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Chapter 326: Halo

"The so-called super-order is when the professional starts to truly master the power! After reaching the super-order, the professional will begin to analyze the skills and understand the power they have."

"Analysis skills?" Guan Liyuan obviously didn't understand much.

"Using your example of the early fern dance, when you can gradually master this skill, you will be able to control the position of these spiked bone towers pierced from the ground, right?"

"Well, Master Fang said the same thing."

"This is your better use of skills, but still on the level of use ... Since you can make so many bone towers pierce from the ground, why can't you pierce a short thorn, penetrate through the ground? What about the feet of the enemy? "Mo Tianfan asked.

"Because ... because skills aren't that kind of effect ... no, I should be able to do it too ..." Guan Liyuan's eyes were covered with a look of thinking.

Fang Yingxiong saw Guan Liyuan's response, his face was a little tangled, and Mo Tianfan looked like a "bitch can teach"!

Indeed, if you jump out of the special rules such as "professionals" and "skill runes" in the main world to think about the abilities of professionals ...

Can summon a large bone forest, why can't I master the skill of summoning a bone spur from the ground?

Obviously the latter is easier?

In particular, Guan Liyuan's "Early Fern Dance", although in the main world, is a finished product that is directly awakened, but in the Naruto world, Guan Liyuan started from the foundation and learned the "Early Fern Dance" step by step ...

It is because of his experience in other worlds that Guan Liyuan immediately understood what she meant after Mo Tianfan reminded him a little.

"Yes, you should be able to do it! As long as you really understand the profession and skills, and turn them into your own power ..." Mo Tianfan saw Guan Liyuan so quickly that he understood and was more convinced that it was correct to teach him in advance of.

After that, Mo Tianfan also talked about her feelings about professionals according to her own understanding.

When Fang Yingxiong and Mu Mu saw this, they didn't worry about whether Guan Liyuan should contact them now. They were like Mo Tianfan's students, they listened carefully.

Suddenly the two felt that if they were Guan Liyuan's mentor, they would have earned it even without the reward of the Eagle Academy!

Mo Tianfan's experience ... is more precious than the guidance of most super-professionals?

"Skill Rune is the best mentor for professionals to master their own power, not just weapons ..."

Guan Liyuan gradually understood the meaning of Mo Tianfan.

I am afraid that even heroes and Mumu understand more deeply, and maybe even deeper than any professional!

Because Guan Liyuan's skills of "killing gray bones together" and "ghost tiger fighters" were mostly cultivated in other worlds first, and then formed in the main world.

He has a step-by-step cultivation experience, which is different from any professional in the main world!

It was just that he was also affected by the knowledge of the main world. Under the inertia of thinking, he thought that "skills should be like this", but after Mo Tianfan broke this point, Guan Liyuan easily broke through this layer of knowledge .

If the "skill" of this world is a piece of program, then the "skill rune" is the finished product code given by the gods to the professionals. It has been packaged and can be run by clicking it.

The stronger the profession, the stronger the "code" will be given to the professional ...

Usually, only professionals who have reached the advanced level will start to try to analyze and change their skills, because they have reached the "peak" in terms of career, and want to break through relying on their own understanding, rather than career jump.

In this regard, Guan Liyuan actually has an advantage over other professionals, or put in energy earlier!

Many of Guan Liyuan's skills are coded in accordance with the rules of other worlds and formed procedures. Later, when he advances professionally in the main world, the rules of the main world will give him the translated version of the "programs" for the main world. ".

Because the rules of the world are different and the rules for writing the basic "code" are different, the effect of the final program may be different, but they are generally the same and related.

The intention of Mo Tianfan's "use of skill runes as a mentor" is precisely that professionals can use the "program" of the finished product to push back the "code" of the main world ...

Compared to others, Guan Liyuan has the experience of learning skills step by step in other worlds as a reference. Even if the rules are different between the worlds, he has a great advantage over other professionals!

It ’s as if Guan Liyuan has written an article in Chinese, and the main world directly translated it into English. Although some expressions have changed, it is still the same ... Other professionals rely on the artistic conception of the article to analyze the piece by piece. The meaning of the letters, but Guan Liyuan still has his own written Chinese as a reference.

"That's it ... Gradually mastering the power behind the skills? Wait! If that's the case, then why not try to do it from the beginning? The simpler the skills, the easier it will be to master them?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

The three men Mo Tianfan couldn't help looking at him weirdly, and Fang Yingxiong couldn't help but said, "The first-level skills are really simple, but because of the simplicity and only three skills ... so there is no room for analysis at all? "

Guan Liyuan thought about it and understood it. He has experience in other worlds, so he took it for granted!

The elementary skills are really simple, just like the composition of elementary school students ...

It's like showing one person "three simple pictures" and three pieces of "English essay describing pictures" at the same time. How hard is it to learn English?

For Guan Liyuan, it is different. The so-called "simple picture" was drawn by the "main world" based on the "Chinese description" written by Guan Liyuan, and then he was given the corresponding "English description". There is a specific reference. Much easier!

Also use pictures and descriptions as examples. For ordinary professionals, only after reaching the super level, they have a thorough understanding of the artistic conception of each "picture", and the "description sentence" corresponding to the picture is very specific. In addition, the number of pictures can be mutual With reference, you can start to analyze gradually.

Even for "geniuses," it was only after high-level that they began to do so.

On the contrary, for ordinary professionals, too early exposure to this level of concept will affect their understanding of "skills".

As a professional progresses, his own understanding will affect the awakening of skills. For example, ordinary junior professionals begin to think about analyzing skills, which not only delays time, but also may prevent him from finding the direction of intermediate skills, or The skills they have at the advanced level become strange and weak, and they can't even reach the advanced level normally!

Even elite elites such as Fang Yingxiong and Mu Mu have just come into contact with these.

Everyone is high-level, why do you think Yao Qianyi and Song Jun are more advanced? It is because they are still advanced, but they already have at least one complete analysis skill.

"In fact, for the advanced level, the simpler the career, the more advantageous ... In addition, the academic career is an exception. Very few academic professionals can reach the advanced level, but once they advance, they often only need to The precipitation in a short time will directly reach the peak of a state. "Mo Tianfan said.

Scholar-type professionals, such as pharmacists and alchemists, must know their own skills very well and can make various "patterns", otherwise they cannot use various materials to process the finished product.

Moreover, the more academic-typed professionals are, the more thorough they are about their own skills, the easier it is to develop powerful skills, unlike the combat-typed professionals ...

Scholar-type professionals have a lower percentage of promotion to the advanced ranks because they are out of the battle line, but as long as they advance, there is no difficulty for them.

The other is the "simple" profession, which has more advantages in one environment.

If the three skills of a profession all revolve around a central focus, it is naturally easier to understand ...

If you still use pictures as an example, it is like from the first-level skills to the super-level skills. More than a dozen pictures are drawn from different angles of the same thing. Naturally, the deeper the perception of the mood of the pictures, There will also be "similarities" in the description, making it easier for professionals to understand.

"Well? Wait ... why did the two realms jump directly into the halo? What does Wen Anran's career have to do with the super two realms?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

The main cause of "misleading" for low-level professionals is the content of a realm. After knowing the key of a realm, there is nothing to keep secret.

Therefore, Mo Tianfan said directly: "When a professional can fully grasp a profession, and his professional runes have no secrets in his eyes, it means that he has been exposed to the rules, Wen Anran ... is the halo saint. Little professional, right?

I've seen him before, his profession is actually not related to the Second Realm, but even if he doesn't break through the Second Realm, as long as he reaches the super level, he can directly exert the aura ability only in the Second Realm. Before I saw it with my own eyes, I didn't expect to have such a profession ... "

"What is the relationship between the halo and the lifting of the rules?" Guan Liyuan still didn't understand.

"Have you seen his halo skills? What do you think it is?" Mo Tianfan asked.

"A kind of auxiliary gain skill ~ www.readwn.com ~ Guan Liyuan thinks that this should not be the correct answer, but from the effect point of view it is true.

"Then why the halo covers one person and the one hundred people, is it the same consumption for him?"

"..." Guan Liyuan was speechless.

Indeed, if it is a gain skill, there should be a difference in consumption according to the number of targets!

Mo Tianfan also did not sell Guanzi, but directly explained: "Because the role of the aura is not teammates or enemies, but the rules of the scope ... For example, the simplest attack of the aura is to add the area covered by the aura. A rule that friendly attacks should be promoted.

When a career is fully understood and you are exposed to the rules, you can try to turn your skills into rules. The scope that can add rules is the so-called halo. The first state of the second realm is to start with the conversion of a skill into an aura, and then it is a Department of skills, when you reach the peak, you can turn the entire profession into an aura ... "

Guan Liyuan looked at Mo Tianfan in shock, while Fang Yingxiong and Mu Mu looked pale for a while!

Because Mo Tianfan is not only explaining, but also for Guan Liyuan's more specific understanding, he is suddenly releasing the aura he has mastered ...

First a skill, then a department, and finally a profession ...

Yao Qianyi and Song Jun, they have just reached the realm of super one-level entry, and have already esteemed other high-level professionals. Mo Tianfan has actually reached the second realm in the realm!

Fang Yingxiong and Song Jun couldn't help but think: Yin Tong's goods were really dying ... No wonder Moda was going to say that! The realm of the peak of the second realm ... I'm afraid that when we were thirty together, she did not need to use any skills to hang us. Friends at www.readwn.com ~, you can search for "blue book", You can find this site as soon as possible.

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