That night, a large bonfire dinner was held in the tribe.

At the request of Yang Zilei, the Yang family team from outside was also brought into the tribe and carnival together.

Right in front of the bonfire, Yang Zilei was sitting in the main seat, enjoying the treatment of the highest level of the Dragon Blood Tribe. He placed a piece of roast beef leg and a large bowl of rice wine in front of the wooden table.

Although the food is simple, it has a special flavor. Yang Zilei and the others enjoyed it.

"Unexpectedly, it took more than an hour, the boss actually subdued these dragon blood warriors!"

Chen Si was extremely shocked at this time.

If these guys are all cured of the problem of losing their sanity after Longhua, and then they are armed and formed into an army, they must be the strongest arm of the Tianyan Continent.

He couldn't imagine that the conscious dragon blood warriors were wearing armor and armed with AK47 weapons. That horrible lineup was absolutely a nightmare and destruction for the army of any dynasty!

Thinking of this, Chen Si's eyes flickered, and he took a deep look at Yang Zilei who was sitting on the main seat.

Looking at this young figure, he couldn't help feeling full of emotions in his heart. He didn't think that Yang Zilei, who had no opinion at the Qingyang City Weapon Shop, had grown into a figure who would be afraid of any dynasty.

As for the old Patriarch of the Yang family, his face was also gratified at this moment. He felt more and more that his Yang family might have some hope to rise. Under the leadership of Yang Zilei, he established an independent dynasty belonging to the Yang family!

"This is a manuscript of the first eightfold exercises of the Heart Jue of "Nine Dragons Fortune".

At this time, Dayu Xiong came over, holding a martial arts secret book made of animal skins in his hand.

He looked at Yang Zilei and smiled in awe: "Old... boss, please have a look."

It can be seen that when calling Yang Zilei the boss, Dayu Xiong's expression is vaguely odd.

He originally planned to call Lord City Lord, but because of Yang Zilei's special request, he could only change his name as "Boss".

As everyone knows, Yang Zilei, who has been working in the previous life, now prefers others to call him "boss" for his subordinates.

Both stylish and simple.

"This martial art contains the eight-fold heart technique of Jiulong Good Fortune Art?!"

Looking at Dayu Xiong's animal skin martial arts school on the wooden table, Yang Zilei's eyes lit up, immediately put down the wine glass and reached out to pick it up.

"Ding, the detection host has obtained a fragment of martial arts "Nine-Dragon Good Fortune Secrets", is military scanning enabled?"

Just as Yang Zilei had expected, the electronically synthesized sound of the system soon rang in his mind.

At the moment, Yang Zilei said silently without hesitation: "Open."


In the next second, the animal skin martial arts in Yang Zilei's hand disappeared out of thin air.

And in his mind, there was also a martial arts crystallization lingering in the Nine Dragons.

With a move of Yang Zilei's mind, he directly merged this martial arts crystal and absorbed it all.

Suddenly, Daidi empowered.

Yang Zilei instantly learned the first eight exercises of the "Nine Dragons Good Fortune Secret".

Although there is a little regret for missing the most core ninth focus, but the first eight are collected all at once, and Yang Zilei is already quite satisfied.

Moreover, as long as he absorbs more dragon essence and blood into his body in the future, his dragon form can evolve and become stronger naturally.

In this way, after one night, the Dragon Blood tribe moved out and set off in a mighty manner.

With the addition of the Dragon Blood clan, Yang Zilei's forward team has undoubtedly grown a lot.

"It seems that after arriving in the City of Chaos, you must find a way to pay more."

On the carriage, Yang Zilei began to fall into contemplation, planning various problems that he would face next.

Although the number of the dragon blood clan conquered this time was more than 10,000 people, there were actually more than 8,000 people who were truly capable of fighting. The others were old, young, women and children.

Therefore, Yang Zilei decided to incorporate these 8,000-year-old dragon blood warriors into his directly-affiliated legions. If equipped with weapons and trained, the combat power would absolutely kill any regular army in the empire.

However, both the expansion of the city and the formation of the army require huge financial resources and materials to support.

Just relying on the wealth of the Yang family and the nine million taels of gold used to blackmail the fourth prince Yanchen before is far from enough.

Therefore, this can be regarded as a difficult problem for Yang Zilei.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( fantasy: the opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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