Although they have math points, their scores in other subjects are too poor, so Shen Lingxi and Xie Feng are still comrades-in-arms in the last exam room.

It's just that one is first in the classroom and the other is counting down.

"What did Xiao Ming and Xiaohong do wrong? Why are our ancestors sick for eight generations, not to mention red-green color blindness and invisible genetic diseases, why are there dwarfisms!"

Xie Feng said bitterly, "And that compound price, why does a piece of iron have so many compound prices, sometimes two prices and then three prices, why can't you be specific!"

Shen Lingxi couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

"You should be happy." Shen Lingxi said sincerely.

Xie Feng said: "Happy? I'm dead and alive, I don't know if the answer I made is right or wrong?"

Shen Lingxi silently said to his head: "You should be happy, now you can understand the title. Before the winter vacation, you were someone who couldn't even tell whether X was an unknown number or a chromosome."

Xie Feng: "..."

This way of comforting people is really... unique.

Don't say it, it seems to be a little comforted.


When the two returned to class, several classmates gathered around to answer the question.

Passing by them, Xie Feng heard the content of their discussion, which was the biological genetic problem of the little tomato.

"Brother Heng, what color is that little tomato?" Xie Feng put down his schoolbag and became equally curious.

Shen Lingxi raised her eyebrows: "I just came back with you, why didn't you ask me?"

Hearing this, Xie Feng looked at her up and down: "Sister Xi, don't make trouble."

Shen Lingxi: "???"

Shao Heng smiled.

Shen Lingxi, a disguised student scum, was regarded as a kindred by Xie Feng, a real student scum, and did not believe her answer at all.

Shao Heng remembered the question he was talking about. Although it was still a very common question for peas and tomatoes in the genetics of botany, the questions on the test paper were larger.


Xie Feng couldn't believe his ears: "Isn't it yellow?"

Shao Heng gave him bad news: "Red, there is a hidden condition."

With that said, Shao Heng picked up the pen and began to speak to Xie Feng.

Five minutes later, Xie Feng's face was ashen, and he accepted the answer that made him suffer.

He repeated the calculation of this genetic problem three times, and only then did he calculate the answer, but the result was still wrong.

"Brother Feng, what's wrong with you?" After Wang Zhuo packed up, he went to the toilet to drain the water, and came back later than them.

Xie Feng said with great pain: "My little tomato is gone."

"That question, you did it wrong." Wang Zhuo said with a pity expression, "I didn't tell you that it was orange, so you wouldn't listen to me."

Shao Heng: "..."

Shen Lingxi: "..."

Xie Feng: "..."

Duan Wenyi couldn't listen anymore, so he hooked his neck: "Fatty, listen to brother, don't talk nonsense."

"What's so difficult about this, red tomatoes and yellow tomatoes, aren't they all orange? You didn't study hard in art class, right?"

Shao Heng: "..."

Shen Lingxi: "..."

Xie Feng: "..."

Are they taking the same subject?

Are you sure that one is not in science, and the other is in art?

Xie Feng took a deep breath: "Fatty, listen to my brother's advice, put down the butcher knife, and become a Buddha on the spot."

Wang Zhuo touched his freshly shaved bald head: "I think I can still struggle a little bit, but I don't really want to see through the red dust for the time being."

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