Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 516: True Saint Fishing

"Crazy, this Shang Yi is not afraid of being...'Heavenly jealous\"? ! ' someone whispered, looking in disbelief.

The so-called "Heavenly Jealousy" is a very euphemism, which should refer to hostility and revenge from aliens.

Even the talker dared not say it directly. Among them, the danger and the kind of fear can be seen.

"Shang Yi" was attacking, and he didn't stop there. He ran to the area where the aliens of the Paper Temple were located, and then went to the Guixu Dojo. This was the rhythm of "crazy"!

Of course, the area where Shang Yi passed during this period was also mixed with other stone statues of other dojos, otherwise the direction would be too obvious.

"Godman, in one day, he challenged many different people in a row!" Many extraordinary people marveled. Although they felt that he was out of the norm and died, they had to admire his arrogance and outstanding performance. Strength.

"This is cheating, he is looting the practice manual like crazy!" Some people's eyes turned green, and one person has even gone through several dojos and challenged many aliens, and he hasn't stopped.

He shot in succession, but he didn't fall into any critical situation. The other challengers worked hard, and only a very few people had difficulty obtaining Inhuman's insights and notes, but he seemed to be "restocking" quickly.

Therefore, some of the population did not choose to say anything, no longer accusing him of killing, but saying that he was cheating.

"Isn't this an extraordinary person with true sainthood?!" Someone's pupils shrank, staring at him carefully.

Wang Xuan felt relieved, and swung the "Sword of the World" in succession, slashing Guixu, Shi Shitian, and many famous aliens in the Paper Temple, exuding all the evil spirits, and feeling refreshed.

During this period, a foreigner's will came and quietly possessed the body, but this did not change anything, on the contrary, it made Wang Xuan even more excited.

There is no doubt that on this day, he offended these aliens ruthlessly, and some of them were defeated, and some of them he was ruthless.

For example, the direct disciple of Time Innocent Sage was repeatedly beaten by him in the battlefield of sages, using the sole of his shoe to compare his toughness with the face of an alien.

The main reason is that the true sage of Time Sky has searched for him in hell, and the supreme beings end up dealing with a true immortal in person, which is even more outrageous than what he did today.

For a moment, Wang Xuan wanted to go to the statue of the innocent saint of time, but in the end he calmed down and did not dare to approach the statue.

This place was arranged by the saints, and it is estimated that the highest creatures can "violate the rules".

After he calmed down, he gradually became more peaceful, and then it was incomparably peaceful.

Many people look bad, but they dare not break the rules here.

At the same time, there are also many people who are doubting his origin, is it the illegitimate son of the true saint? Otherwise, how dare you do such a big death? "I suspect that the tattoo palace will retaliate, and I apply for asylum on the battlefield of the sages." Wang Xuan said with his sword raised.

The people in the tattoo palace even ate his heart, but they did not dare to violate the will of the saints here, and they could not encircle and suppress them illegally.

And now they have nothing to say, "Shang Yi" actually poured dirty water first? Totally bloody.

They are "special" people, no matter what, they have to wait until he leaves the stone forest area.

There is a teleportation formation in this area, which can directly protect people from leaving, but Wang Xuan can't escape like this, and just walk away, because there is no need.

Next he became a free man. Baidu search: Deep Space Beyond

It was done in one breath, and what really delayed the time was the vague influence of his repeated slashing of the causal line.

Fortunately, it was not a big problem to take possession of this body for a short period of time. He used Ripple Slash, and after using the wordless art, all traces were erased.

In an instant, Wang Xuan returned, and the real body was sitting in the Zijin Bamboo House drinking tea again.

As for "Shang Yi", it disappeared out of thin air in the cave, like jumping out of the void in a secret room of ten feet, leaving people with mystery and reverie, there is no line. Next, Wang Xuan is in a good mood, and walks around with the mechanical bear, watching others Compete, go shopping, and enter the battlefield of sages.

"Aren't you going to compete with foreigners? I'm thinking, you will cause a certain disturbance, and you have already reported it to the ancient board. Why are you so quiet and peaceful, and you don't plan to take action?" Gu Jin's direct line, that The team leader was very suspicious and took the initiative to come to the door.

"I've realized that the path of transcendence should not be reflected in fighting and killing, but should be viewed from a more detached perspective.

Looking at the new branches and buds, returning to the earth in spring, looking at the yellow leaves withering, the lone geese flying south, and another reincarnation, it is all perception, you can see that the trajectory of the Tao is presented, and it points directly to the essence in the ordinary.

This world is already dirty and chaotic enough, why should we impulsively participate in words and deeds, it is better to keep our hearts bright, clear and white to practice meditation, enlighten a little bit of the Tao, illuminate the obstacles, and cut off the dust. "Wang Xuan said gently, his whole body was glowing, as if he had come to a realization, with a sacred air.

Gu Jin's confidant, the direct line leader, seemed to not know him anymore. After looking carefully, he was sure that he had not been taken away.

"I believe in you!" the team leader scolded, from the information he collected, this is definitely not a peaceful leader, he has an old-fashioned bottom line, can he hold back? The team leader reminded: "If you do anything out of the ordinary, let me know in advance and don't be caught off guard." "Don't worry, brother Jin, I'm measured." Wang Xuan nodded, already knowing the team leader's name---jinzao .

Today leaves with suspicion, it is impossible to always guard him.

For the next few days, Wang Xuan kept his guard and didn't make any big moves, but just took the mechanical bear to go around.

In the starry sky, Shang Yi's name spread out, and this matter is gradually fermenting.

The true sage of the tattoo palace left the customs, and used the "qi machine" captured by Zhuo Fengdao to deduce, which directly triggered the chaotic thunder, and the dojo vibrated violently.

This true saint is truly amazing. He looks into the deep space through the qi of the causal line, and has a faint sense of it.

"Who is it?" Of course, it was a guess rather than an induction. He didn't catch "Shang Yi" and couldn't make further deductions.

However, the matter of Cha Shangyi has not changed.

Half a month later, in the depths of the sea of ​​stars in the universe, a man was stunned, and then he couldn't help but want to scold his mother, want to swear, he was so low-key, and practiced in the quiet of the years, he suddenly came to the cusp of the storm, and he was going to be the enemy of the world. ? Every time he made a bad hand and washed his opponent with blood, he didn't show his true face, but replaced it with other faces, such as Yan Mingcheng, Wang Xuan, Zhang Daoling, etc., and the aura of his soul would also change.

"Senior Jian, help me to cover up the secrets, this he... has no reason, who is impersonating me?!" Shang Yi was restless for several days.

He was exposed inexplicably and took the blame. Which **** old friend did this? "Cut the aliens together, why don't you cut the true saints? Just kill them!" Shang Yi was indignant and worried, feeling that it would be difficult to walk in the light in this life, and he would have to live in the shadows.

After half a month, the meeting of many true saints finally ended, and during this period, Wang Xuan did his duty and did not cause any trouble.

At present, I don't believe it, but I didn't associate it with Shang Yi.

"The boss is summoned, please go to the 36th layer." The stable Jin Zhao found Wang Xuan.

That is the place where the saints meet. In the outer regions of the various bubble universes, it is quite deep and far away, and it is also very mysterious there.

"Okay!" Wang Xuan is really interested in these decaying universes and bubble areas attached to the outside of the Transcendent Center, and wants to know more.

Some super-transformed prohibited items are all in these places, lying dormant and passing away

It is natural for people to have a strong desire to explore.

The journey is extremely long. They boarded a top-level extraordinary spaceship, rushed to a special place, opened the teleportation formation, and then were led by the ancient and modern time channels before arriving at their destination.

"It's so desolate." The mechanical bear whispered.

In the outer area of ​​the bubble universe, outside the 36th layer of heaven, the transcendent factor has completely disappeared, like a place of eternal silence, and there is no vegetation and life.

Looking from a distance, this decayed and broken bubble universe is full of permafrost, no grass grows, everything is withered, and perhaps it has never been alive.

In the distance, a tattered black wooden box is actually fishing, it is ancient and modern.

Is it facing a dark area, the outer window of the bubble universe? There is a huge vortex there, dead silent, deep, and slowly turning.

Anything that goes in will annihilate. Baidu search: the fastest update on the other side of deep space! .

But ancient and modern are fishing in the cosmic whirlpool, and I don't know what is at the end of the dark.

"Here it is." Gu Jin said, without the pretense of a supreme being, he greeted Wang Xuan and the mechanical bear to sit beside it.

It was only when Wang Xuan came closer that he noticed that there was an old man fishing not far away. He didn't even notice it earlier. He was able to escape his eyes and perceive it when he was in front of him. This was terrifying.

Now that Wang Xuan can see it, it is estimated that the other party let him see it.

He is very clear that this should be a supreme being, otherwise, he is not qualified to fish with ancient and modern.

"I have seen two seniors." Wang Xuan was not too casual, and brought the mechanical bear to greet him seriously. After all, the ancients and the old are not strange things on mobile phones, and they are not so familiar.

"Sit down, there is no need for this kind of politeness." Gu Jin said.

The old man glanced over here, a little surprised, and said, "Very familiar, Wang Yusheng's son?" Wang Xuan froze for a while, bit his head, and said, "No." He understood, no matter how much he pretended to be. Well, it's useless in front of the true saint, you can directly see his true appearance and primordial aura.

"This is He Sheng, the true saint of Yaotian Temple..." Gu Jin introduced.

Wang Xuan was taken aback. Fortunately, he was not the true saint of the demon court. Although they were both the supreme beings of the demon clan, there was still a big difference.

If Wu Liuji's master was here, he might be cold today.

He is no stranger to Yaotian Temple, and has fought with their foreigner Xitian.

However, with the birth of the True Sage of Huaguoshan, the relationship between the two parties eased again.

"It's not the son of Wang Yusheng, it's related, right? The corners of the eyes and the brows, as well as the spiritual temperament, all have similarities." The true sage of Yaotian Palace said.

Wang Xuan didn't say a word, but he was very uncomfortable and could be seen through here.

Obviously Gujin and Yaotiangong have a good relationship.

Wang Xuan pondered that his eldest brother was really "active" in the past. He even saw the true saint of Yaotian Temple, which left a deep impression on him, and he has never forgotten it.

"Fellow Daoist He Sheng has no malice, he is not an outsider."

Gu Jin said, and then exposed the topic.

Wang Xuan didn't talk nonsense, kept quiet, watching them fishing here, the two of them lifted the fishing rod from time to time, but they found nothing.

What they wanted to catch, Wang Xuan was a little puzzled.

"Do you know where this vortex is connected?" Gu Jin said casually.

"Bear...I don't know." The mechanical bear was very nervous, very shy, and stood there pitifully.

"Relax, it's fine." Gu Jin smiled and comforted, and then told: "This vortex, the true saint will gradually disappear when you enter..."

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