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   Yanjing, Huaqing University.

   The mathematical modeling contest was over. The Lin Shu and others also went back to their dormitories to rest for the first time. They needed a good rest. It was a treat for each other to have a dinner together the next day.

Lin Shu and Liu Zheng both went back to the dormitory to rest. Because Lin Shu had a cheap but magical item called "sleeping pill", he had to say that after deep sleep, he recovered quickly and got up early the next morning to go to the morning. Ran.

   ran back in the morning, Liu Zhengcai just woke up, saw the breakfast Lin Shu brought him back, rubbed his eyes, still asked with a tired face: "You went for a run so early?"

   Lin Shu smiled and nodded.

   "You are amazing, you are in good spirits, I am really tired."

   "If it weren't because there are still classes in the morning, I would definitely have to sleep for a while."

   Liu Zheng washed himself to make himself more awake, while telling Lin Shu about his exhaustion and some things about the mathematical modeling competition.

   "Lin Shu, I feel that our modeling paper is very well written this time. I read the discussions in the group and on the Internet, and they all said that our modeling ideas and directions are the best."

   "It's good to call you to form a team this time, it's really hard for you."

   Although it is said that the mathematical modeling competition is teamwork, Liu Zheng and Cheng Xu know very well that the most powerful thing in this mathematical modeling competition is Lin Shu. It can definitely be said that it is their thighs, otherwise it will not go so smoothly.

   "We did it together."

   Lin Shu didn't think that he was a person carrying a flying car at all. He just said, "I also thank you for inviting me. This time I also learned a lot."

   Lin Shu glanced at the experience value on the personal virtual panel in front of him, and was very satisfied with the experience value of this team battle.

   Of course, this is also the first time Lin Shu has participated in a mathematical modeling competition. Not only is he gaining experience, but also learning mathematical modeling and programming.

   "By the way, we have a dinner tonight, so let's call Jiang Shan at the time. She will give us these few days too. No, she also gave you a lot of things."

   Liu Zheng looked at the gifts and fruits that Jiang Shan had sent on Lin's desk. He couldn't help but smiled and said, "We also borrowed your light!"

   "Honestly, Lin Shu, do you mean that to others? She doesn't hide her thoughts at all."

   Lin Shu's eyes flashed, of course he knew what Jiang Shan was thinking.

   But he really didn't have this idea.

   He was thinking about answering questions to Jiang Shan at first, and he had some experience points, but he had no other idea at all. As for Jiang Shan's gluttony of his body, it made him very embarrassed, so he could only try not to let Jiang Shan misunderstand him.

   "Don't say such things, I actually don't think of her like this."

   Liu Zheng actually knew that Lin Shu had no thoughts about Jiang Shan at all. Hearing what Lin Shu said, he couldn't help saying: "Then you have to disappoint others."

   "Lin Shu, what kind of girl do you like?"

   "Lin painting?"

   Liu Zheng also knows that there is a friend of Lin Shu’s Lin Hua at Yanjing University, and the relationship between the two seems very unusual.

   "You said why you are so gossiping, can't you care more about your emotional line?"

   Liu Zheng shrugged, and said helplessly: "There is no way, whoever makes my life suffer, there is no such thing as a peach blossom at all."

   Peach Blossom?

   Lin Shu thought that there was an unused [Peach Blossom Talisman] in his inventory, took a look at the [Peach Blossom Talisman], shook his head, and threw away the thought in his mind.

  Because there are still classes, Lin Shu and Liu Zheng naturally didn't chat in the dormitory all the time. They went to class soon, and it was not until the evening that they made an appointment to go to the restaurant outside for dinner.

   However, when Lin Shu and others arrived at the restaurant, they ran into two acquaintances.

   "Lin Shu, are you here too?"

   Xu Hui saw Lin Shu from a long distance with sharp eyes, ran over a few steps, and said with a smile: "I just wondered if it was a mistake. I didn't expect it to be you. What a coincidence!"

   Lin Shu was also a little surprised, but I didn't expect to meet Xu Hui and Lin Hua here.

   "You guys come here to eat too?"

   "Yeah? I told Lin Hua to call you together before, but she said you should be busy participating in the mathematical modeling contest now and ask me not to disturb you."

   Lin Shu heard Xu Hui's words, his eyes fell on Lin Hua who was behind Xu Hui, and said: "The competition ended yesterday morning. Let's treat ourselves together."

   Jiang Shan, who was standing next to Lin Shu, felt that the relationship between the two parties was unusual when Xu Hui came to say hello to Lin Shu, and the alarm sounded instantly.

   "Lin Shu, who are these two?"

   "These two are my friends, her name is Xu Hui, and her name is Lin Hua."

   Lin Shu introduced Xu Hui and Lin Hua: "This is Cheng Xu, who participated in the competition with us. You know Liu Zheng, and this is Jiang Shan."

   Liu Zheng had met Xu Hui and Lin Hua, and said with a smile: "It's such a coincidence, then let's eat together."

   Obviously out of a woman's intuition, Xu Hui keenly felt that Jiang Shan was interesting to Lin Shu.

This makes Xu Hui a little concerned. She knows that Lin Hua likes Lin Shu. Although Lin Hua has talked to Lin Shu before, she also told Lin Shu that she likes him can only end here. In the future, I will be friends, but Xu Hui knew in her heart that Lin Hua never let go.

   Xu Hui naturally would not refuse to eat together, pulling Lin Hua and sitting beside Lin Shu.

   Jiang Shan smiled and asked, "Are you and Lin Shu classmates?"

   "No, we met from a trip before."

Xu Hui looked at Jiang Shan with a smile on his face and replied: "We met in the ancient city of Jiangli, which is really fate. At that time, a thief stole our wallet and mobile phone. Fortunately, Lin Shu saw it and helped to catch it. When it comes to the thief, we know each other like this."

   Jiang Shan watched Xu Hui smiled and talked about the experience of meeting Lin Shu, and said: "That's really fate."

   "Yes, the key is that one of them is called Lin Shu and the other is Lin Hua. You said it was a coincidence, haha."

   Liu Zheng glanced at Jiang Shan, then at Lin Hua, silently picked up the cup of tea in front of him, glanced at Lin Shu sympathetically, and suddenly felt that being single was great.

  Lin Hua looked at Jiang Shan, and then at Lin Shu. It was obvious that she also saw that Jiang Shan was interesting to Lin Shu, because Jiang Shan's eyes were always on Lin Shu.

   Hearing what Xu Hui said, Lin Hua felt a little embarrassed, so he kicked Xu Hui secretly, beckoning Xu Hui not to say anything like this.

   Xu Hui didn't care about Lin Hua's movements, looked at Lin Shu, smiled and said, "We are all from Shonan."

   Jiang Shan smiled. It was obvious that she also noticed that Xu Hui and Lin paintings were interesting to Lin Shu, otherwise Xu Hui would not say those things.

Gu   Lin Shu is naturally not a fool, he just regrets it a bit, and thinks that he shouldn't bump into each other.

  Although he had no such thoughts at all, but for some reason there is always an inexplicable sense of embarrassment, and this sense of embarrassment makes Lin Shu very uncomfortable.

   Lin Shu looked at Lin Hua. He and Lin Hua had already talked about it before. I believe Lin Hua should have also said this to Xu Hui. There is really no need to say this.


   Lin Shu yelled to the waiter, motioned to order food, and borrowed the order to resolve the embarrassment.

   Jiang Shan understood what was going on, so she chatted with other people very calmly and asked Liu Zheng how it was like in the mathematical modeling competition.

   Liu Zheng replied: "Fortunately, Lin Shen will take us. Otherwise, I don’t know what will happen. If the paper is successfully completed, it is very possible to win the prize, but I don’t know what the final result will be."

   Cheng Xu didn’t know if he hadn’t figured out the situation, or was really curious, and asked Xu Hui: “Lin Shu really helped you catch a thief?”

   "Yeah, if it weren't for Lin Shu, we wouldn't know it at all."

   "The two of us were traveling in Jiangli Ancient Town. The ID card was stolen. If we disappeared, it would be really troublesome."

   "I would like to thank you very much later. I invited Lin Shu to dinner, so that we will know each other once and twice. In addition, we are all from Hunan. When Lin Shu came to Huaqing University for the re-examination, we should take him to visit Yanjing."

   Cheng Xu listened to Xu Hui's words, smiled and nodded, and said, "Then you are very destined, and you can know each other when you travel."

   Xu Hui said: "The key is to thank Lin Shu for having a sense of justice and being able to stand up and catch the thief."

   "Lin Shu is really the most righteous person I have ever seen. No, it should be said that he is the bravest man. You don't even know him—"

  Lin painting sees what Xu Hui is still going to say, worrying that Xu Hui will also tell Lin Shu about the wanted murderer who had been arrested by the police before, and interrupted: "Don't say it anymore, he is embarrassed."

   Xu Hui glanced at Lin Shu who was ordering food, blinked at Lin Hua, and said: "He doesn't know how to save the senior from Shonan University."

   Cheng Xu said hurriedly: "I've watched that video on the Internet. It was too thrilling. If it hadn't been for Lin Shu, that person would have fallen to death."

   "Yes, Lin Shu still stood up behind the key to speak for the senior, and was forced to drop out of school in the end."

  These things are actually known to everyone who was present on the Internet. There was a lot of noise on the Internet before. Now that Xu Hui talks about it again, they also admire Lin Shu very much in their hearts, and they admire Lin Shu from the bottom of their hearts.

   You must know that in that environment, Lin Shu could stand up and speak for the student. No, it should be said that he was speaking for those students and yelling at the tutors who squeezed the students as cannibals. It was too fierce.

   Jiang Shan also nodded again and again, and said, "Lin Shu is really amazing."

   "Stop talking about me and see if you have anything you like to eat."

   Lin Shu handed the menu to Xu Hui and said, "You can order something."

   Xu Hui pushed the menu to Lin Shu, and said with a smile: "Forget it, I can."

   "Lin Shu, is that senior okay now?"

   Cheng Xu couldn't help asking this question again. The senior who was rescued heard that he also dropped out of school later, but he didn't know what was going on now.

   Lin Shu nodded and said, "He is fine."

   Before Lin Yiming sent him a message after the Olympics to ask about his injury, and also chatted with him about his current situation, now he has changed his tutor to complete the thesis, and is waiting for the graduation of the defense. I believe that because of Lin Yiming's previous incident, no instructor will deliberately embarrass Lin Yiming again.

Cheng Xu sighed and said, “That’s really great. To be honest, it’s only Lin Shu who dare to stand up and scold those mentors. I don’t dare to think about what I should do if I encounter something like that. You might end up being forced to make the same choice as that student."

   Xu Hui also nodded repeatedly and said, "So, Lin Shu is too brave. I think I can't do it like Lin Shu."

   "Lin Shu, if I hadn't had a boyfriend, I would have chased you."

   Hearing Xu Hui's words, Lin Shu glared at Xu Hui. He knew that Xu Hui had deliberately said these words in front of Jiang Shan and Lin Hua.

   Lin Shu twitched at the corner of his mouth, "Hehe."

   Cheng Xu couldn't help but smile, and said: "Lin Shu is very popular in our school, an absolute male god, excellent in character and academics, and a world champion, very famous."

   "There are many people chasing him, don't you think, Liu Zheng?"

   Liu Zheng couldn't help but shook his head. He didn't know what Cheng Xu thought. He said such things in front of Jiang Shan and Lin Hua. He really didn't figure out the situation, so he just nodded.

   Lin Shu really doesn't understand it. Besides, he didn't use the [Peach Blossom Talisman]. Inexplicably, I feel that there is something wrong with this style of painting now.

   However, Lin Shu felt that something was wrong, and it was still behind.

   Just as Lin Shu and others were eating, another woman greeted Lin Shu.

   "Lin Shu?"

   A woman's voice came.

   Lin Shu's heart chuckles, there are people?

Lin Shu looked up, only to see a woman standing in front of her, wearing smart clothes, slender figure, delicate face, short hair, with a mature charm, very beautiful, her eyes widened, quite unexpectedly Looking at Lin Shu.

   He doesn't know this woman!

   Lin Shu was confused and didn't even know the short-haired woman in front of Everyone's eyes were on Lin Shu's face.

   Cheng Xu looked at Lin Shu with admiration, admiring Lin Shu in his heart, so many people knew Lin Shu, and laughed and joked: "Lin Shu, is this your friend too?"

   Lin Shu frowned, trying to think about it, fearing that he would not have a bad memory, and forget the woman in front of him. After all, everyone called out his name all at once, and he looked like he knew him.

   Jiang Shan and Xu Hui are both curious, wanting to know what the relationship between this woman and Lin Shu is, but Lin Hua is a little calm, glanced at the woman and Lin Shu again, and didn't continue to look at them.

   Liu Zheng looked at Lin Shu obliquely, saw Lin Shu look puzzled, and asked uncertainly: "Your friend?"

   Lin Shu shook his head, looked at the woman, and asked: "Are you—?"

   The woman also seemed to realize that she was a little bit abrupt. It was obvious that Lin Shu didn't know her at all. Thinking of this, the woman couldn't help laughing, and said, "You don't know me, we haven't met each other."

   It should be said that Lin Shu refused their meeting several times before.

   "I want to meet you, but unfortunately you refused."

   Hearing this, Lin Shu was taken aback.

   Could it be that this short-haired woman is...


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