Perceiving a slight change in Yang Zilei's eyes, Da Yuxiong obviously guessed something, and asked curiously: "Master Yang, how much metal does a pack of elixir need?"

"20 catties." Yang Zilei said after a moment of pondering.

Although you do good deeds, you can't make yourself lose money.

Moreover, when he entered this tribe just now, he clearly saw that most of the wood used here was very few metal parts except for weapons.

The most conspicuous is the big iron pot in the open-air kitchen.

Only in this way, these dragon blood warriors will leave here willingly and follow him to the chaotic city.

"20 catties? So more than ten thousand people, wouldn't it be necessary to... more than two hundred thousand catties!"

Sure enough, when he heard the amount of metal needed by Yang Zilei, Dayu's eyes shrank slightly, which was obviously embarrassing.

He knew the condition of the tribe very well, even if all the metal smelting things were put together, it would be 70 or 80 thousand catties at most.

But by then, their already poor life will undoubtedly worsen.

Knowing that there was such a huge metal demand, everyone present suddenly showed a trace of regret.

Da Meng's face shook and solemnly said: "Don't worry, everyone. Tomorrow, Dakushi and I will take the brothers to the official road on the border of the Great Yan Dynasty, looting the past caravans, and then buying a large amount of metal back, so that everyone can Return to a normal life."

"This is wrong. We can still rely on the terrain to hide in this remote mountainous area. Even if we encounter resistance, we can't help it."

Hearing this, the patriarch Da Yuxiong shook his head and said calmly: "But if you break into the realm of the Great Yan Dynasty and rob the caravan, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble, and even attract the army to clean up here."

Da Meng frowned and said, "But when can we collect more than 200,000 catties of metal in this place where birds don't shit!"

Seeing them worry about metal, Yang Zilei knew that the opportunity was here.

Yang Zilei first organized the language in his mind before he said: "The City of Chaos is located in the Michuan Mountains. The most important thing there is mineral veins."

"In fact, I am the city lord who just became the City of Chaos a while ago. Now I am very short of manpower. If you are willing to follow me and move to the City of Chaos, I promise you all the elixir there."

"Not only that, in life, I can provide you with better living resources, and you only need to help me build and guard my city, which is your new home."

Speaking of this, Yang Zilei paused and looked at Dayu Xiong and others.

"New home..."

Dayu Xiong and their hearts were shaken, and they were obviously shaken and yearning for what Yang Zilei said.

But when I think about leaving the tribe that has lived for many years, everyone is obviously a little bit reluctant, and they are not sure whether they can really live better.

Perceiving everyone's reaction, Yang Zilei also continued: "Are you willing to continue to live in this poor place and be a robber against your conscience every day to eat a full meal?"

"Then continue to be discriminated against and excluded by others? Is all this the life you want?"

Following Yang Zilei's last words, he immediately hit the nail on the head, stabbing the pain in the hearts of all the Dragon Blood Warriors present, and bowing their heads sadly.

If there is a good life, who would be willing to fall for it?

Yang Zilei calmly looked at Dayu Xiong and the others, not anxious whether these people would decide now.

Yang Zilei knew that everything he said was full of great temptation.

Although agreeing is tantamount to surrender in disguise, but in order to live, the Dragon Blood clan has no other choice, not to mention this choice, which is extremely beneficial to them.

For a while, the people present were all talking, almost most of the ideas were willing to choose to follow Yang Zilei and leave this place that made them feel inferior.

But thinking about it, the final decision maker needs the clan Da Yuxiong to make the decision.

After pondering for a while, Dayu Xiong seemed to have a decision in his heart.

He looked at Yang Zilei with a solemn gaze, and solemnly said: "Dear City Lord Yang Zilei, our dragon blood clan, decided to follow your steps to the chaotic city."

"As the patriarch, I express my allegiance to you on behalf of everyone in the tribe. I hope you can lead our dragon blood clan to regain self-esteem and pride!"

Hearing Da Yuxiong's decision, Da Meng and Da Ku Shi suddenly exclaimed in excitement: "The patriarch is wise!"

The entire dragon blood tribe was conquered at once, Yang Zilei was also a little happy at this time, and then smiled in the face of everyone: "As the lord of the city of chaos, I assure you that the strength of the dragon blood clan will reappear. A piece of land!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole dragon blood tribe suddenly boiled!

Everyone cheered with excitement and excitement, looking forward to the dawn of a new life.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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