Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 420 I'm Worshiping God

The exam results for the first subject will be announced soon, and Xie Feng's nervous calf has been shaking.

After taking a few deep breaths, he suddenly held three pens and bowed to Shao Heng.

Shao Heng: "..."

When Shen Lingxi looked up and drank water, she saw the mysterious oriental prayer ceremony of the two, and almost sprayed him with a sip of water.

"What kind of mysterious oriental prayer ceremony are you doing?" Shen Lingxi smiled and said, "One to worship heaven and earth, or two to worship the high hall?"

Xie Feng took a deep breath: "Be sincere, I am worshipping God."

Shao Heng: "..."

Thank you, thankfully it wasn't a curse ceremony.

"Besides, why do you worship the heavens and the earth first, and the high hall second, with my appearance, big breasts and long legs, no matter what, it has to be a couple who have come and gone, how can you be a one-way arrow."

These Wang Ningxiu couldn't hold back, and they all fell on the table laughing.

Shen Lingxi smiled: "Do you think your tablemate is willing to worship you?"

"Brother Heng, you..."

"I don't want to." Shao Heng refused mercilessly.

Xie Feng's mouth twitched: "Isn't it too disrespectful?"

Shao Heng showed no guilty conscience at all: "Well."

Xie Feng: "...As long as you hesitate for a moment, this matter will pass."

Shao Heng took a deep breath: "Too stupid, don't."

Xie Feng: "..."

Shen Lingxi smiled, and the two of them were absolutely invincible.


"I got a 90! I passed."

Xie Feng was very excited when he got the test paper. This was the first time he passed the math test since he was in high school.

Shen Lingxi pursed her lips and smiled, looking at someone who was happy like a fool in front of her. Just as she was about to make a few jokes, her phone vibrated.

After taking out the phone, I quickly swiped on the screen.

At this time, it should be early morning in Zhou Fucheng, so there must be something urgent.

Shen Lingxi clicked on the chat box, and her face instantly turned cold.

She squinted her eyes slightly, implying unknown emotions, making her eyes look full of danger.

Shen Lingxi immediately raised her hand to indicate that she was a little uncomfortable and wanted to go to the bathroom.

Seeing that her face was really bad, Yang Jingwu stepped forward and asked if she should be sent to the infirmary.

After Shen Lingxi refused, she quickly walked out of the classroom.

Walking to the corner where no one was around, he immediately called Zhou Fucheng.

Zhou Fucheng, who received the call, was very surprised. He didn't expect her to be so fast.

"what happened?"

Just last night, Xie An's car had an accident.

The cause of the accident was because the driver was driving with drugs, and the brake pads were manipulated.

This caused the car to rush out directly from the bridge. The road where the accident occurred was remote. When it was found and salvaged, the people in the car were gone.

Zhou Fucheng briefly said what happened: "The third master was a little uncomfortable last night. Qin Xin took him to the hospital first, and then he avoided the car accident."

Although Xie An was fine, when the accident happened, not only the driver but also Ye Hanzhang's son was in the car.

It is precisely because of this delicate young master Ye that Qin Xin did not drive the rented car to take Xie An to the hospital, but left him the luxury car.

Unexpectedly, the yin and yang made them escape this disaster.

"How are others now?" Shen Lingxi asked in a deep voice.

Since Zhou Fucheng is far overseas, he can get the news immediately, and he must know more than this.

"The doctor found a small amount of toxic elements in his stomach. He had a strong allergic reaction to this kind of thing, so he noticed it for the first time. After the treatment, the person is much better, and he is still in the hospital for observation."

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