Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 286: Senior Vice President

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Including He Jianye, the third largest shareholder, a group of people pondered over what Su Yehao said.

The conditions are so good that it always makes people feel that there is a fraud.

They pay their own pockets and earn more than 30% of the profit. Even if the investment fails, the minimum return is equal to the bank deposit interest. A group of people have not found any problems after thinking about it.

After thinking over and over again, the third shareholder, He Jianye, subconsciously thought that Su Yehao might be short of money and wanted to borrow money from the Midea Group account to "cross the bridge".

But after thinking about it, it seems unlikely.

How much money is in the Midi Group account?

What's more, it is the funds that Cosmopolitan International has just invested in. If there is really a shortage of money, it is not impossible to use the strength of the Su family.

After another thought, He Jianye, who is now the general manager of the company, vaguely thought that he had guessed the truth. He felt that most of it was to promote Su Yehao to the top, and he wanted to show his hand in advance. After showing his ability, he took the opportunity to shock others and win more shareholders. support.

Pave the way before you start, old tradition.

After retiring from the second shareholder to the third shareholder, He Jianye has been worried that his position will be taken away. It is not surprising to think so.

However. .

In fact, that's not the case at all. Su Yehao really just wanted to take the opportunity to earn more money for his family and run the Midi Group well.

The position of general manager of any company, even if it is handed over to Su Yehao, because of his temperament, he would not be too lazy to take it, unless he can just get his salary and not work, and leave company affairs to his subordinates.

There was no trap at all in the whole thing, and the group of executives present naturally couldn't fault it.

the other side.

The corners of Father Su's eyes twitched. Even as Su Yehao's father, he felt that his son was really arrogant, and he was so crazy that he was boundless.

It is already very risky to know the bottom line, not to mention that the interest is paid according to the bank interest rate, and Su Yehao has made an assertion to increase the profit line to 30%. In Father Su's view, the risk and the reward are not proportional at all, it is simply exhausting. Flattering typical.

Thinking of this, Father Su sighed.

He thinks that Su Yehao has been too smooth since he started his business, and he has never suffered any losses or beatings.

Thinking about letting his son suffer a little, even if he spends money to buy some lessons, it is worth it, so this father smiled and said nothing at the moment...

He Jianye, as the backbone of the original company, looked at the people around him at this time, and said slowly:

"The conditions are so good, I can't find any reason to object, and the specific details can be discussed again. Young Master Su is so young and so good, it would be good to use some idle funds to exercise, but the company is currently the most short of money, Don't know how much you're going to spend?"

Su Yehao stretched out **** and said with a smile:

"It's only 200 million yuan, and I happen to have a few good projects on hand. I invest early and make a profit. I know that I have no qualifications, and you have no confidence in me. You might as well try it for a year or two. If it doesn't work well, I will pay the cost. I also voluntarily resigned, but before the contract expires, it is best not to interfere with my investment decision.”

Speaking of which, even if you don't care about Su Yehao's face, you should also consider what Father Su thinks.

Given the current situation, it is not certain whether He Jianye, the three shareholders, will be able to speak in the future, and it is even less likely that others will take the initiative to jump out.

All the people here are fine.

The management had just gained the upper hand with the "Second Shareholders" before, and then brought in the capital of Las Vegas Cosmopolitan International, and directly flipped the table to reshuffle the cards. It was obvious that they were no longer satisfied with the current situation of excessive internal friction.

Now if Father Su fired them, the "second shareholder" would only gloat at the misfortune and applaud, and it would be almost impossible to help make peace.

People with discernment have long seen that the Su family has the final say in this company, so it's too late to be too busy to compliment, how could it be possible to reach out and slap Su Yehao's face?

As for some of the people present, who thought Su Yehao was arrogant and arrogant... There was no way, he really had the confidence to be arrogant.

Not to mention his parents, just making more than one billion in half a year is enough to make people amazed.


Nong Qingying didn't go to the meeting, sitting in Father Su's office, drinking coffee and reading magazines.

When she saw Su Yehao coming back, she raised her head and asked, "How was the meeting going? Did you promise to hand over the money to you?"

"The conditions are good, how could I not agree. If I copy this financial management model, it is estimated that I can absorb tens of billions of dollars from the world!"

Su Yehao sat down, stretched his waist and briefly mentioned the details of the cooperation.

After listening to Nong Qingying, he immediately believed that he could really get tens of billions of dollars, not only guaranteed principal and interest, but also no commissions and management fees. After making a profit of 30% a year, only then did he get commissions. Looking at the world, there is no such a "self-abuse style". ' financial products.

However, if you really want to get so much money, you must first prove that you can afford it.

Therefore, the so-called "absorbing tens of billions of dollars" is just a joke. Su Yehao never thought about making money for others.

Find the person in charge of McKinsey Consulting, say hello to Dad, and get a plan report for the next period of time.

According to the suggestion of McKinsey Consulting Company, in the future, we will learn the common model of Japanese enterprises, and divide the Midea Group into multiple business divisions.

The advantages and disadvantages have been listed one by one in the report, Su Yehao looked at it carefully.

A thick report, as many as 180 pages, is equivalent to separate refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, etc., and each has its own production, R&D and sales departments. The company's scheduling and personnel connections are basically finalized, which are currently confidential and have not been announced to the public for the time being.

After the division is completed, salaries and benefits are adjusted according to performance, healthy competition between departments can be achieved, and management is simple and efficient.

After spending half an hour browsing, Su Yehao found that it was indeed the model he wanted.

Taking advantage of the presence of professional, he also asked about TAT Network Company. At first, people from McKinsey thought that they could receive business again, and they were very interested, so they talked to him seriously.

But after listening to Su Yehao's introduction of the company's scale, the other party was silent and only told that there was no need to struggle for the time being, and that he could manage it with a few capable people.

Although polite.

But from the attitude of the other party, Su Yehao could see it.

That meaning is probably similar to "let my grandma go, and I can handle it well".

This made Su Yehao a little unconvinced. Adding up several projects, there are more than 200 people. What's wrong with planning ahead...

Father Su found a lawyer, discussed with several executives, and quickly drew up a resolution to establish an investment department, which would be directly managed by the parent company's board of directors.

The person in charge of investment is designated as "Senior Vice President", with an annual salary of 880,000 yuan and taxes.

This time, Midea Group directly took advantage of the opportunity of reorganization to prepare to delist its listed subsidiaries from the A-share market, and choose an opportunity to land on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange as a whole. The news does not need to be disclosed to the public for the time being.

Worrying about losing my son.

So Father Su privately suggested to the executives that the gambling agreement should be kept secret first.

However, there are many people in a big company, so how can such a big thing be concealed?

In the next few days, most of the people in the headquarters heard the news that the young master of the Su family was about to be airborne to become the vice president.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

When they heard that Su Yehao was only nineteen years old, all of them were envious and hated, they thought it was a complete nonsense.


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