n discovered that this metal could not only be made into tools, but also used to make The musical instruments produced beautiful sounds. As a result, the village became prosperous and became the cultural center of the surrounding area.”

Shen Teng interjected: “It sounds like what we are doing today.”

“Yes,” Teacher He responded, ” This story tells us that creativity and cooperation can create miracles.”

Xu Jiuguang suddenly stood up and said, “I have an idea! We can organize an exhibition to display our works and tell this ancient story. In this way, we can Let more people understand the magic of iron ore.”

“Awesome!” Jia Lin said excitedly.

Everyone immediately started planning the exhibition. They decided that everyone would display their own work, and that a documentary produced by Xu Jiuguang would be shown at the exhibition.

However, it is not possible yet and needs to be further modernized. After all, we are still surviving in the wilderness.

Ten days passed quickly. During this period, Xu Jiuguang, Cai Xukun, Jia Lin, Shen Teng, Teacher He, Chef Huang and Xiao Yueyue worked hard in the work shed every day to collect and smelt iron ore.

On the morning of the eleventh day, when the sun was just rising, everyone gathered at the door of the work shed.

“Ten days have passed and we have collected enough iron ore.” Shen Teng said excitedly.

“Then let’s start building dams and hydropower stations!” Cai Xukun suggested.

“Wait a minute,” Chef Huang interjected, “Since we are going to start a new project, why not have a hearty breakfast to replenish energy first?” Everyone cheered, and they quickly enjoyed the breakfast

prepared by Chef Huang, and then started Start building.

Along the river, people began pouring embankments with steel bars and concrete made from iron ore. Everyone gave it their all. Shen Teng and Cai Xukun were responsible for designing and supervising the progress of the project, while Jia Lin used music to cheer everyone up. Teacher He recorded this moment with exquisite paintings, while Xiao Yueyue helped transport materials.

“Shen Teng, how high do you think our dam should be?” Cai Xukun asked.

“It needs to be at least ten meters high to ensure sufficient water storage in the reservoir.” Shen Teng answered.

They poured it carefully, making sure each layer was strong and solid.

In the early morning as the sun gradually rose, everyone gathered at the door of the work shed, looking forward to the start of the new project. They were all dressed in work clothes and ready to go to work building dikes and hydropower stations.

Xu Jiuguang picked up the camera and said with a smile: “Today we will witness the birth of a great project! I will record it all so that future generations can see our efforts and creativity.”

Cai Xukun enthusiastically encouraged everyone : “Everyone, our goal is to build a strong and reliable dike to provide a stable water source and electricity for the village. This will be the result of our joint efforts. Let us work together to complete this great mission!” Everyone applauded in unison

. , agree. They divided the work and cooperated, and each got busy.

Shen Teng and Cai Xukun took out the design drawings and carefully studied the structure and construction plan of the dam. They discussed details and gave each other advice.

“We need to lay a steel mesh on the foundation of the embankment to enhance its stability.” Shen Teng explained, pointing to the design drawings.

Cai Xukun nodded in agreement: “Yes, and we need to ensure that each layer of concrete is poured evenly to prevent cracks. We can use Xiao Yueyue’s help to mix the concrete more evenly.” Xiao Yueyue heard

himself name, she immediately became energetic: “No problem! I will do my best to help everyone!”

Jia Lin picked up the guitar and played an inspiring melody, bringing motivation and passion to everyone.

Shen Teng led everyone to the river and started preparing for construction. They cleared the location of the embankment and ensured the ground was level.

Shen Teng directed Cai Xukun and Xiao Yueyue to lay the steel mesh on the foundation. They carefully calculated the position and length of each steel bar to ensure the solidity of the structure.

“Xiao Yueyue, put this steel bar in this position.” Cai Xukun pointed at the schematic diagram on the drawing.

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Xiao Yueyue carefully followed the instructions and placed the steel bars accurately at the predetermined position.

At the same time, Teacher He stood aside and recorded every detail with a brush. He concentrated on observing everyone’s working postures and expressions, and turned this hard work and sweat into artistic creation.

Chef Huang was busy preparing lunch. He simmered a pot of broth to nourish everyone after their hard work.

Everyone gradually integrated into the rhythm of work in the busyness. They work well together and cooperate with each other. Cai Xukun and Xiao Yueyue mixed the concrete evenly, while Shen Teng was responsible for pouring it into the mold.

“Everyone, please note that the concrete in this layer must be poured evenly without any gaps.” Shen Teng reminded everyone.

Everyone concentrated on pouring concrete into the mold bucket by bucket and compacting it with shovels.

Jia Lin’s melody sounded, which seemed to bring strength to everyone. Her music intertwines with the sounds of concrete, seeming to tell the story of the project.

The constant sounds on the construction site, including the sound of knocking, stirring, and concrete pouring, formed a symphony that echoed Jia Lin’s music.

As time passed, everyone’s efforts began to bear fruit. The shape of the embankment gradually emerges, with layers of concrete stacked solidly on top of each other.

“Look, our dam is getting higher and higher!” Cai Xukun said excitedly, pointing to the forming dam.

Everyone looked at the results of their hard work with faces full of joy and pride.

Shen Teng encouraged: “Everyone, keep working hard! We are getting closer and closer to the goal!”

Everyone was more motivated and they continued to work without letting up.

Teacher He’s painting brush dances, recording the joy and sweat of this moment. His paintings become more and more vivid, as if they carry a magical power, making people move more firmly towards their goals.

Chef Huang continued to be busy, preparing a sumptuous lunch. He knows people need plenty of energy and his cooking will satisfy and nourish them.

“Lunch is ready!” Chef Huang announced happily.

Everyone put down their tools and gathered together to enjoy the food carefully prepared by Chef Huang. While tasting the delicious food, they communicated about their work progress and mood.

“This dam is really the result of our joint efforts!” Jia Lin said.

“Yes, each of us has contributed our own talents and efforts to this project.” Xu Jiuguang said in agreement.

“Our cooperation and creativity make all this possible, let’s make lunch together.” Teacher He said with emotion.

At a wild cave near the construction site, everyone started preparing lunch under the leadership of Chef Huang. Chef Huang found some dry firewood nearby and lit a fire.

“Look, I have prepared a farmed sheep for everyone today!” Chef Huang said, dragging a prepared sheep from a small car.

Shen Teng came over, “Wow, such a big sheep! Chef, what kind of dishes can we make?” Chef Huang

said with a smile: “We can make mutton stewed with potatoes, mutton skewers, and mutton bone soup! Teacher

He took the paintbrush and said, “I want to paint this exciting moment.”

Cai Xukun and Xiao Yueyue began to help prepare the ingredients, while Jia Lin brought her violin and played cheerful melodies.

Chef Huang began to demonstrate how to chop mutton: “Be careful to chop the mutton into pieces of moderate size. This will make it easier to taste when stewing.”

Shen Teng and Cai Xukun studied seriously.


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