Entertaining Children

Chapter 716 Live performance at the premiere

In fact, these things were mentioned by Xiao Yao and others in the talk shows about the film in the promotional activities before the movie was released, but not all the guests and audience at the scene had watched those shows. This is the first time I've heard of these things.

Although Xiao Yao and other young Chinese main creators are well-known among the younger generation in the Chinese entertainment industry and have rich acting experience, except for Xiao Yao, almost all of them have no behind-the-scenes film production experience. Even Xiao Yao has only made MVs, short films and animated films, and has no successful experience in live-action films.

The veteran parkour team worked behind the scenes to shoot a parkour movie, especially when they started crowdfunding on foreign crowdfunding websites, which inevitably gave people a feeling that they themselves lacked confidence and just made a movie on a whim. impression. At this time, I heard that several people spent almost two years just writing the script, and I recognized their seriousness, and my expectations for this movie were even higher.

When Zhao Rui and Mu Ying were being interviewed by the live host, Xiao Yao, the core member of the crew, quietly left the scene and ran to get ready.

When the host finished interviewing Zhao Rui and Muying, he did not continue to interview Xu Fei on the stage, but changed the topic to the music aspect of the movie and introduced the episodes in the movie. After introducing the movie songs, the host told everyone that the original band of the movie episode also came to the scene, announcing that the original band of the movie episode would bring the performance of these two songs live.

It is not uncommon for Chinese audiences to see a live performance of a rock band, but it is rare to see it on occasions like the premiere.

"Immortals" has not officially come to China to perform. Over the years, it has only appeared once with Xiao Yao on the final stage of "Singer". However, due to Xiao Yao's reasons, the band's popularity in China is actually It is not low. Listening to the host's introduction that this American band came to China to perform live with Xiao Yao, the guests and audience in the audience felt a burst of surprise, and gave a burst of warm applause and cheers.

After the host introduced the band, he temporarily invited all the main creators off the stage and left the stage to the band. The staff quickly went to the stage and removed the chairs of the main creators of the crew, and put on musical instruments, microphones and other equipment.

After the preparations for the stage were completed, Xiao Yao and Dean, who had changed into costumes, walked onto the stage together with electric guitars on their backs, George with a bass on their backs, and Mike and Samien, who were empty-handed. Musical instruments such as drums and keyboards, which are difficult to carry up by one person, were carried up by the staff first.

After the five people stepped onto the stage, there was another burst of extremely warm applause and cheers.

The host also left the stage after introducing an episode of the film performed by the band.

"I Just anna Run,

Hide It Aay~" In the applause of the audience, Dean, who was carrying an electric guitar, leaned in front of the stand microphone and sang directly.

Xiao Yao used two songs from his previous life as the interlude for this movie. The song they are performing now is called "I Just anna Run", which is a song by a punk pop band called The Donton in the United States in their previous life.

There is no prelude to this song. When Dean sang "Run", Xiao Yao picked up the guitar and started the accompaniment with a short guitar melody. When Dean finished the second line, Samion's drums and George The bass sound joined in.

The overall band accompaniment started, and the atmosphere of the whole scene became warm immediately.

When the band was performing, the MV of this song was simultaneously played on the big screen prepared for playing movies behind the stage. As an interlude and promotional song for the movie, some scenes from the movie also appeared in the MV of this song.

The fast rhythm of this song is very suitable for sports movies. Although the overall lyrics do not fit the theme of this movie very well, when listening to this song, the impression of the listener is easily concentrated on The phrase "I Just anna Run" that is the same as the song title is repeated many times. Parkour is a sport of running, and it fits perfectly with the phrase "I just want to run". Combining this song as background music with some running scenes in the movie does not feel inconsistent.

This song is the most popular song in China by The Donton in his previous life, and it is more popular among Chinese music fans. In this life, as a Chinese star who wrote lyrics and composed music, and several Chinese stars mainly produced episodes of sports-themed movies, everyone's acceptance and love have naturally reached a new level.

Not long after this song and its MV were released in China, this song has become a popular English song in China. At this time, Xiao Yao and others performed live, and the atmosphere at the premiere was of course very high no.

The song is only about three minutes long. Amidst the cheers and screams of the audience, the performance soon ended.

After the performance of this song, the five members of the band did not step off the stage, but stood on the stage to take a little breath. At this time, the host came to the stage again and introduced each member of the band to the guests and audience in turn.

When the host introduced the band members, close-ups of several band members were also shown on the big screen behind. Xiao Yao needs no introduction. Guitarist and lead singer Dean, black bassist George, and American Latino keyboard player Mike are all very interesting, but the most eye-catching one is of course the beautiful drummer Sammy. kindness. When Samien was introduced, the audience cheered the loudest.

After introducing each member of the band in turn, the host did not ask the band to leave the stage, but announced that the band will continue to bring another episode of their live performance in the movie. Although some audience members guessed that since the band came, they would definitely sing both songs, but when the host actually said it, the audience cheered and screamed in surprise.

When the host introduced the band members just now, the band members basically recovered from the performance of the last song. After the host finished the curtain call and left the stage, several people began to perform the next song amidst the screams of the audience.

Unlike the previous song, the second song has a prelude. Amidst the audience's screams, the exciting prelude to the song sounded, which immediately reawakened the audience's screams that were about to die down.

"This Ain't A Song For The Broken-hearted~" After a short prelude, all the musicians on the field stopped their movements, and Xiao Yao also approached the stand microphone and sang the first sentence of the song.

The same as the previous song, the first sentence of the song is sung without accompaniment, but the styles of the two songs are different, and the lead singers are also different. In the case of Xiao Yao, the "Immortals" band has a dual lead singer configuration, but not every song is sung by the two lead singers equally or together. The song "I Just anna Run" is mainly about Dean, while this song is about Xiao Yao.

This second movie episode is "It's MyLife" by BonJovi in ​​his previous life. In the previous life, this song was much more famous and status than the previous "I Just anna Run", and it can already be regarded as a song at the level of a rock and roll divine comedy. In terms of singing difficulty, this song "It's MyLife" is also more difficult, so Xiao Yao, who has a higher singing level, was the lead singer.

During the performance of the second song, the big screen behind the stage released the original MV of the song. In the original MV of the previous life, the plot is about a young man who was notified by a friend, ran out of the house by throwing garbage, and ran all the way to see BonJovi’s underground performance. The young man's running process is basically the source of inspiration for Xiao Yao's two song MVs.

For the MV of this song, Xiao Yao didn't put much thought into it. Basically, he changed the previous plot a bit, and edited the scene of several people running cool in the movie instead of the scene of the young man running. As for the MV of another song "I Just anna Run", Xiao Yao also designed, shot and edited it according to the MV plot mode of this song.

After the release of the two songs and the MV, the performance of "It's MyLife" will be stronger than that of "I Just anna Run". Whether it is the sales of the song or the evaluation of fans, "It's MyLife" is more popular . In the live performance of this premiere, the reaction of the audience when the band performed the second song was also stronger than that of the previous song, and the cheers and screams were higher than those of the first song out a lot.

Amidst the screams of the audience, the band finished the performance of the second song. After the band members collectively bowed to the audience, Dean and the other four left the stage amid the applause of the audience. The staff also removed the instruments, microphones and other equipment, while Xiao Yao handed over the guitar he was carrying He gave it to Dean to take away, and he stayed on the stage in his rock and roll outfit with a leather jacket. Because after the band exited, the staff placed chairs on the stage again, and the host and all the main creators returned to the stage, so Xiao Yao, who is the main creator of the movie, didn't need to leave the stage.

The host on the stage continued to interview the main creators after the audience's excitement over the two rock songs performed by the band had calmed down a bit.

After Muying and Zhao Rui, the host's next interview subject was Xu Fei. During the entire filming process, many members of the crew suffered some injuries to some extent, but most of them suffered from minor bruises and sprains. As for more serious injuries, only Xu Fei experienced them. . Although Xu Fei also had bruises and sprains, but his degree was more serious. He was the only one who went to the hospital for examination and treatment during filming and needed to stop work to rest and recuperate. During the interview with Xu Fei, the host also focused on this.

If the accident had happened to Xiao Yao himself, he wouldn't bother to bring it up. But Xu Fei is not Xiao Yao, not even Zhao Rui, he is neither the usual image of a tough guy, nor does he have the experience of learning martial arts, and he doesn't have the feeling that injuries are commonplace. This kind of thing can enhance his positive image and gain favorability, whether it is him or his agency, he really wants to talk about it.

This incident is a fact, and it can also be seen from Xu Fei's incident that shows the working attitude of the entire crew during the filming period. Naturally, Xiao Yao will not object to this arrangement.

When the host asked Xu Fei to tell the story of his injury during filming, the big screen on the scene cooperated and released the photos of Xu Fei's injury. When seeing these photos, the audience also gave Xu Fei a burst of applause.

Of course, during the conversation with the host, Xu Fei didn't just talk about himself. It was also mentioned by the way that Xiao Yao, Zhao Rui and others also suffered some injuries during the filming process, but their injuries were not as serious as the one shown in their photos. Speaking of this, Xu Fei also laughed at his own skills, saying that he was very worried that after this movie, Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui would dislike him and kick him out of YRF. Xu Fei's easy ridicule also caused a burst of laughter at the scene.

After Xu Fei's interview was over, the host's next interview subject was Chen Xiaoting. Although Chen Xiaoting was not included in the YRF team, she was specifically introduced as the shooter of the early team parkour video, and all three of them regarded her as a member of the team. The member of the team in the eyes of Xiao Yao and the others is the only one in this movie who is not in the starring team, but only plays a small supporting role, but is also one of the investors and producers of the movie. This identity is also very interesting .

In the interview with Chen Xiaoting, in addition to her contribution in the film, a large part of the focus is on her relationship with the three YRF team members. During the whole process, Chen Xiaoting also exposed a lot of shocking news, telling some embarrassing things about the three of them when they played parkour in the early days, and the audience at the scene also listened very happily.

Zhou Jingyi and other four foreign protagonists were the first to be interviewed, followed by Mu Ying and Zhao Rui, then Xu Fei and Chen Xiaoting, and Xiao Yao was naturally the last one. However, as the most important creator in this movie, Xiao Yao didn't say much. Because when the host finally asked him, Xiao Yao spread his hands, expressing all aspects of the matter, almost all the people in front of him had been introduced, so he had nothing to say.

There were boos from the audience for Xiao Yao's non-cooperation. However, when the host smiled and said that Xiao Yao had only let him go after watching live performances of two movie episodes with the band, the boos from the audience also disappeared.

After all the host's interviews here are over, the next part is the exchange of questions between the media and the audience. In terms of the audience, there are also two parts: the live audience and the netizens who watched the live broadcast of the premiere.

This link is present in many premieres, and several people have long been mentally prepared. Although the few people on stage have little experience in working behind the scenes of movies, they have performed a lot of works and have been famous for a long time. They are quite experienced in dealing with media and audience issues.

Whether it was questions from the on-site media or on-site and netizens, whether it was asking Xiao Yao or others, everyone seemed to be relatively comfortable, and many answers could cause bursts of laughter at the scene. The atmosphere of the entire scene was still very good.

Although there is no rehearsal for the premiere, the arrangement of each link takes into account the process and time. This time the film has a larger number of main creators, and the time allocated for the questioning session is also longer. After about twenty minutes, the session ended.

At this point, the pre-screening exchanges and performances of the premiere are all over, and the next step is the official film screening.

The host and the main creators left the stage together amid the applause of the audience. The staff quickly came up to remove the chairs, and the lights above the audience's heads also dimmed.

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