Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 372: Holy Death

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A flash of red light cut through the sky, and in the pitch-black **** where you can't see your fingers, there are strands of light, and some scenes are blurred and visible.

Everyone either turned around or lowered their heads, daring not to face the ray of light.

Wang Xuan obeyed like a stream, turned sideways, did not look directly at the end of the sky, and when he first came to hell, he did not understand everything, and he did not act rashly.

"Why are you bowing your head?" he asked.

"The people who looked there have disappeared and evaporated directly from hell." Lu Ming informed that there was a kind of fear in his heart, and his face turned pale.

He will not forget the miserable state that some people dissipated in front of his eyes, blurred, twisted, turned into scraps of paper like scraps of paper, and then disappeared completely.

"No exceptions?" Wang Xuan asked.

"No!" Lu Ming warned him that everyone who looked up at the sky was dead, with no bones left.


Suddenly, the sound of drawing a sword resounded in everyone's primordial spirits, causing many people to look stiff, their eyes sluggish, and their primordial spirits seemed to freeze.

Wang Xuan also felt that the spiritual realm was impacted. It was a kind of "potential" like a vast sea of ​​stars slapped over, and the soul of the suppressed person was about to explode.

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In the end, everyone's primordial spirit was completely blank.

Wang Xuan was immediately shocked, his mind was as firm as him, running the "True One Classic", keeping the primordial spirit only self, only true and unique, and his thinking was still a little slow.

Who is this guy pulling a knife?

It is the end of the sky in hell, it is the outer sky, where a creature appeared, extremely tall, in that red light, he squeezed the sky, huge and terrifying.

Wang Xuan didn't look directly, but turned sideways, caught it with the peripheral vision of his spiritual eyes, and looked at the creature. It was a robot. The whole body was made of pitch-black metal. The place where he stood, the time and space were twisted, and the world seemed to be unable to accommodate his real body.

The sky and the ground are all occupied by his body. It is too magnificent. The long sword he pulled out was silver and white, opened the sky, and cut off the sea of ​​​​stars with the light of the sword!

Wang Xuan was shocked, what level of creature is this?

It made people's thinking freeze, and the group of people around them didn't move, their faces were stiff, and they lost their ability to think.

He has seen the picture of the true saint of Krypton Hill and the true saint of Chongxiao Temple confronting each other. At that time, the world, time and space were frozen, and the sword light was boundless, flowing in the past, present, and future.

This robot also initially possesses some abilities in this field.

"At the very least, is he an extraordinary alien, or is he the true saint of the machine race?!"

Silently, at the end of the sky, another creature appeared. It was a woman with soft body lines and big undulating curves. She had long hair scattered and she couldn't see her face clearly because Wang Xuan was watching from the corner of his eye.

She carries a pair of wings, colorful and incomparably sacred. The whole person emits light that illuminates the world, and a faint coercion makes time and space completely imprisoned, where time does not pass, and time stops for her.

Wang Xuan's scalp was numb. He just entered **** and saw this creature. Is this teaching him a lesson? Get rid of all the impetuousness in his heart.

The woman is also huge, and when the skirt moves, she can cover a starry sky. This is an incredible creature.

In an instant, the two creatures clashed, and between the heavens and the earth, it seemed that the real bodies of the two creatures could not be accommodated.

In the No. 1 stronghold, the primordial spirits of everyone else were frozen, and they lost the ability to think.

The two creatures are fighting, except for themselves, the rest is still dark and blurry, and even they can't illuminate all the corners, and the deep space beyond.

Suddenly, the red light became more intense, and it fell from the deep and boundless sky, as if the sun was purifying the world, falling towards the two creatures.

At this moment, even Wang Xuan's primordial spirit was about to be torn apart. He felt his body tense, and his body and spirit were in a state of high tension, fighting with all his strength.

Otherwise, his brain would be completely blank, and he would not be able to think at all, and the problem was extremely serious.

Then, out of the corner of his eyes, he could see clearly that it was a drop of blood, a blood drop that was so large that it was many times larger than the vast sea.

It dripped down from the sky, and suddenly drowned and dissolved the robots and women that seemed to be squeezed all over the world.

As powerful as those two creatures, they couldn't escape, without the power to resist, they disintegrated directly, and the time and space were blurred and dim, as if everything would not exist.

The sky and the earth are dark, only the light of blood.

Then, more blood slipped from there.

Further away, the endless darkness was gradually being torn apart, and the source of the blood that had slipped was revealed, which was dripping from one eye.

A huge eyeball is exposed, all the darkness is due to its black pupil, and now it is transformed into gold, so the world gradually lights up.

The golden pupil occupied the entire world, boundless, traversing the past, present and future. Then, it disintegrated and shattered. In the distance, it seemed to have its face and body, but it was difficult for the true immortal to see its full picture.

With such a quick glance, Wang Xuan felt that he was blurred, his primordial spirit was about to disappear, and the whole thing was about to dissipate from the world, as if he had never been here before.

All kinds of scriptures in his heart are automatically turned over, his own way, his own way, the extraordinary sea of ​​​​bright waves crashing on the shore, piece after piece of the old universe is gone, washed away by the waves, abandoned, the new universe is just an extraordinary station In the cold winter, Wang Xuan felt that he was going to die, and this was the price he paid for not listening to dissuasion and looking at the sky with the corner of his eye, even a glance would kill him.

However, he persevered and survived the first night of **** in his own way. He had to experience everything in order to understand it deeply, even if he believed in others.

In the distance, the eyeball cracked and shattered, and the faces covering deep space, the universe, hell, and the body that were not at all visible also seemed to be torn apart.

"What is this, Holy Death? A spectacle caused by the death of a supreme creature." Wang Xuan whispered.

"Yes, Holy Death." The strange thing on the phone said, full of weight, with a hint of deep and long-lasting aura.

The red light disappeared, everything was gone, the world of **** returned to darkness, and the five fingers could not be seen.

"Do you know who the true saint is?" Wang Xuan asked.

"I can't tell you, one era after another, there is more than one death incident in hell, I can't be sure. This is a long time ago, and it doesn't belong to this era." Wang Xuan's heart was heavy, and he didn't say anything for a long time. A long time ago, there was a holy death, and its scene was imprinted in the years, and it was left in hell. It was just a spectacle, and the extraordinary could not look directly at it, which was too terrifying.

The two creatures who fought against each other earlier must be aliens, top creatures above the transcendent cloud, and the ending is terrifying.

After a long time, in the No. 1 stronghold, other talents recovered one after another, their minds started to work again, their primordial spirits glowed, and they were all alive.

"What is that?" Wang Xuan also looked like he had just woken up.

Lu Ming had lingering fears, and said: "It's not good, the people in the true holy dojo said that it may involve the supreme beings and cannot be explored."

Wang Xuan looked into the depths of the darkness, silent.

The dead true saint, the kind of scene left in the years, can't be seen. Once his eyes fall into the heart of the superhuman, his soul will be disintegrated, the flesh will be blurred, and the form and spirit will dissipate.

"Hey, I have two old brothers who didn't listen to advice when they first came, didn't believe in evil, and the heavens were perfect, they were blurred, twisted, and shattered before my eyes."

An old man sighed and sat beside the burning fire, quite sad.

"My senior sister also died and evaporated from me." A man lowered his head.

"It's all **** lessons. Many organizations here have lost a lot of extraordinary people. Because of curiosity, they don't listen to dissuasion, and no one can be an exception."

Obviously, a large number of people died in the No. 1 stronghold.

"It is reported that when other times entered hell, there has never been such an event that it will be destroyed at a glance. This time is too outrageous."

Some people sighed that although they did not lose their lives because of this, they still felt a chill in their hearts.

"How about the other three strongholds?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Also within this range, the wonders I see are similar, and I don't dare to look directly. But I heard people say that in the distance, the wonders I see are not this red light, they are completely different."

"Why didn't these things about **** spread in the transcendent central world?" Wang Xuan said, then he looked at Lu Ming and asked, "You guys have also shot a lot of videos about hell, why haven't you seen it outside? "1" It hasn't been released yet, but it should be soon." Lu Ming explained that there has been no major progress in the exploration of hell, and the organizations that came to **** have jointly decided to suppress news as a whole.

Mobile phone reading time /book/10505/

He went on to say: "In the near future, there should be a wave of publicity, and relevant news will be released to the outside world. Our Jinxia Transcendent Channel's program will be officially unveiled, not only our family, but also

There are also other platforms that have prepared a lot of material about hell. "

An old man said: "It is foreseeable that it may scare off a large number of people, but it may also attract more people to explore. After all, there are not only dangers here, but also opportunities. In some places, magical medicines grow all over a cliff. , Some areas produce rare and strange things, if you really want to pick them up and go back alive, you can immediately change the trajectory of your life.”

A group of people sat together and chatted for a long time. Until late at night, there was a heavy fog, and the entire ruins were covered. The **** that was originally invisible, now it is even more abnormal.

It is an extraordinary person, so close at hand, they can't see each other's appearance clearly, they can only see the general outline.

"Hell is very strange. After midnight, the fog covered the ruins. Although some unknown dangers were prevented, but, for some unknown reason, everyone was sleepy and couldn't fight, and they all fell into a deep sleep."

Lu Ming yawned, fell to the ground as he spoke, and fell asleep soon after.

The same is true for other people. They can't hold on, and they fall asleep when they fall to the ground. It seems that they have long been used to it.

Wang Xuan was terrified. For some reason, the supernatural sense was automatically triggered, which gave him a very bad feeling.

He ran the mysterious neuronal texts he got from the foreigner Xitian, and practiced it again to fight the drowsiness and the icy chill.

After half an hour, he was hairy, the people around him, the extraordinary people in the entire ancient city ruins, all had no sound, no heartbeat, no primordial spirit, all vital signs disappeared, and everyone died!

One stronghold, one city's people are dead!

Wang Xuan was shocked, he went to check, it was not an illusion, these people were really dead, and there was no life.

The fog is thick, isolating the consciousness.

In addition to the spiritual eyes, even the extraordinary people have a hard time seeing the surrounding situation under this situation, and those people seem to be still sleeping.

After another half an hour, his supernatural sense made him feel more and more that this place was wrong. However, outside the ruins, the area around the foggy edge seemed to be even more abnormal, with a pair of eyes piercing the darkness, and then went away.

Soon, Wang Xuan smelled the rotten smell. He lowered his head to look at those people. In such a short period of time, those bodies had already begun to rot.

These are all extraordinary people, all true immortals and heavenly masters, even if they die, in the age of mythology, their bodies can remain immortal for many years, lifelike.

But right now, what he saw made his heart palpitate. This ancient city and this ruins made people feel extremely depressed. What happened?

Everyone who was chatting not so long ago lost their lives and rotted fast.

Wang Xuan ran the Primordial Nervous Text, stayed awake, took out the spirit of fighting against the blood of the True Sage's Rules of the Dead Hill, and fought against the fog with all his strength, and he did not have an accident.

In the second half of the night, he found that everyone was rotting out of shape, some of their bodies had their bones exposed, and the smell of rancidity permeated the entire giant city.

"Is this hell?" Wang Xuan's heart was heavy, this place would be destroyed at every turn, and a city of people died tragically!

Before dawn, the fog gradually dissipated, and then dawn broke. When a ray of morning light cut through the horizon, the moment the sun rose, the trees all over the mountains swayed,

Facing the splendid morning glow, the trees are full of fragrance, and the crystal petals are flying all over the sky.

Mobile phone wonders said a long time ago that **** is beautiful. In the morning glow, there will be magical flowers dancing everywhere. At that time, he was still wondering if the brain flowers were falling?

Now it seems that the words of the strange object on the mobile phone have been answered. In the golden morning glow, **** is extremely bright and beautiful, and the petals are fragrant and drift across the entire site.

However, the dead people in the surrounding area are all rotten, and the corpse stinks, and no one can appreciate it.


Wang Xuan was surprised. In the morning glow, in the dance of flowers and rain, the bodies of those people on the ground gradually began to have a heartbeat, no longer decayed, and regained vitality and luster.

At the end, the rotten smell of all was gone, and the moment the sun of **** jumped out of the horizon as a whole, they all came back to life and opened their eyes.

Wang Xuan was hairy, and he felt a chill in his heart. Is this still the same group of people? A bunch of monsters. Is it that they are like this every day and night, and what kind of people is he with?

"Wang, did you sleep well?" Lu Ming asked with a smile. "It's alright." Wang Xuan responded, chills down his spine.

This group of people is absolutely dead, but after they wake up, everyone's words and deeds are so normal.

"Is there a map? I want to walk around and take a look at other strongholds." Wang Xuan said, there is a big problem in this place, and he doesn't want to stay any longer.

He didn't know what happened to the other three Are they all dead? The superhumans who entered **** are actually dead as a whole?

"Fellow Daoist, how are you thinking, our Yongan Group is the world's largest insurance company in the Transcendent Center, and its reputation is guaranteed." A man and a woman who sold insurance came again, looking for him enthusiastically, but Wang Xuan was a little hairy. These are two dead people!

"No need!" he refused again.

That morning, before Wang Xuan was about to leave, there was a statement letter from Yongan Group on the super secret website and **** forum.

"Our company has never carried out any business in hell, and solemnly warns the fraudsters... The person who sells the accident insurance of **** ran away at the first time.

Wang Xuan didn't pay attention to this matter. He looked at a group of dead people, living so normal, and became more and more disturbed.

He set off and quickly left Stronghold 1, which was so weird it made him feel terrified. Is it the same for other strongholds? He doesn't have a clue. Shouldn't he be the only living person in the whole hell?

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