Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 371: magical hell

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Under the setting sun, the blood-colored river flows silently, and the sense of silence makes people suffocate.

There are mouthfuls of copper cauldrons on the river bank, some are boiling the eyeballs, some are boiling the heads. On the shore, there are scattered rocks and dried corpses. The above scene is the **** in Wang Xuan's mind. In fact, all parties are talking about it, saying that **** is bloody. However, the real scene was completely different from what he saw.

He is now facing the sea, the blue and clear, the blue sky is like washing, the sea and the sky are the same color. Behind him, the spring flowers are blooming, the vegetation is lush, and the splendid petals of the sacred tree are swaying.

He was a little suspicious, whether he went to **** or went to heaven. This gap in perception is simply too great.

Boom! The ground trembled, and in the distance, a behemoth came running, pulling him back from the salty sea breeze.

In an instant, his pupils contracted, convinced that it was hell.

A monster with dark and long hair all over its body, with a high energy of 15 meters, with a thick black mist, a huge bull head, very fierce, holding a heavy and sharp steel fork, running at high speed.

Beside him, there is also a 16-meter-high monster, covered with thick brown hair, with a horse's head, holding a mourning stick, and carrying a thick iron chain. Coming soon.

Bull head horse noodles? Wang Xuan was surprised.

They came towards Wang Xuan, their bodies distorted the space,

The place where you stand is blurred, and it's amazingly fast! boom!

Later, there was a big explosion in the void, and the two creatures were very terrifying. They came across the space with their fleshly bodies, one holding a heavy steel fork, the other swinging a mourning stick, and the Yin Qi was overwhelming!

Wang Xuan was not afraid, and before they could make a move, he rushed up first, bang bang is two punches, you're welcome, want to claim his life, not to mention the bull-headed horse-faced, that is, the Ten Temple Yama has arrived, at this moment, although he has not exhausted it yet Do your best, but at least you have the power of the Three Ruins!

The two creatures are very tall, and they are both experts in the field of heaven, but there is still a gap in the face of Wang Xuan who can slaughter the disciples of the true saints.

Even if they were the first to charge, they were still hit by Wang Xuan, who had a super speed limit, with two bangs. Gao's body exploded.

This scene was **** and quite terrifying. The ground was full of broken bones and flesh and blood. Even the heavy steel fork, mourning stick and iron chain were broken.

"Ah misunderstanding, don't start!" At the end of the sky, someone shouted with Yuanshen, worried that the voice would be too late.

Because, Wang Xuan wants to make up his fist!

He saw that these two creatures reappeared, their flesh and blood regrouped, and a lightning puppet was burned to ashes in front of each, and the light of life flowed to restore them and die for them. A dozen people flew from the sky, with the most advanced filming equipment. The leader was very anxious. Seeing that Wang Xuan didn't make a punch, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

The cow-headed and horse-faced, hairless and pale, they are heavenly masters, but they were beaten up in the blink of an eye, and they almost died.

"We are from Tianwaitian in the Golden Horn Star Territory. We are people from the Jinxia Extraordinary Channel. We are guarding the gate of **** and want to capture the instinctive reactions of all kinds of explorers when they face the unexpected events of hell. Brother, you are too fierce. , this is a misunderstanding, if you are dissatisfied, we can make amends and make up for it, everything is negotiable."

The leading man wiped his sweat and apologized, with an ugly smile on his face, he naturally knew that he was in the wrong, and was afraid of annoyed this mysterious young man who was obviously "iron".

They are indeed filming real emergencies in order to achieve the effect of the extraordinary channel, but they never dare to mess around on weekdays.

Today, they all agreed that the realm of incoming people should not be very high, and there is a high probability that they are just those who arrived ahead of schedule to fight for the organization behind them. As a result, they found that it was a big mistake, and it was a lone dragon crossing the river. Wang Xuan's face is not very good-looking. These extraordinary video platforms are a bit too much. For the effect of the show, he is really willing to invest in it. It's just that he invited the celestial monsters of the cattle and horses to make cameos, and he also tricked passers-by.

However, he restrained himself and did not continue to show his face. The appearance of these people was considered timely, and if he didn't understand the situation, he could just ask them.

He waved his hand, indicating that the matter was over, and then asked some serious questions.

"This is the gate of hell. People who come from various passages will almost come within a thousand miles nearby." The person in charge helped him clear his doubts.

This range is extremely broad for mortals, but it is the same for extraordinary people.

"A hundred miles away, there is currently the safest base No. 1 in hell. It was discovered and opened up by the expedition team in the early stage. It was originally an ancient city ruins." Take the initiative to remind Wang Xuan of some precautions.

"Brother, at night, you must stay in the stronghold, that is, in the ruins of the ancient city! Otherwise, people may disappear at some time, disappear completely, and evaporate alive from hell." He solemnly warned.

Wang Xuan nodded, completely letting go of the unhappiness in his heart. After a brief chat, he already knew a lot of important information, and everything was worth it.

At present, a total of four strongholds have been opened, and this is the largest and safest site facing the gate of hell.

The location of the gate of **** is different in each era. It has been in this area for the past few decades. Even if some Taoist traditions are very old, and the maps left by the predecessors, it is useless and cannot be used for reference.

The leader of the Jinxia Transcendent Channel, named Lu Ming, is very talkative.

Wang Xuan's identity is too sensitive, whether it is Sun Wukong or the quality inspector Kong Xuan, they are all problematic characters. If they really appear in hell, there will be all kinds of trouble. "My name is Wang, I am a biologist,

Study the diversity of extraordinary species, the balance between races, etc., come to **** to find new species, and prepare for sampling. "While talking, he took out the test tubes prepared in advance, and came to the front of Niu Tau Ma to collect a little blood remaining on their bodies.

The two behemoths were terrified, but they didn't dare to move.

"Fellow Daoist, we are not a new species." The two celestial monsters trembled, mainly because the two of them were afraid of being bombed and killed, and their hearts were extremely fearful.

The leader of the Jinxia Transcendent Channel, Lu Ming, was also speechless for a while. Is this Guo Jianglong a biologist? Dare to go to **** alone, the professionalism is admirable.

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, he first hypnotized himself to believe it, or at least believed it on his face, and cooperated with Wang Xuan to speak.

After realizing that this is a loner, he attaches great importance to it, and it is definitely not easy for someone who dares to go to **** alone.

The two talked for a long time, Wang Xuan was very satisfied, and had a general understanding of hell, and then the two added friends with the extraordinary communicator.

"Brother, check the **** forum in time every day. There are various crisis reminders and the latest news." Lu Ming reminded him when he parted.

Near each base, you can connect to the extraordinary secret network and log in to the **** forum. And the establishment of the extraordinary secret network can get in touch with the extraordinary central world, but the delay is extremely severe.

Wang Xuan left the beautiful coastline, entered the jungle, and walked towards the so-called stronghold.

Compared with the impression inherent in his mind, it is hard to imagine that this is hell.

The oak tree is tall and luxuriant, with obvious extraordinary properties, bearing golden acorns, and there are golden cicadas on the tree, which are golden with the acorns.

Five-color butterflies danced gracefully, and bursts of rays of light appeared on the sea of ​​meteor flowers.

A slap-sized Hellcat that was fired at a sky-high price, black and furry, suddenly like a black lightning flashed across the jungle, capturing a space mouse with a rare bloodline,

It was bitten to death, and it was not allowed to break through the space to escape, both of which were immortal-level creatures.

The **** is full of life, the scenery is beautiful, and the products are extremely rich. On the way, Wang Xuan actually picked two fairy medicines.

This is still a place where people often haunt, adjacent to No. 1 stronghold.

Along the way, Wang Xuan saw a huge lake, and a group of **** black swans were leisurely swinging the water waves and were "swimming the lake". Soon, a black swan poofed and a fierce bird disappeared. When it came out of the water again, the bird had a dragon in its beak, dripping with blood, and began to share food with its companions.

Later, Wang Xuan also saw a giant mountain that towered into the clouds. The upper half was covered with snow, with pitch-black spiritual grass growing, and the lower half was lush and green, with traces of the activity of the **** insect golden silkworm.

"What about permafrost, blood-colored hell? Why does it look like a pure land, a place where all things multiply and thrive, and where magical medicines and strange things are extremely abundant." Wang Xuan said to himself.

The strange thing on the mobile phone appeared and said, "You only see the quiet and beautiful side of it, but not the **** side of it. There is an icon of **** on my screen. I can send you to experience it directly, go?"

"Don't go!" Wang Xuan immediately refused. Before that, he didn't even dare to let him go in one step with the mobile phone itself, indicating that the present is definitely not suitable.

Although he had a preliminary impression of hell, he didn't know enough about this magical land, and many places were still smeared.

At the very least, he felt a little different when he cast the spell, and he needed to adapt and make adjustments, otherwise in the most critical and **** battle, a slight error would be the end of death.

"It is this beautiful and peaceful place, and it may change its face at any time." said the strange thing on the mobile phone.

Wang Xuan did not fully believe Lu Ming's words, and walked around the gate of **** himself, measuring the area with his footsteps, leaving his footprints in the mountains, forests, rifts, and plains.

He used his spiritual eyes to see the essence, and there was a huge ruin nearby. He even saw a stone tablet, a rotten Daluo copper mother, a rotten secret gold arrowhead, and a disfigured piece of the wreckage of a spaceship.

Beyond the scope of the ruins, the area far from the gate of **** is an unpredictable area that has not yet been opened up, and various dangers may appear.

When Wang Xuan came to the edge area, he really felt something, and his body tightened instantly. Outside the ruins, in a chaotic stone forest in the distance, he saw a tall figure with disheveled hair and covering his face.

This creature is a humanoid, dressed in rotten linen clothes, silent, exuding a terrifying breath, as if looking at him through the hair on his face, silent. Then, the creature turned around, and the figure disappeared directly into the void!

Wang Xuan's pupils shrank. There was a huge wound on this person's back, dripping with blood and flowing with golden blood. It seemed very sacred, and it seemed to be full of malicious fluctuations. It was a pair of gray wounds left by broken wings. , was torn apart. And the rusty broken knife that the creature was carrying, when he disappeared, there were traces of shocking rune ripples, indicating that it was an alien-level weapon!

"It's really weird." Wang Xuan frowned. Not long after, he saw a silver time crow in the outer area of ​​the site, a very rare species, born with the power of time, he actually encountered one in **** on the first day.

Similarly, this time crow did not approach the ruins, and when it spread its wings, it disappeared into the ripples of time.

"It's not easy!" Wang Xuan realized that something was wrong. The world outside the ruins, the jungles, mountains, plains and other places in **** seemed extremely dangerous.

Soon after, he officially walked towards the stronghold. This is a large-scale ancient city ruins. The city walls collapsed and were submerged by vegetation. As for the city, there were no buildings, only some rubble, and more traces were buried underground.

There are many extraordinary people in the city. As soon as Wang Xuan approached, someone took the initiative to come over, very enthusiastic. "Brother, welcome to hell, this is a wonderful journey, but it is also extremely dangerous. We must be responsible for ourselves, and we must also consider the relatives around us, save our lives, and safety first."

This is a man and a woman, inexplicably taking the initiative, with a sincere and sincere smile on their faces, making Wang Xuan a little confused, do you know?

Soon, going around, the two chatted a lot, and after getting closer, they finally showed their identities and said their intentions. "We are from Yongan Group"

Wang Xuan's expression was very exciting, and he finally knew why the two were so enthusiastic about him. This is an insurance giant company in the supernatural world. It wants to sell him accident insurance in hell, etc. Of course, it must be sky-high.

Wang Xuan pondered, if he really had an accident, who would be the beneficiary? Is it the name of Wang Yusheng, the only blood-related brother in this world?

It is estimated that after he buys this insurance, his name will be on the news headlines immediately, and he will die immediately. It is estimated that Wang Yusheng will not benefit from it, nor will he receive any compensation.

So he politely and resolutely refused. Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the ruins, and the crowd was boiling, a hustle and bustle.

"Explosive news. In the area of ​​the Holy Emperor City, someone broke into the first small city and saw fragments of sacred items. This is the first time, it's a record!"

There is more than one sudden It didn't take long for another news to come. In the mechanical holy temple area, someone successfully broke into a collapsed ancient temple and saw the holy spirit of nine-color divine light flowing. thing!

"It exploded, two amazing news in succession, like opening up the world in hell, and finally making progress, and sending it back to the central world will inevitably cause a huge sensation, the people of the true holy dojo are expected to come, who can resist this. ? And these two people are going to be famous, but they actually killed them."

"Ning Hao, Chen Long, may have obtained the sacred items, this is the rhythm of making the world famous in one day!"

At this time, it was nearly evening, and everyone who went out had returned in advance, and no one dared not to return to the ruins of the ancient city before night came.

In fact, **** is very strange. The moment the sun sets, the whole world is as black as ink, and then it is dead and silent. At the same time, at the end of the sky, there are suffocating fluctuations, and then a red light appears, gradually changing. big.

"Don't look there!" Lu Ming's voice transmission, he returned to the ruins, not far away, reminding Wang Xuan to quickly bow his head, do not look.

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