Dark clouds are rolling, strong winds are rising, a lightning bolt cuts through the dark night sky, and thunder is rolling. Everything indicates that another storm is coming. At this time, it is more suitable to stay at home, lie in the quilt and enjoy the peace and comfort opposite to this violent moment.

"Stop!" suddenly, a rough clamor sounded in the already restless night, which made people more agitated and frightened.

Looking along with the voice, I saw three men in black chasing after a man in his early 20s. He was like a leopard and moved quickly. Although he covered his chest, the blood flowed continuously along one of his hands, and his legs were injured and limped, these did not affect his running speed at all.

"You can't run away. If you know the truth, you'll come back with us. Maybe if the boss is happy, he'll let you live!" a man in black shouted after him, a little out of breath.

The man didn't look back, let alone stop and continue to skillfully avoid the three people in black who were about to catch up. If he hadn't been secretly plotted yesterday, he wouldn't be so down today. He vowed that if he could escape this disaster, he wouldn't let go of any of those people.

It was getting brighter and brighter. They ran all night. If they still couldn't catch him before dark tonight, their heads would be lost. The man in black thought, he couldn't help accelerating his pace, but he still couldn't catch up with the people in front. He couldn't help admiring him. Although he was injured and drugged, he still had such good physical strength, No wonder the boss had to let the three of them kill him. No wonder the boss has always valued him for so many years, but he didn't know he was a traitor!

In this emergency, they can't afford to be distracted and think about anything else. The only thing they can do is to catch the damn man in front of them.

There were three people chasing after him. In front of him, he had reached the legendary death forest. The man didn't stop running. His brain quickly made a decision, flashed into the dense forest and disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

"Shit!" a man in black scolded and suddenly stopped. This is the legendary death forest. Looking inside from the outside, people have a creepy sense of fear, not to mention going in.

Dead forest. It is said that no one can enter here and come out alive.

Dead forest, it is said that there are secrets that human beings can't know.

"Just wait here. I don't believe he dares to stay inside until dark. There are rivers around and there are man eating crocodiles in it. He should dare not take this risk. This is the only exit, and we'll wait here." a man in black suggested.

The other two nodded in agreement.

The man ran into the forest and ran inside for a long time. Finally, he couldn't support it. He fell to the ground. His dry lips were about to bleed. His face was pale and ugly. The sweat had already wet his clothes. He tightly covered his chest and gasped for breath, but he still looked around warily. He was sure that there was no one. He relaxed his vigilance a little and fell on the ground.

Here, he knows that it is the forest of death. For so many years, no one has ever been able to go in and out alive. Although he is not afraid of heaven and earth, he is also afraid of here.

However, since he came in, he must find out what kind of frightening things are here and what thrilling things or things will be there.

With curiosity and a trace of fear, the man struggled with the pain and the strong drug power in his body and stood up unsteadily. This was the first time in his life that he had been secretly tricked into taking the medicine. Otherwise, he could not have been injured, not to mention three people, even three people might not be his opponent.

"Damn it!" he yelled. If the drug effect in his body doesn't disappear within three days, he will die. But where will there be someone here? Especially women!

He secretly laughed at his stupid idea and limped forward bitterly. The big beads of sweat fell down his handsome face and fell on the thick leaves on the ground.


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