Dimension Forum

Chapter 398: Skin God and Creation

"It's worthy of" the skin **** "..." Guan Liyuan..lā

"Well? Li Yuan, what are you talking about?" Xiaozhi wondered.

"Nothing, I said here at Miss Joey, you can rest assured." Guan Liyuan said.

The ship originally had a special Joey on board, as well as a Pokémon medical team, and in the city of Dead Leaves, the medical team and Joey related to the East land came up.

Although the San Te Anu had more than a thousand passengers at this time, either the ship's rocket team or the Sakagi consortium, and the men brought by Sakagi, plus the original staff on board, were more than passengers ...

The person who is talking to you also has a special hidden ability. In addition, he and Pokemon you just explored have a chance to become a forum member. The penguin's voice sounded in Guan Liyuan's heart.

The principle of the issuance of forum membership is that in a world, the more popular the universe will be, the more likely it is to be selected as a member. If it is also a "member candidate", it proves that they are also "attracting" the universe will!

No wonder, five characteristics ... four are special characteristics not found in the data ... Guan Liyuan sighed.

That's right, the previous forum's investigation of Xiaozhi's Pikachu has already appeared. The race value is only 320. Like the ordinary Pikachu, even the highest speed talent is only "relatively" high, and the speed type treasure with a real race value of 500 or more. Ca n’t compare, the individual correction rate is also the most common 100 ...

Normally, this kind of Pikachu should be similar to Pikachu that Xiaoxia encountered when beating her children in Dead Leaf City.

Dr. Oki is probably because he only measured the race value and individual correction rate of pickup trucks, as well as the characteristics of "lightning rods", so he was regarded as "ordinary Pikachu with relatively rare characteristics", and he gave it to those who had no money to lead Yusan Xiaozhi.

Although most of Pikachu are "static" characteristics, and only a few are "lightning rod" characteristics, but nothing more is precious ...

The effect of the "lightning rod" is to absorb electrical damage and improve its special attack. It is also a key feature of Pikachu's several counterattacks in the animation.

However, in fact, Guan Liyuan used the forum, and after a precise investigation, he found that Pikachu also has four hidden characteristics, and his "lightning rod" is also born lv3!

According to the calculation method of Kao Paris, the characteristics of lv3 should be counted as 100,000 fighting power ...

But in fact, because the "lightning rod" will only take effect when it is charged, the Pikachu's 100,000 combat power usually cannot be reflected at all, and probably no one has found it.

And the lv3 lightning rod gave Pikachu a very large capacitance, which can be directly withstood by lightning and even absorbed the power of the beast. It can be transformed into its own electrical system attack ...

At the same time, there are four other hidden features of Pikachu that are enough to be "member candidates"!

Counterattack: Every time an opponent's level is higher than 10, his attributes are increased by 5 to a length. It takes effect after three minutes of combat, and recovers after the battle. The characteristics disappear after evolution.

G: For each opponent ’s racial value 10 points higher, his special attack racial value increases by 2 points, speed racial value increases by 2 points, and attack racial value increases by 1 point. It takes effect after three minutes of combat, recovers after combat, and the characteristics disappear after evolution. .

Long battle: After three minutes of combat, the "counter attack" and "gram attack" effects increase by 20 every minute. If neither of the "counter attack" or "gram attack" is launched, its attributes are reduced by 10 per minute, and it recovers after the battle. The characteristics disappear after evolution.

Evolutionary killer: When fighting Pokémon in the final evolutionary form, the individual correction rate is increased by 50. When fighting against non-final evolutionary form of Pokemon, the individual correction rate is reduced by 50. After the battle, the recovery is made, and the characteristics disappear after evolution.

To sum up the four characteristics is that the four words are strong when they are strong.

Guan Liyuan also finally understood why in the animation, Xiaozhi's Pikachu was called the "pishen" when he was a rigid beast, but after traveling to several regions and getting good results in regional competitions, he went to other After the region, "pishen" will still be beaten by children ...

After all, in the case that the four hidden characteristics are not activated, the Pikachu 320-point race value, even if it reaches level 100, has only just exceeded 30,000 combat power.

Moreover, it is not possible to play 30,000 combat capabilities, or play against Pokémon in the final evolutionary form, and have an individual correction rate of 150, a combat effectiveness of 45,000, and "Kshang" and "Long War" will start fighting more and more. ...

Either play against "kids", play 50 individual correction rates, barely match the level, and get more and more frustrated ...

But these four characteristics, except the last one, have a premise, that is, "effective after three minutes of combat!" And the effect of "Long War" has gradually come into play.

Normally with a Pikachu 320-point race value, it can't hold up with any powerful Pokémon for three minutes at all, probably because of this, Dr. Oki did not find its hidden characteristics.

Not even Pikachu knows it, and it's likely that no one will ever find it ...

However, destiny made it meet Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi as a trainer's special magic skill "Return to Roar", through the incentive to make Pokémon, which has lost its combat power, recover a small amount of physical strength, and then within a minute, every time After being defeated twice, you will recover your energy!

The success rate is affected by the bond between Pokémon and the strength of the opponent. The deeper the bond with Pokémon, the stronger the opponent's strength, the easier it is to succeed, and the success rate of continuous launching gradually decreases.

In fact, trainers who do not have special abilities, as long as they have a deep enough bond with Pokémon and their own training skills are high enough, they can also do so. By stimulating, Pokémon's resilience is enhanced, and even the potential is temporarily stimulated. Sober up in the mystery ...

Even in the game, the concept of "fetters" has been introduced. After five hearts are fettered, there is a chance of "immortal death" and "recovery of abnormal conditions". This is not a rare ability.

Therefore, everyone just thinks that Xiaozhi is more talented in this aspect, but it doesn't come down to a kind of "special ability".

However, under the same training techniques, the effects and success rates of other trainers are far from Xiao Zhigao!

Therefore, the characteristics of "pishen" and Xiaozhi's special abilities form a perfect match.

Although it is still easy to be beaten by children, it is also possible to win by weakness.

"Li Yuan, what have you been watching me for?" Xiao Zhi was guilty and guilty.

"Nothing ... let Pikachu face off with the weaker Pokémon less," Guan Liyuan reminded.

"Ha? Why?"

"Ahem, from the perspective of the breeder, Pikachu is easy to remember the fighting process, and confronting too weak Pokémon will cause Pikachu to have bad fighting habits." Guan Liyuan said smoothly.

Xiaozhi did not question Guan Liyuan's theory, but refuted it from another: "No, I don't think there is a weak Pokémon!"

Guan Liyuan glared at him and left, leaving him alone in the infirmary to wait.

"How is it? Pikachu is all right?" Xiaoxia asked.

Obviously, Pikachu's appearance is quite flattering to women.

"It's okay, physical exhaustion is too much ... just give it to Miss Joy." Guan Liyuan said.

This means that in the Pokémon world, when the killing intention does not reach a certain level, the chance of Pokémon's attacks causing other Pokémon to be fatal is extremely low.

Otherwise, the combination of Xiaozhi and Pikachu's "destiny" may be a problem after living a season ...

"Xiaozhi this guy! It's always so messy!" Xiaoxia obviously had a big prejudice about the way Xiaozhi directed Pokémon to fight.

"By the way, are you going to challenge the Daoguan when you dock tomorrow?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"Forget it ... I already have three badges, the fourth one may not be successful, and Pokémon of Super Power is difficult to deal with ..." Xiao Xia said a lot of reasons by herself, seeming to be hiding what.

This is almost a month, the Santa Anu also docked in some coastal cities, so Xiaoxia and Guan Liyuan also received two badges. At present, Xiaoxia has three badges, and Guan Liyuan has five!

In fact, Guan Liyuan also understood her mood. The other reasons were just excuses. The real reason was ... Tonight, the Saint Annu would dock at the Golden Port, not far from Golden City, and stay again for two days and three nights.

After all, Golden City is one of the first-tier cities in the Kanto region, and it is more prosperous than Hualan City. There are even two Daoguan places. In addition to the most famous "Super Energy Department Road Museum" with Nazi as the owner, there are other A "fighting department dojo" also has official dojo qualifications!

Many Shen'ao tourists, even local tourists in Kanto, will take this opportunity to visit Golden City for shopping, and the Pokémon contest on the San Te Anu will be suspended for three days.

"Don't try the fighting department?"

In the game, the fighting department of the Golden City is restrained by the superpowers, so it has been suppressed by the Nazi ’s, and has not obtained the official Taoist qualification. In the Pokémon World, the Golden City is a first-tier city. There can be two official Taoist halls, so the Super Departmental Tao Halls have instead become the "protective umbrellas" of the fighting department.

In the same city, there must not be two official Taoist halls with the same attributes. There is a Nazi ’s Taoist hall. The fighting department do not have to worry about being targeted by other Super Departments.

"No ... don't you think Nazi will come?" Xiaoxia asked ~ www.readwn.com ~ maybe ... "Guan Liyuan said.

There is a chance to come!

What Sakagi wanted to do while taking advantage of the sailing of "San Te Anu" is now quite clear.

He personally took part in the "San Te Anu". The main activity was not only the Pokémon contest, but also during the Pokémon break the next day, that is, each time the "San Te Anu" was in the port and coastal city for a short time When docking, there will be boarders of the official museums, and sometimes there will be two boarders at the same time!

For almost a month, there have been 17 official patrons of the San Te Anu ...

One of them is Guan Liyuan's "acquaintance" Ah Ju!

Xiaoxia blew up again when she saw him, but A Ju insisted that she didn't sincerely recognize the wrong person ...

That's right, it's the news of the past few days. Aju successfully challenged the official Taoist Pavilion in the city of Pale Red and became the official owner of the Pale Red Pavilion.

The reason why these museum owners suddenly boarded the ship collectively was obviously to build momentum for Sakagi ...

Guan Liyuan also remembered what Dr. Oki had said, that the King of Heaven was very popular in the city capital area, and Sakagi was concerned about the support of many museum owners in the eastern area ...

Of course, according to Guan Liyuan's observations, among these museum owners, there are still other relatives, not all members of the Rockets, and some should just support Sakagi as the Kanto champion for some reason.

Every other day, there are one or two museum owners who make high-profile appearances and support Sakagi's "building strategy", which indeed makes many people feel that "the next champion should be him", which has contributed to Sakagi's popularity.

Guan Liyuan was also relaxed because so many patrons were on the Santa Annu ...

With the lineup on the San Te Anu, even the weaker beasts come, can't they please? ) !!

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