Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 515: outrageous

Gazebo, pines and cypresses, clear springs, black walls, the same scene, different people.

Zhuo Fengdao came, and after he received the report, he knew that there was a situation here, and his consciousness came, which made the whole body of Dao Yun deep.

Limited by the rules, he did not dare to violate the rules here.

The intentions of the saints were good, at least on the surface. Here, let the latecomers have the opportunity to have a dialogue with the former sages and learn from each other, including aliens and even true saints.

However, any rules will have flaws, and the creatures standing at the top of the pyramid can always find some loopholes and override the rules.

Zhuo Fengdao is a real superhuman being, not much weaker than Wu Liuji, who is aspiring to become a supreme being, but the road ahead is cut off!

But he is indeed very tyrannical. He is known as a quasi-sage. He has extraordinary skills and supernatural powers. In this place of rules set by the saints, he can also show some supernatural powers. After his consciousness came, although he did not dare to break the rules, the light of his heart was spreading and observing Wang Xuan, following his past and roots.

In the most serious situation, he can even spy on the sea of ​​consciousness of the challenger.

Wang Xuan pulled out the sword of the world and stared at this extraordinary person!

"Huh?" He frowned, the supernatural induction was directly triggered, and there was a silent spread of malicious light of the mind, about to invade!

This kind of erosion has a feeling of "moisturizing and silent"!

In peace and ignorance, it will be done.

Because, the entire battlefield of saints and sages has been merged with that supreme alien and has become a part of his body, and the space where the pale golden ripples flow has become a place of spiritual sympathy.

For a moment, Wang Xuanhan's hair stood on end, and a chill came out of his heart, but he soon relaxed and let him get close to his body as if he was ignorant.

Zhuo Fengdao, tracing back to Shang Yi's roots, the light of the soul shines.

However, the next moment he was horrified. He couldn't see the cause and effect line behind the muddy mud, but he had a very terrifying and real experience!

When he traced back, the light of the soul seemed to be partially swallowed by the abyss, and a corner was eaten by a behemoth.

What a perverted monster!

To be precise, what is behind this Shang Yi? It was pitch black, and it was impossible to peep and see. As long as you go back, you will feel the power of the mind, and you will be swallowed by the incomprehensible monsters.

Moreover, he can perceive that the other party seems to be sleeping, which belongs to passive "eating".

He asked for it by himself and brought it to the door himself.

In this mysterious space, he is like the sun, and the light of his mind illuminates everything. It was originally very natural, but now he is being attacked and targeted.

The entire space dimmed a bit, and the golden ripples subsided!

Zhuo Fengdao spit out "spiritual blood", and spit out four in a row, and backed away seven or eight steps, quickly cut off the connection, and stopped "feeding" himself. He lost his mind, he used a lost secret method, deduction and retrospect, it was so terrifying


He is an extraordinary person, and he was injured because of it. What the **** is this creature? Obviously, when it comes to the highest level, Shang Yi "has someone behind it".

"Is this against my tattoo palace? This Shang Yi must be thoroughly investigated to dig out his roots." Zhuo Fengdao pondered secretly.

In the stone forest, all parties were dumbfounded. Before this discussion and exchange, the most extraordinary person in the tattoo palace coughed up blood? People can't figure it out!

In the Dojo of the Tattoo Palace, Yu'an, Yuan Zhen, and Mo Lin, the three great aliens, deduced again, and then the light of their hearts went out in some areas, and all seven orifices bleed. They failed again, and everyone felt terrified.

"Is there a real saint behind him?"

"Is there a supreme creature who wants to target my tattoo palace?" "When the true saint leaves the customs, report it immediately."

As if they were facing a big enemy, they immediately ordered people to check Shang Yi's past, whether he had appeared in Xinghai, who he had contacted with, and what he had done. In the stone forest, in the mysterious space battlefield, Wang Xuan was calm and unwavering, but he felt very comfortable in his heart, and the thick causal line behind it was moved several times!

He was really looking forward to it. Someone took the initiative to undertake the cause and effect. Will the two sides have the most ferocious collision in the end?

As for now, there is nothing to say. After he chose the battle field, he started directly from the level of the true immortal!

In an instant, Wang Xuan, the king of sword light splitting the sky, held the sword of the world, and the rays of light were billions of rays, like the starry sky bursting the embankment, and the extraordinary sea of ​​light poured out. This kind of performance is too terrifying in the real immortal realm.

Zhuo Fengdao snorted coldly, and shot his hands together, like a thousand-handed gods and demons, palm prints, fist light, huge and boundless, dare to collide with Wang Xuan's sword light.

It is indeed terrifying to be able to become a supreme alien. When he reshapes the True Immortal Road, there are almost no flaws, and his performance is extremely perfect.

However, in an instant, Zhuo Fengdao's complexion changed, no matter the palm print or the fist light, they were all pierced.

His hands were bloody, showing stubble of bones. Wang Xuan showed no mercy, and came up to clean up the old boy. Jianguang cut his fingers, causing his nails to shatter and fall off with flesh and blood.

Then, he slashed across with a sword, solidifying the time and space, and turning the front into a still picture, only he walked with the sword and slashed forward.

Zhuo Fengdao's heart is throbbing, and he has not felt this way for many years. In the same field, he was suppressed to death. This is the way he has re-polished the past once again in the recent era. As a result, it still fell behind?

He couldn't believe it.

He struggled hard and was finally able to move, but it was a little late. The opposite Shang Yi was holding a big sword, and he was already in front of him. The sword stabbed and opened a blood hole in his forehead. Pry off a few pieces of bone.

He is transformed by Dao Yun, and his consciousness is dominant, but after manifesting his body, it looks no different from his real body!

Now, he actually endured such suffering? With a bang, Wang Xuan's right fist also slammed down, hitting his face heavily. In an instant, his entire face collapsed. Whether it was his teeth or the bridge of his nose, they all exploded. In his true consciousness, he was injured and trampled on by people. Then, the moment Wang Xuan turned around, he swept his foot in the air, kicked his skull loose, and lifted a corner slightly.

Zhuo Fengdao had reason to believe that this was the result of the opponent's precise control.

He was able to move, and rushed out with a swoosh, his head was covered in blood, his face was terrifyingly gloomy, and he stared at Shang Yi. Outside the sage battlefield, people are in an uproar, who is that? Zhuo Fengdao of the Tattoo Palace is a famous alien. There are rumors that he is one of the most top-notch powerhouses in the alien realm, so how miserable?

Zhuo Fengdao's eyes were cold, without saying a word, he stared at the middle-aged man with three-dimensional features on the opposite side, and around him, tattoos floated out one after another, all flowing with amazing Dao rhyme!

He was indifferent and silent, but the murderous intent that was radiating invisibly was unprecedented.

All the people in the tattoo palace are drooling wildly. Only they know best that their ancestors are fighting with the body, and they have suffered a huge loss when they come up?

Wang Xuan was also staring at Zhuo Fengdao. He felt that it would be meaningless if he just destroyed his body of Dao Yun, even if he smashed the face of Jue Ding Yiren. He was wondering if he could cut off his consciousness and hurt his spiritual origin.

Or, induce Zhuo Fengdao to violate the rules and passively bear the punishment of the true saint rules? ?

Wang Xuan glanced at the black wall, which showed the process of his nephew's humiliation. He took a deep breath and shot again.

Zhuo Fengdao broke out in an all-round way, the textures of imperial Taoism were intertwined, and the tattoo pictures were arranged one after another, like a thousand scrolls of heavenly books, holy pictures such as forests, all activated. Every picture scroll is like a starry sky exploding, surging with super-material, releasing the power of rules, and it is extremely terrifying. If the two of them are misplaced and exchanged, he believes that even if he himself can't take these attacks, he will be smashed to the flesh and shattered the primordial spirit!

And if it was replaced by other masters, it is estimated that they would be killed to the bone.

But now Shang Yi has resisted, and he punched out, actually in the "absolute law", extinguishing all kinds of rules, making this a vacuum of myth.

Zhuo Fengdao was shocked. Isn't this a small "mythical cage"? It has been lost for a long time, at least there is no such Dafa in the tattoo palace.

This Shang Yi actually showed it?

Of course, he also saw that this type of boxing was very imperfect, but the rules used to break his tattoos and extinguish his various rules were simple and effective, quite rude!

At this moment, Wang Xuan's big sword pierced Zhuo Fengdao's heart, smashing his heart, and then a big slap slapped his face.

With a snap, this palm is not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

Wang Xuan slapped his face distorted, shattered, and his face bones were torn to pieces, but all of these were not worth the shame of losing his face in front of everyone's eyes.

Zhuo Feng's eyes are about to split. This junior really dares to do it. Which stone crack popped out of this? However, before he could calm down, Wang Xuan's soles also had the most intimate contact with his face.

Moreover, this time it was bang bang, Wang Xuan kicked out and counted his feet.

Outside, everyone looked straight.

"You old thief who doesn't talk about extraordinary morals and rules has come to hypnotize my sea of ​​consciousness. If it wasn't for the great treasure given by my patriarch, I would have been invaded by you. You deserve to be attacked, and Shang will kill you today."

While Wang Xuan shot there, he blamed him.

After a short period of calm, there was boiling outside, noises, and heated discussions.

Many people "understood" why a supreme alien was so miserable that he was suppressed by a latecomer. He seemed to have violated the rules, was attacked by the opponent's strange treasure, and was also punished by the rules set by the saints.

Everyone made up their minds and felt that this situation was normal and not unexpected.

Zhuo Fengdao suffered a huge loss, his face was covered in blood, and he was also startled. Then, his eyes became deeper and colder, and he fought back fiercely.

It's a pity that he encountered the ultimate limit breaker, even if Wang Xuan can't use the background of 6 breaking now, it is enough!

He used his most terrifying means in secret. Although he did not enter the fog, Wu Zi Jue came at his fingertips, targeting Zhuo Fengdao's Yuanshen.

This is in a fundamental sense, wanting to cut off its spiritual consciousness!

Then, he used the words and tricks to draw the light of Zhuo Fengdao's mind and connect it with the causal line behind the mud of mixed primordial spirit.

There is no doubt that this time Wang Xuan accurately grasped the "pulse" of the other party, driving a very terrifying rhythm.

Zhuo Fengdao groaned for the first time, and suffered a big loss. The light of the primordial spirit was cut off by the opponent. The opponent seemed to have a **** mouth behind him, waiting for food. He was pulled over just now, and his mind was dark. Going down a corner, it was swallowed up!

This is absolutely unbearable, how can a junior hurt his consciousness, there is no reason.

However, the reality is that he was slapped a few times in the face and his skull was opened.

Then, the light of his soul shone violently, and he was precisely pulled by the other party, docked in the past, and had a cause and effect with the inexplicable existence.


Zhuo Fengdao screamed. This was the first time in the Stone Forest that he had really made a sound because he suffered a huge loss, because the primordial spirit was dimmed.

The light of the soul was wiped out in an area, and the missing area made him deplore and feel very distressed. It was confirmed that the alien in the tattoo palace did come to consciousness, otherwise, it would be impossible to make such a sound, and Dao Yun would not have mood swings.


Zhuo Fengdao's skull was slashed by Wang Xuan's sword, but unfortunately, it was not a real bone and could not erase his imprint of the imperial road.

Then, holding the big sword, he repeatedly drew towards Zhuo Fengdao's face, using only the back of the sword.

The alien in the tattoo palace was indignant and had boundless killing intent, but it was useless.

"Shang Yi, I remember you."

After Zhuo Fengdao was once again devoured by part of the light of the soul, his mind was dim, and he actually suffered the loss of the primordial spirit here, and the spiritual realm was injured.

In the past, he didn't even dare to think about it, because it was so ridiculous.

The endless divine light shone, Zhuo Fengdao left Dao Yun's body, no longer possessed, his consciousness broke free and wanted to return to the tattoo palace.

This place brought him shame and incomprehension, and he didn't want to stay for a moment.

At the last moment, Wang Xuan saw such a dazzling light of consciousness, such a strong spiritual power, how could he not give it a shot?

He did his good deeds to the end, and pulled him again to help connect the causal lines behind the light of the soul and the muddy mud. Before leaving, Zhuo Fengdao let out an angry and painful cry, which was really unbearable, and his heart seemed to be missing a piece.

He broke free and ran away.

"I don't understand why the aliens in the tattoo palace violated the rules, resulting in punishment by the rules left by the saints." Wang Xuan said sarcastically.

At the same time, he was extremely happy and received a "gift" from an extraordinary person. The golden words were densely packed and flowed in this space.

That is Zhuo Fengdao's perception, his experience, and a copy of the practice handbook he left behind.

"There is a supreme creature behind Shang Yi, we must find out his origin!" In the tattoo palace, Zhuo Fengdao's eyes were more terrifying than Bitter Winter, and he could not wait to wake up the true saint in the depths of the dojo immediately.

When he heard that "Shang Yi" got his handwritten note, with a puff, Zhuo Fengdao's body in the tattoo palace spat out a mouthful of blood and shook violently. "Spicy chicken." He couldn't bear it.

At this time, in the stone forest, all the extraordinary people were shocked and felt that they were off the mark.

And then, they even felt that Shang Yi was crazy, he didn't stop, he was still frantically "robbing" Alien's manuscripts and insights!

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