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   Yanjing, Huaqing University.

  Because Lin Shu had to rush back to do mathematical modeling, he didn't have much to wait. After eating, he told Mu Yang that he was leaving first.

   Muyang knew that Lin Shu still had something to do, so naturally he wouldn't say much, just let Lin Shu cheer.

   Xu Weiguo looked at Lin Shu's leaving back, his eyes flickering, and suddenly asked: "Muyang, you have a good relationship with him?"

  In the beginning, it was because Lin Shu was also there, and Xu Weiguo was not easy to ask this question. Now that Lin Shu is gone, Xu Weiguo couldn't help asking Mu Yang this question.

   "Does he also know about your father?"

   Muyang nodded, and said, "I told him, he also knows that he is a very good person."

   Not to mention the previous rumors about Lin Shu on the Internet, only that the Lin Shu that Mu Yang saw by him let him know that Lin Shu's sense of justice was not fake.

Xu Weiguo really has always been curious about Lin Shu, not only because Lin Shu helped him solve the case 23 years ago, but more importantly, because of his keen sense of being a criminal policeman for so many years, he vaguely feels that Lin Shu It is mysterious, perhaps because Lin Shu is really easy to encounter those things, of course, it is precisely for this reason that Xu Weiguo has always believed that Lin Shu is very suitable for being a policeman.

   "Uncle Xu, what is the case in which Lin Shu helped you provide clues? Can't you really disclose it at all?"

   Muyang's curiosity often appeared like this, and he was curious about many things, whether it was the letter sent to him or the case Xu Weiguo said.

   Xu Weiguo shook his head, but said nothing. This was already an answer.

   It's not that I can't talk about the case, but I can see that Lin Shu is reluctant to talk about it, so Xu Weiguo naturally doesn't want to talk about it.

   He didn't tell Lin Shu just now that he called the police and provided clues before he caught the wanted murderer who had been executed.

   In fact, Xu Weiguo didn't know. Even if he didn't say it, Lin Shu knew about it for the first time. It should be said that the moment the [murderer] died, Lin Shu already knew it.

   Many things, Lin Shu knows.

   Just like the third question blocking Liu Zheng's mathematical modeling, Lin Shu also knows the answer.

   "There is no need to spend too much time searching for relevant documents, but time is still to be considered, really don't spend too much time on literature research."

   When Lin Shu returned to the computer room, he saw that Liu Zheng was still searching for documents, and he couldn't help saying: "We still have to use airport video for detection."

   Liu Zheng rubbed his eyes, nodded, agreed with Lin Shu, and said, "You are right, I will revise the model."

   Lin Shu looked at Liu Zheng again and asked, "How's programming?"

Cheng Xu said with some embarrassment: "Video image processing, given the data, is also at the first level of signal processing, but image and video processing requires higher computer hardware. If the graphics card generally needs a long time to run the program, because I Usually, the research on image processing is not in-depth, and there is no good hardware, and the progress is a bit slow."

   No way, this is not because Cheng Xu's program code is not strong, it is because the computer hardware is not strong.

   Lin Shu said: "Then you can only hurry up. You can send me the part you have completed first, and I will finish the previous paper first."

   Liu Zheng and Cheng Xu both nodded.

   "Fortunately, our progress is fairly fast."

Liu Zheng, who has participated in the mathematical modeling competition, naturally knows that their progress on this project is fast. Under normal circumstances, it is better to complete at least 1-2 questions every day. Complete all questions before the evening of the third day, and then use the evening time to revise the paper, including the final abstract.

   "Let me tell you, the last time we were doing it, we also encountered a situation of modifying the model. We didn't finish all the content until the morning of the fourth day. We changed the paper all night and finally submitted the paper at sunrise in the morning."

   Cheng Xu and Liu Zheng both knew very well that the big reason for this progress was that Lin Shu's huge leg really took them forward in strides, and they walked steadily and quickly.

   Hearing what Liu Zheng said, Lin Shu didn't say anything, but just smiled, because he knew that he would immediately enter a fierce team battle again, fighting frantically to gain experience points.

   The mathematical modeling competition is a team competition because everyone is actually indispensable. Very few team members really want to paddle and lie down. After all, it is not on the battlefield that you want to lie down, you can lie down if you want to lie down.

Everyone in the team mainly specializes in the part they are responsible for, and everything is centered on completing tasks quickly and well. For example, when starting to determine the overall idea of ​​modeling, it is best to discuss with three people together to avoid improper consideration. There is huge pressure, and the model built by modeling teammates needs to be explained clearly to thesis teammates. Thesis teammates really understand it to write better. Programming teammates understand it to compile programs faster, but sometimes it needs to be thorough. It's still very difficult. Time is too late. For this reason, flexible adjustments between team members are needed at this time. For example, modeling teammates can write an easy-to-understand text to explain their own model, and then send it to papers and programming teammates to understand, ask if you don’t understand, don’t just explain it verbally, it is more efficient to implement it as a text Ways, including other teammates, have any new ideas and new ideas, first sort out, and write a simple document to communicate more efficiently.

Of course, these are not problems for Lin Shu, the thesis writer, because he originally proposed the modeling ideas at the beginning, and he is also responsible for part of the mathematical modeling. Naturally, he is very clear about the entire modeling ideas and directions. .

   For the papers of the mathematical modeling competition, one is mainly writing software and the other is writing ideas.

Lin Shu did not choose to write in word, but directly to write in latex, because latex is more convenient than word in typesetting, such as inserting and boundary mathematical formulas, and it is easy to generate complex professional typesetting elements, such as footnotes and cross-references. , References, catalogs, etc. Most of the time, he only needs to focus on some basic commands for organizing the document structure, and rarely needs to worry about the layout of the document.

  Of course, the disadvantage of this for many students is that they have a high entry barrier, and they are not easy to use like Word, but it is obviously not a problem for Lin Shu.

Because papers are generally written at least 30 pages or more, if it is too late to write, the time will be very tight. Some content such as problem restatement, problem analysis, model hypothesis, symbol system, etc. can be written after the big idea is determined at the beginning, and the more critical The process of writing a paper is also a process of in-depth thinking. Some details are only discovered in the process of writing.

   Lin Shu had already finished part of the paper last night.

   Liu Zheng glanced at Lin Shu, who was writing the thesis, and said, “Lin Shu, let me tell you, no matter whether our results are good or not, the paper must be good-looking and the diagrams should be advanced.”

"I know."

   This doesn't need Liu Zheng's reminder at all, and Lin Shu naturally knows it too.

The papers of the mathematical modeling competition must strictly abide by the standard requirements of academic papers. Even if some small questions are not made or the results are not good, you must give your own analysis ideas, try to add some diagrams to illustrate, absolutely not empty or say Don't fail to do it. In this case, the chart should be drawn at an advanced level.

Also, since it is mathematical modeling, the test is abstract ability. As long as it can be expressed by mathematical formulas, use mathematical formulas as much as possible. This is also the core idea of ​​mathematical modeling. The expression of mathematical formulas cannot be expressed in words alone, which makes it more rigorous to analyze the problem.

   "Tonight, I will post the paper to the group, and then you will also read it and check it."

   "I hope that there will be no language problems and ambiguous expressions."

When Cheng Xu heard Lin Shu’s words, he couldn’t help but smile, and said, “Lin Shu, don’t worry. I read the part of the content you wrote last night and it was very good, especially the abstract. You must know that the judges are the first Look at the abstract and then read the content, and you don’t look at the content too carefully. If the abstract is not well written, you may not pass the first round of screening, so if you write the abstract, it’s half the battle."

   Lin Shu smiled and said, "That still needs to be changed."



   Fierce battle!

   The crackling keyboard sound, Lin Shu typed quickly, and the operation was sneaky. Although there was no dynamic snake attack, the experience points of continuous harvesting proved that Lin Shu's effective attack was very powerful.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for your mathematical modeling team battle for 1 hour, gaining 1. experience +569; 2. gold coins +58. 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you continue to fight in mathematical modeling team battles for 2 hours, gain 1. experience +1259; 2. gold coins +120. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the players for your crazy mathematical modeling team battle for 4 hours, gaining 1. Experience +3989; 2. Gold coins +390. 】


   Lin Shu's team battle experience points are also constantly increasing.

Time passed unconsciously. Some players fell into the night and never got up again. They appeared on the battlefield. Obviously, other players who focused on fighting would never know that they had defeated some people invisibly. .

   This big corpse monster guards the team battle level. Fortunately, the team on Lin Shu's side is not weak. They have broken through several barriers one after another. Now the next step is a horse Pingchuan, riding horses galloping.

   In the darkness, someone was typing on the keyboard, and the battle has not stopped.

   Liu Zheng's head began to sway, that face involuntarily wanted to kiss the tabletop, of course, deep down he still wanted to linger with his warm bed, but his teammates were still fighting, so he wanted to fight together.

   "You guys go back to sleep first!"

  Lin Shu saw that Liu Zheng and Cheng Xu really couldn't stand it anymore.

   Liu Zheng and Cheng Xu are a little embarrassed. You should know that Lin Shu had already stayed up late, and now Lin Shu is going to stay up again, which makes it really difficult for them to go back and lie down to sleep.

   After all, even if you hug your thighs, you can't go too far, they are still conscientious teammates.

   Liu Zheng glanced at Lin Shu, yawned, and said, "Lin Shu, or you can go back and rest together, don't exhaust your body."

Lin Shu heard Liu Zheng's words and looked at the paper. Although he is not tired, he still feels that there is no need to stay up late. After all, the progress is still going well, so he nodded and said, "Okay, we Let's go back together."

Cheng Xu decided to go back to rest as soon as he saw Lin Shu. He was sober in an instant. He even nodded his head, and he couldn't handle it anymore. He also wanted to be able to survive like Lin Shu, but his physiology didn't allow it, so sleepiness was a kind of sleepiness. The physical instinct the body needs.

   There is still a class tomorrow, so I can’t stand it...

   Even if it is a fierce battle, there is still a need to breathe for a while. You can't keep fighting it all the time. It is very likely that the battle will not be over before the person is over.

More than 30 hours of continuous fighting, more than 30 pages of papers, is not a simple matter at all, it is impossible to get it so fast, although speed is important, but it is still necessary to grasp the rhythm of the battle, lose the rhythm to a certain extent It can also be said to have lost the initiative on the battlefield.

   Of course, this is also because the modeling progress on Lin Shu's side is very fast, and he has not been stuck by any major difficulties.

   However, after such a rest, he will continue to fight soon. After all, sleep is the most immediate way to travel to the future.

  Because the battle has no skills, he can't really rest, and must continue to fight.

   There are really silent battles in the computer room. It should be said that the battlefields of all regions of the country are fighting silently. This can definitely be said to be high-level battles carried out by the teams of various colleges and universities across the country.

  Even though they are not on the same battlefield, each other's ideas are in a fierce collision and exchange of fire.

   In this kind of battle, there is a great **** with boundless magic power, calling the wind and calling the rain, omnipotent, and the attack power is quite amazing. It can be said that the thinking is clear ~ The goal is clear, and the real words are free.

   This is definitely all players from all walks of life show their magical powers, using all their abilities to attack and fight.

   But there were also players who stopped looking at the mountains. They saw the thick fog but had not been able to break the obstacles. They were stopped in front of the big corpse, with many thoughts, but no progress.

   The model formula has not been implemented, the programming method has not been comprehended, the introduction has not been written, the model check has not been written, the reference has not been written, and the third question has not yet resulted.....

   One after another, the sky thunder bombarded them, attacking the players on the ancient battlefield indiscriminately, which was quite frightening.

   If you can't write the thesis programming, then you really can't write it. After all, the code will not lie and deceive you. For this team battle, you can only choose to give up the breakout and surrender.

   There is a way of not admitting defeat called dare to give up and fight again next year!

   One year in Hedong, one year in Hexi, don’t bully the participation award!

   It is still uncertain who will win the first prize next year.

Of course, it doesn’t matter who the first prize will be next year. What’s important is this year’s mathematical modeling competition. Now the battle in the computer room is still going on... Until the morning of the fourth day, Lin Shu, Liu Zheng, and Cheng Xu repeatedly checked After the paper, in the last hour before the deadline, submit the MD5 code of the paper.

   At this point, the battle is over!


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