Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 315: -History: Transaction

On a certain sidewalk one morning five years ago (1989).

"Huh?" Takeda looked at Fujiwara with a bewildered expression.

"..." Fujiwara sighed and looked at Takeda helplessly. "You don't really forget, do you?"

"Really forgot..." Takeda said in a panic.

"Then why don't you buy it?" Fujiwara squinted. "The store is just across the road."

"Okay," Takeda glanced across the road and nodded. "Wait for me, I'll be right back."

Watching Takeda run from the green zebra crossing to the crosswalk, Fujiwara shook his head. "Fool……"

From when I first met him in elementary school six years ago, I was so reckless, and now I haven't been calm even a little bit. Obviously, the violin club said today that they would prepare a special staff book, and he also likes this club very much—the reason why Fujiwara knew that Takeda would use a staff book today was because he was also drawn into this club by this guy—this guy actually still forgot about this...

At this moment, a slight exclamation brought Fujiwara back to his senses—the exclamation seemed to come from someone who had just stopped.

Fujiwara looked at the man, but did not understand what he was exclaiming.

"Bang!" A dull collision sounded.

"?" When Fujiwara turned his head to the direction of the voice, he saw a familiar person.

Takeda was lying on the bonnet of a sedan passing through the zebra crossing at frantic speed.

"!!!" Fujiwara instantly felt that his mind went blank.


When he came back to his senses, he was already leaning against the wall outside the ICU ward - he told his teacher, then skipped class, and accompanied Takeda in the hospital with Takeda's parents.

At this moment, the doctor came out of the ICU. "Excuse me, are the family members of the 12-year-old patient Takeda here?"

"Doctor, my son is..." Takeda's mother was interrupted by the doctor before she could finish her question.

"The patient's condition is very bad - his legs and body are broken in multiple places, his internal organs are severely damaged, and his skull is also damaged to a certain extent." The doctor said seriously. "So we are now sending you a critical illness notice for this patient."

"..." Takeda's mother's body seemed to have suddenly lost its strength, but it was Takeda's father who was next to him who was quick to support her.

"Doctor," Takeda's father asked. "Then... Inuko's hope of survival..."

"0.1%," the doctor replied after a moment of silence. "If there is such a severe multi-organ damage, there is no precedent for successful treatment in the world at present. The survival rate is about this probability, and it is very likely that physical disabilities will be left."

Fujiwara lowered his head and pursed his lips, his nails deeply embedded in the skin.


In the bathroom, Fujiwara took a handful of water in his hands and smeared it on his face.

Anxiety, panic, uncontrollable hesitation.

This is Fujiwara's first close encounter with the term "death" and what the word means, and for a child, it's too early.

The icy water leaked from the fingertips, and gradually, the icy water became warm, and a slight sob sounded.

"Your name is Fujiwara, right?" At this moment, a playful female voice came.

"!" Fujiwara's first reaction was to wipe off the water stains on his face with his hands, and then look at the woman behind him through the glass in front of him.

The woman behind her was leaning on the tile on the other side of the wall, wearing a black dress, a big wide-brimmed cap, and sunglasses, and was looking at him with a smile.

"Who are you?" Fujiwara turned around and looked at the woman with her back to the sink.

"Your eyes are red from crying?" The woman didn't answer, but continued to ask. "Looks like that kid named Takeda is very important to you, right?"

"What do you want to say?" Fujiwara was stunned for a moment, then turned around to take a look at himself.

The redness around the eyes can't hide the eyes of those who care.

"How about making a deal with me?" The woman tilted her head and looked at Fujiwara with a smile.

"What deal?" Fujiwara asked after glancing at the exit from the bathroom.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you again." The woman took off her sunglasses, and her kind eyes immediately stabilized Fujiwara's mind. Then, she moved a few steps in the opposite direction of the exit, allowing Fujiwara to continue to relax. "However, my chips are very tempting, so tempting that you can't refuse."

"What chips?" Fujiwara asked.

"Give your friend Takeda a better medical treatment," the woman smiled and held out a finger. "The medical equipment in the hospital here is not as good as you think, and we can provide Takeda with better medical equipment."

"Are you serious?" Fujiwara asked in surprise. "Can you provide better treatment for Takeda? What are the chances of him surviving this serious injury?"

"If according to that little guy's injury--" The woman said halfway and suddenly found that Fujiwara's eyes were a little strange. "Don't look at me like this, I have more energy than you think, and naturally I know your friend's current physical condition. If he is only severely damaged in his heart, kidneys, and liver, the success rate should be above 99%. The chance of a full recovery is probably more than 30 percent."

"Is it true?" Fujiwara's eyes widened. "How can you do this?"

"I said it, can you understand?" the woman asked back.

"But I want to hear it," Fujiwara replied. "I'm at least responsible for my friend's safety."

"It's really a child who values ​​friendship," the woman smiled. "Okay, then I'll tell you about it, and I don't know if you can understand it."

"We have a very complete set of artificial life support equipment there, so no matter what happens in the end, we can at least save his life. And we also have a very good relationship with the most experienced person in Japan in organ transplantation. A close working relationship. As long as you can promise me one thing, I can immediately arrange for your friend to be transferred for better treatment.”

"Me?" Fujiwara frowned. "What do you want me to promise?"

Fujiwara knew that he actually had value that could be used—his father was a chaebol in the gem industry, so he was very wealthy. If he was going to use him as an opening to target his father...

Depending on the situation, if he just wanted a sum of money, he might really help him—the big deal was that he was kidnapped once, and he didn't even need to pay a ransom of 100 to 200 million.

"You are in Class A of the first grade in the Empire State, right? I just need you to help me monitor the two people in your class."

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