Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 316: ——History: transfer

Fujiwara finally agreed to the deal - this deal was too beneficial for him, and he had no reason not to accept it.

On the afternoon of the same day, the Hospital Affiliated to Tokyo Women's Medical University sent an application to Takeda's current hospital, hoping that they would transfer Takeda to them.

And a doctor from Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital also came to visit Takeda's parents in person.

"First meeting," the doctor said calmly, sitting in front of Takeda's parents. "I'm Kazuo Ota, a professor at Tokyo Women's Medical University."

"Mr. Ota," Takeda's father asked. "What are your chances of curing our child?"

"Linglang's condition is very complicated," Kazuo Ota explained. "But the main problem is that multiple organs are severely damaged and difficult to repair, so our current plan is organ transplantation. But my research group has been studying multiple organ transplantation for a long time, so I can tell you responsibly, At present, my research group is in a leading position even in the world in this regard."

"The research team?" Takeda's mother suddenly asked. "Wait a minute, you seemed to say you were a professor?"

"Yes," Kazuo Ota nodded. "But please rest assured, I am indeed a qualified doctor with very rich clinical experience."

"What about the cost?" Takeda's mother continued to ask. "At noon, I was told that the perpetrator of this case had been arrested and that the police found him to be suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol during a blood test. So I think it is necessary for us to look at the medical bills."

(Japan's medical insurance is very complete. In 1994, the nationals who belonged to the National Health Insurance only had to pay 30% of the medical expenses and 20% of the hospitalization expenses, and there were additional measures to avoid the continued high medical expenses - although this Working together with the social security system has also resulted in a heavy burden on the Japanese economy, but because any government that cuts related benefits will immediately lose a lot of people's hearts, spending in this area has remained high. The data in 1991 was 14%. In 2017 Year is 20% - however, according to the wiki, a traffic accident cannot activate NHI for payment in the following three cases. 1. The perpetrator has paid all the compensation according to the determination result. 2. Work injury. 3. Any forms of drunk driving and driving without a license.)

"This is the last thing you need to worry about," Kazuo Ota seemed to have considered this issue for a long time. "We can confirm the issue with you in writing."

"First of all, we promise to adopt the best response to the current state of the art in all medical measures. Second, until the end of the operation, we will pay in full for any medical expenses, including surgical expenses and hospitalization expenses," said Kazuo Ota. "If the operation is successful, we will also bear all the costs until Takeda fully recovers and is discharged from the hospital. If the operation fails and Takeda fails to survive, I will pay you another 1 million yen in compensation in my own name."

"..." Takeda's father took a deep breath and looked at his wife - just as she did.

"I agree." Takeda's father finally nodded.

"I agree too." Takeda's mother suddenly stood up and bowed. "The life of the dog is entirely on your shoulders, Mr. Ota."


A few days later, in the operating room of the Hospital Affiliated to Tokyo Women's Medical University.

"..." The surgeon-in-chief was wearing a white headset helmet and was concentrating on the operation.

"Stop!" Just as he was about to use the knife, a voice came from his earphones, which scared him to stop what he was doing.

"I'll give you a second to think about why I made you stop," the voice in the earphone said. "If you can't think of it, look at the situation on the left side of your knife. If you cut it directly, you will be washed by the gushing plasma."

"Then shall I finish this first?" the doctor asked.

"Nonsense!" The voice in the earphone showed a touch of contempt. "Also, why are you so nervous? Are you operating on yourself?"

"Uh..." The doctor gritted his teeth. "Feel sorry……"

"What do you have to panic about?" the voice in the earphone sneered. "Even if you fail, you don't need to take responsibility or pay. This patient is just the next one after hundreds of failed cases. What should you worry about?"


Outside the operating room, Fujiwara suddenly woke up from his sleep, only to find that he had collapsed on the bench in the waiting area.

"..." Fujiwara sat up and regained consciousness.

It's been four days, and he's been here almost all the time, just waiting for Takeda's surgery.

"Child, are you alright?" Takeda's mother was sitting beside him and asked with concern.

"It's okay..." Fujiwara rubbed his eyes and replied. "Just a little sleepy."

"Takeda is so lucky to meet such a good friend as you." Takeda's father sighed.

"This is what I should do..." Fujiwara's mouth forced a smile.

Fujiwara's exhaustion is not only due to the collapse of work and rest, but also other factors.

Originally, Takeda's operation was delayed due to the lack of donors, but just one day all this suddenly progressed-Tokyo Women's Medical University got three fresh organs, and these organs It has a very high matching point with Takeda's in the transplant matching point, and it is a very rare perfect match. This also allowed Takeda's surgery to begin immediately.

And these fresh organs did not appear by chance, but inevitable - Fujiwara was involved in it.


One night three days ago, in a ward of Tokyo Women's Medical University, Fujiwara opened the door hesitantly and walked in. The curtains in the room were closed and the lights were on - someone was clearly waiting for him.

"You're finally here," the woman Fujiwara had seen before leaned against the wall and looked at him with a smile. "But it's also a pity that you can come as a child. Sure enough, if you don't live with your parents, you have your own unique advantage."

"What did you ask me to do?" Before Fujiwara asked halfway, he found that Kazuo Ota, whom he had seen before, was sitting on a hospital bed, and another person was **** with five flowers. "This is?"

"A damned person," the woman showed a charming smile. "This is the perpetrator who bruised Takeda. It took a lot of work to steal him from the police."

"What are you going to do?" Fujiwara asked.

"It should be your turn to do something." The woman replied with a smile. "You know, we need someone to give Takeda an organ, and even if we can use gene blasting to wash off the original fit and make it fit as best as possible with Takeda's body, we still need an organ for this piece. thing."

"But although his organs are very valuable, his life is not important, so I asked you to come here..."

As the person bound by the five flowers suddenly struggled, the corners of the woman's mouth evoked a larger arc. "Avenge your friend."

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