Born Tech Mad

Chapter [107] He is simply a devil

In the White House, President Sean regretted it so much that his guts turned green, and now not only the whole world is accusing the United States of lying.

The American media also blamed themselves, and the American people no longer believed in the president.

Facing the crazy drop in popular support, President Sean felt like crying, feeling that he would step down soon.

"Damn it, damn it, how could Huaxia's technology develop so fast. Cold fusion! They really came up with 'cold fusion'! What are those Chinese people's brains made of? How could they be smarter than Americans imagined. "

"Damn FBI, damn Director Wilson, you gave me a good idea. You let me smear China for stealing our advanced technology, and now the whole world is laughing at the president of the United States for lying. Oh! It can't be worse, I He is the unluckiest president of the United States in history. He met the pig teammate of Admiral Green of the Pentagon, and now he meets the pig teammate of FBI Wilson. I was fucked badly."

In the President's Office, President Sean was so sad that he was about to cry.

Outside the White House, a group of American citizens are protesting against the government's inaction, accusing President Sean of being a liar, which makes President Sean, who was already vomiting blood, very anxious.

In addition to the American public protesting against the president, the American media did not help the US government this time. They also knew how to comply with public opinion and made positive comments on cold fusion.

The Wall Street Journal exclaimed:

"God! China has really surpassed the United States in terms of technology. They have developed cold fusion, and we are still only studying cold fusion. We are behind China for a whole century in this most advanced technology!"

The New York Times reprimanded:

"The United States has the world's most outstanding scientists, the best scientific research equipment, and the largest scientific and technological funding, but it can't develop cold fusion technology. China has already mastered this revolutionary technology. America! What's wrong with you? Why is Huaxia going ahead of us?"

"Time.Times" is outraged:

"President Sean is a shameless liar. Huaxia has even mastered cold fusion. It is very easy for Huaxia to develop electromagnetic ejection. Why are our politicians so shameless and have time to attack other countries and discredit other countries? Why not Develop technology well. Look at it! The Chinese people develop silently and come up with technology that God envies, while our congressmen will only quarrel in the Capitol and attack each other by throwing leather shoes."

The Washington Post reminded:

"I feel sad for the backwardness of the United States. We have always been the strongest and most advanced country. But now, China has broken the myth of science and technology in the United States. They use technology to build a country, use technology to develop, and use technology to innovate. The advanced field has surpassed the United States. If the United States does not change, this century will belong to China, and we can only become a regional power."

The American CNN website rarely calls for cooperation with China:

"Cold fusion will change the economy of the United States. If it has cold fusion technology, the United States' dependence on oil will be cut in half. If Huaxia can help the United States develop cold fusion technology, the economic growth rate of the United States will increase by 8%. For the benefit of the United States, For the benefit of all Americans. Your Excellency, please stop targeting China and stop discrediting China. We should work together with China to work together for the well-being of mankind and make our planet a better place."

Appeals from the media and protests from citizens flooded in like a tide.

Facing internal and external troubles, in the White House, President Sean was under a lot of pressure. He didn't even dare to run out of the White House, because he didn't know how to face those American citizens who protested and laughed at the president as a liar.

In anger, President Sean frantically called the Pentagon, FBI, Homeland Security, and CIA.

"General Green, I will give you one last chance. If I step down, all the consequences will be caused by you. It was you who asked me to accuse Huaxia of testing the nuclear bomb, which made me embarrassed. You must give me an explanation, quickly Find out for me who helped Huaxia develop the 'electromagnetic ejection' and 'cold fusion', if you can't find out, before I step down, you don't want to be an admiral again."

After finishing speaking with a snap, he hung up the phone, and President Sean connected to the CIA again.

"My Director Taylor, you are simply a pig. Your agents are all pigs. You don't know that Huaxia has come up with 'electromagnetic ejection', and you still don't know about the 'cold fusion'. Are you the FBI?" What are you eating? Let me investigate and find out who helped China develop these two advanced technologies. Even if aliens help them develop, you have to find it out for me."

With a snap, he hung up the phone again after speaking, and President Sean yelled at the FBI angrily.

"Director Wilson, the bad idea you gave me caused my approval rating to drop by 5% in a few hours. I will give you one last chance to use all my strength to find out who helped Huaxia develop those two advanced technologies .If you can't find it, Chief, quit."

After speaking, President Sean's anger subsided a lot, and he turned around and went to the Pentagon.

"Guys in the Pentagon, don't sigh anymore. If there is a chance to sigh, why don't we cheer up. Use all the satellites to take pictures of Huaxia for me, even if a fly is not let go, I want to find someone who can help Huaxia develop advanced technology That bastard, I'm going to find the guy who's disgraced America and I'm about to step down. That's an order from the President."

After making five phone calls in a row and venting his anger, President Xiao En collapsed on the sofa weakly.

Rubbing his head, President Sean looked exhausted: "Mr. Secretary of State, tell me a lie and tell the American citizens outside the White House that I am sick, President, and it is inconvenient to meet with them now."

Secretary of State Galen sighed and shook his head: "Your Excellency, evasion is not the best way. You may lose face if you admit your mistakes. But you may be able to get the forgiveness of American citizens. If you really don't want to step down, you can shift the responsibility to the Pentagon and the CIA In the body, it is said that the intelligence was wrong and Huaxia was wrongly blamed. American citizens are magnanimous. They will allow the president to make mistakes, but they will not forgive the president for his continuous deception.

There is a saying in Huaxia: Paper can't contain fire in the end. You just need to say to Huaxia: 'I'm sorry, please forgive me for hurting you. ’ I think Huaxia will not pursue it any further, and American citizens will not accuse you angrily. "

The Secretary of State's suggestion made President Sean stunned for a moment and rubbed his head. President Sean was a little confused: "Secretary Guy, if I apologize, are you sure American citizens will forgive me?"

"Your Excellency, please believe me. Many presidents in the history of the United States have been involved in scandals, but in the end as long as they admit their mistakes, American citizens forgive them."

"Well...if an apology can save me from stepping down, I...can only try. Mr. Secretary of State, please help me prepare a speech."

"Yes, Your Excellency the President."

After Secretary Gay left, President Sean patted his head angrily: "God! Which bastard in Huaxia is helping them develop those cutting-edge technologies. That bastard is simply a devil, and he actually forced me to apologize to Huaxia. Oh! It's such a disgrace, it's hell."

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