Born Tech Mad

Chapter [108] That Genius is Ross

Outside the White House, the voices were overwhelming, and the angry American citizens were very dissatisfied with President Sean.

They angrily denounced President Sean, accusing the president of deceiving all Americans and embarrassing the United States.

Just when the crowd was angry and excited.

In the White House, a group of agents came out protecting President Sean.

As President Sean walked, he kept bowing and apologizing to the American citizens around him.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I've shamed America."

The high-spirited and energetic President Sean in the past is gone. Now he is like a poor little sheep, looking weak and in need of protection.

In order to win the sympathy of American citizens, President Sean asked a makeup artist to help him put on some makeup. Now President Sean looks like a true penitent, with dark circles under his eyes and malnourished skin. , with disheveled hair and a haggard look.

On the podium, President Sean's voice was slightly crying:

Sorry, very sorry. My apologies to all American citizens. Please forgive my dereliction of duty. I easily believed the words of the CIA and the Pentagon and misunderstood China.

I am here, as the President of the United States, to say sorry to Huaxia. Please forgive me for believing the lies of the Pentagon. They took the evidence and said that Chinese researchers stole our electromagnetic technology. Under the anger, I lost my mind, and I misunderstood my Huaxia friends.

Please rest assured friends in China, I will release the arrested Chinese scientist immediately.

Sorry, very sorry. I should not deceive the citizens of the United States, please forgive me, I did not mean it. All this is caused by the CIA, the FBI, and the intelligence of the Pentagon. As president, I will not pass the buck to others, it is my mistake.

"I confess to God that I have shamed the United States. I sincerely hope that everyone can forgive me. Because I am so guilty, I have not slept well all night."

President Sean's almost tearful performance deserves sympathy. Most people in the world are kind. Sure enough, after President Sean made a public apology, the various voices accusing the president in the United States have disappeared a lot. As for the evaluation of other countries, Sean doesn't care at all.

After nearly an hour of apology, although President Sean was ashamed, his good attitude of admitting his mistakes won the forgiveness of many American people.

After finally avoiding the impeachment crisis, President Sean felt much more relaxed after returning to the White House, but he also knew that this kind of apology only had one chance, and if this mistake happened again, Americans would not be magnanimous enough to forgive themselves for lying again .

In the White House, President Sean received a call from the Pentagon.

During the phone call, Admiral Green reported a piece of news to President Sean: "Your Excellency, it is so surprising that our satellites have captured that China has built a miniature version of the Pentagon."

President Sean was a little surprised: "What, why did they do that?"

On the other end of the video, Admiral Green has a serious expression: "Your Excellency, through satellite photography, we found that the company is called 'Yuta Company', and there are many military vehicles and even military aircraft in it. If I guess correctly, this is A military factory, Huaxia has built a new large military factory."

Before President Sean could answer Admiral Green, the FBI called again.

"Your Excellency, I have received a very important piece of news. It should be a young genius who helped China develop the 'cold fusion' technology."

President Sean was shocked: "Director Wilson, have you made a mistake? A young man who can help China develop 'cold fusion' technology? Is your information correct?"

On the other end of the video call, a white-haired, thin, white old man wearing glasses said calmly: "Your Excellency, Huaxia's press office held a press conference half a year ago. A young man named Ross once said at the press conference A 'magnetic compression' technology was mentioned at the meeting, and he also used this technology to develop special bearings and exported them to Germany."

"Oh! Director Wilson, I don't understand. What does special bearings have to do with 'cold fusion' and 'electromagnetic projectiles'?"

"Your Excellency, our scientists have analyzed that if we use magnetic force to compress matter according to the method that the young man said, it will require super-strong electricity. Unless we have the advanced technology of 'cold fusion' as the basis, other Energy cannot provide such a huge amount of energy."

"Your Excellency, that boy has already produced a 'special bearing', which means he has the ability to compress matter. Judging from this, that boy has not only mastered the 'cold fusion' technology, but also his 'magnetic compression' is advanced. Electromagnetic technology. He knows so much about electromagnetic technology, and he definitely developed Huaxia's 'Electromagnetic Catapult'."

President Sean couldn't believe his ears: "This... is too exaggerated. A teenager has developed cold fusion and electromagnetic technology... Is he an alien?"

"Your Excellency, my agents found out from the records of a hospital in Huaxia. This boy named Ross has very active brain cells, three times more than ordinary people. Because he is too smart, he was expelled from the school as a neuropathy. He Ben is a super genius, but his talent has never been discovered."

"My God! Where is this little guy named Ross now?"

"Your Excellency, I heard that he founded a company called 'Yuta Company'."

President Sean patted his head and shouted: "Oh! Falk, it really is this guy who helped Huaxia develop those advanced technologies. The Pentagon has already photographed Huaxia with satellites and found a miniature version of the Pentagon. There are military vehicles inside, and There are military aircraft. This company is called 'Yuta Company', and that monster is helping China develop its military against us."

After Sean hung up Director Wilson's call, he immediately summoned White House officials.

"Everyone, I believe you also know by now that there is a genius in Huaxia. That guy named Ross has come up with two advanced technologies. He also founded a 'Yuta Company'. The technology developed by this company is very advanced. They help Huaxia The development of weapons has harmed the interests of the United States. I think our congressmen should submit a proposal to sanction this company to Congress."

Secretary of State Gay couldn't help but shook his head: "Your Excellency, since that boy is so powerful, it is estimated that sanctions will not pose a threat to him. Why should we go to war and sanction a company in the name of the country?"

President Sean's face sank: "Mr. Secretary of State, as the president, I must be responsible for the security of the United States. I will not sanction 'Yuta Corporation'. Are they welcome to use their products to make money from Americans and then go to help China Developing the military? This company will threaten the security of the United States and must be sanctioned."

After President Sean finished speaking, he no longer wanted to communicate with Secretary Gay. He immediately made a call and ordered a congressman to submit a proposal to sanction the 'Yuta Corporation' to Congress.

After the congressman readily agreed to the president's request, President Sean comfortably lit a cigar and started smoking: "You little guy who made me ashamed, you will face sanctions from the US government, and you will regret offending the US."

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