, and maybe there is a chance to take the opportunity to make a fortune and continue the verdict agreement.

This year’s commitment is 30%, and after the achievement is made, there is a chance to drop to 25%, or 20%. Anyway, as long as the profit generated by idle funds exceeds other financial income, the board of directors should not be stupid enough to reject this kind of win-win good deed.

Of course, Su Yehao knew that people were greedy, and maybe someone would want him to work for the company.

However, this kind of trouble does not need to be considered in the short term. .

The father and son have heard the gossip in the company.

In this regard, Su Yehao was indifferent. Anyway, he was in charge of managing an independent investment department at that time, and he would hardly have any interaction with other people.

And Father Su also chose to ignore it, and didn't bother to care about these noises.


The third day in Fochuan.

After Su Yehao inspected his own tile factory and returned with Nong Qingying, he accidentally saw the news of Wuliangye's upcoming listing in the newspaper.

Called decisively, sent someone to check the details, and learned that the listing time has been set, just in the last few days.

In the early days of listing, the continuous daily limit of stock prices has become normalized in the past two years.

This means that if you want to buy Wuliangye stock, it is already a bit late. After the price rises, you can enter the secondary market to hold shares. It is no different from taking the initiative to send it to your door to be a leek, and you will only be cut in the short term.

Compared with these popular new stocks, some real estate companies and listed companies in the food and beverage industry have already been listed, which makes Su Yehao feel that he can try it.

There is no spare money on hand for the time being, which limits the ambition to continue to start a new round of expansion.

Su Yehao found out that he owed more than one billion Hong Kong dollars to the bank before he knew it, but he didn't feel flustered at all. Debt and debt were completely two concepts.

The wage earner who had a headache when he saw Huabei was gone forever.


Back to the port city, I met the designer and communicated the details of the design yard.

Among the many original drafts, Su Yehao took a fancy to a plan of digging lakes and hills. At that time, a European-style castle can be built on a small hill. It is usually used to receive guests, or it can be reserved for children in the future. Very suitable.

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There are more than 50 acres of land. If you want to use it rationally, it is estimated that a lot of brain cells will be consumed.

This is Party B's task, and Su Yehao doesn't need to worry about it.

As the first party, he only needs to spread the news, attract those design companies to participate in the bidding, and find out the scheme he likes.

The evening of March 9th.

Suddenly received a call from Zhao Yimeng, she invited a guest to dinner, and Su Yehao went directly.

The yacht Donghuang was docked beside the Central Pier. It was just dark, and the lights on both sides of the Victoria Harbour were lit up. Some tall buildings needed to look up.

Zhao Yimeng was wearing a little black dress, with her fair and smooth shoulders exposed, and a pink diamond necklace under her collarbone.

Bringing a bottle of rosé sparkling wine as a gift, Su Yehao opened it directly, sat at the dining table carelessly, and said, "It's been a while since you've been in business, and it feels like you've become mature, mainly in terms of temperament and body shape. "

"...Bastard, I invite you and Nangong Tian, ​​why are you the only one here?"

Zhao Yimeng had a bit of suspicion in his eyes, guessing that Su Yehao never mentioned the matter of eating to Xiao Nizi at all. After all, after being entangled for so many years, she knew that she was the type that this guy likes.

Su Yehao said with a smile: "Don't wrong people, Nangong has been very busy recently. He is working as a producer and preparing for a movie."


"Well, a movie promoting my company's products, TAT. She plans to invest 20 million, but she doesn't want to find a big star, so it shouldn't cost that much, just wanted to contact you and lend me the school to shoot for a period of time, try not to affect it Students are in class."

After Su Yehao finished speaking, he went on to explain: "I called her, but she has already made arrangements tonight. Someone invites her to dinner."

Zhao Yimeng nodded, changed the subject and said:

"The First Bank of Japan, which you contacted my family before, has already given a reply. My family helped guarantee and approved a two-year short-term debt of 500 million Hong Kong dollars. The emergency estimate is no problem. If you can hold on, you will have a chance to turn over.”

"That's good, apart from this bank, you didn't look for other new banks?" Su Yehao asked casually.

Zhao Yimeng said to him: "Look, how could you not look for it? Just as I was about to take a breath, the housing prices in Hong Kong City began to fall again. It is about to become negative equity, and I really don't know when it will recover."

"I hope that the market will recover. There is no hope for the next few years. The market confidence will be broken all of a sudden, at least until a few years later. It is better to increase the Maybe my dad will shoot, There is news that the casino will put a few more gambling cards out, in addition to continuing to reclaim the sea, only Taipa Island has space left, congratulations to myself, I bought your residential land."

Su Yehao took his time and poured wine for Zhao Yimeng himself.

This bottle of rosé sparkling wine was bought by Nangong Tian. It just left the factory a few months ago. The taste and color are very sweet. It is suitable for girls to taste. A bottle only costs more than 100 Hong Kong dollars.

After you are really rich, you will find that whether you like it or not is more important than the value, and you are very familiar with this girl, so you don't have to think about whether you can get it.

After Zhao Yimeng heard this, he poured cold water and said:

"It was rumored a few years ago that the gambling cards were split, and there has been no news until now. Even if the value really appreciates, it is definitely right to cash out in time with Donghuang's current situation. I don't regret it."

Su Yehao looked at her and asked with a smile:

"I'm looking for Hong Kong City and foreign banks. Have you considered the mainland? They seem to be in short supply. I can ask my dad to help me. When the Cultural Tourism City project was first launched, many mainland banks wanted to cooperate. Your family's situation, there is still the opportunity to continue the loan, I just came back from the mainland two days ago, and it is very promising to invest in the mainland."

Cosmopolitan International is not the earliest leader to enter the mainland, but in terms of the current investment scale, even many oligarchs in Hong Kong are incomparable, and they are undoubtedly ahead.

After tasting the sparkling wine, Zhao Yimeng smacked his lips and replied:

"Good idea, you can hardly see the mainland banks on the street. Those people in the company may have never tried it. Next time you go to the mainland, take me with you. I want to know what kind of market is, and let your dad choose to bet one after another. Leaving Southeast Asia’s business alone, almost half of the company was moved there.”


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