Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 543: 120. Ghost Wife

   Chapter 543 One Hundred Twenty. Ghost Wife

  【Nice to hear from you. 】

  【I know from the merchant that you are still alive and hid in your own safe haven, hoping it is safer than the refuge. 】

   [Sorry for the sudden disappearance before, this is a necessary check to enter the shelter, to prevent those infidels from sneaking in... I think you should have some contact with them, right? 】

  【Stay away from them as much as possible. In some ways heretics are far harder to deal with than weird, at least they don't know you as well as humans once did. 】

  【I can fill three pages with complaints about heretics... If you encounter them, stay away from them as much as possible, and don't touch them, even if they unleash kindness toward you. 】

  【You should know and must know that servants and dependents are equal to the eyes of the evil god. Whether you are hostile or friendly to them, they will attract the attention of the evil god. Not going near them is the best option. 】

  【The shelter inspector is urging me again. It's stricter than expected, restricted from going out, and even restricted from sending letters. It is also that your identity is "clean" enough that they allow this letter to be delivered to you. 】

  【I guess the harshness of the shelter may be related to the "Tinder" program. 】

  【I was ordered not to disclose the contents of the plan, but I think you can guess something from this vocabulary, right? I've always thought you were a better fit for this plan than I was, but I didn't want you to suffer the same pain and grief that I did. If possible, I don't want to part with my wife either...]

  【Sorry, I said a lot, this is another story. 】

  【By the way, I asked the headquarters about you being haunted by the source of pollution, but they have no impression, only remember another thing, arresting a guy named Richard. This is weird and I suggest you ask what the **** is going on. 】

  【I can't write a few more letters to my other friends, if you see Rachel and Tristan, remember to say hello for me. 】

  【I hope there will be a chance to meet in the future, please take care, my young friend. 】

  【——Michael Tesla on the eve of destruction】

   Quietly read the letter written by Tesla, Lu Li folded it again, leaned back on the reclining chair, and looked at the lead-grey sea in the distance.

  Tesla's letter revealed many things.

   Some known, some unknown.

   It is known that those involved in the "Door" incident at the investigator's headquarters have indeed lost the memory of "Door". Tesla narrowly escaped the result of memory tampering because he only knew that Lu Li was cursed.

  What's unknown is that heretics are a swarm of troubles that will get you caught, the ending of Tesla's ghost wife, and the "Tinder Project".

   As Tesla praised, Lu Li really guessed the real purpose of the shelter with only this word.

  The embers called the world will go out, and it is not necessary to think about what the fire represents.

   What really made Lu Li think about something that seemed to have nothing to do with him: Tesla's ghost wife.

  Tesla mentioned his wife in front of Lu Li many times, that love and pity would never be fake. But he was too calm in the letter. It was written down like a casual mention, and the topic changed abruptly.

  This is not something Tesla would do - he has always been interested in solving problems, not creating them.

   And whether Rachel or Tristan, their friendship with Tesla is obviously better than that of Lu Li. At this time, Rachel had already retreated with the residents of Watch Town to the only lighthouse on the Allen Peninsula, Shymfast. There is far better place to receive this letter than Elm Forest.

   So why is this letter to yourself, not Rachel?

  What does Tesla want to remind himself?

   Looking back, Lu Li opened the letter again with his eyes down, and lightly rubbed the surface of the letter.

   The ink marks have long since dried, and the paper is only slightly damp due to moisture.

When   's fingers flicked from the writing to the blank space, and slid to the blank space in the lower right corner, Lu Li's palm stopped.



   After eating the last piece of food, the black crow made a harsh cry, the echo echoed in the cave, and it flapped its wings and flew away and disappeared.

   At this moment, Lu Li touched the lower right corner of the letter paper again, and the uneven touch felt as if he had written something with a quill without ink.

  Lu Li asked Anna for a piece of charcoal left over from the fireplace, and asked her to cut a piece of parchment paper thin enough, cover it on the letter paper, and lightly smear it with charcoal.

  The lead-grey shadow was sprinkled on the corner of the letter, and a line of writing belonging to Tesla slowly revealed.

  【Shadow Town Church Basement】

   "Isn't Shadow Town destroyed a long time ago, and there is still a collapsed church." Anna murmured.

   "So it's safest to put Dong XZ there."

   "What did he hide?"

  Lu Li raised his head and looked at Anna, and calmly said the answer he got: "His wife."

   This is the only reason that Lu Li could think of, Tesla gave this letter to himself instead of others: he has a ghost wife, and Lu Li has Anna.

   They are natural like-minded allies.

   "But the Swamp Mother is there..." Anna still didn't understand Tesla's behavior of making his wife a neighbor with danger.

   "So it's safest to hide there." Lu Li repeated what he said before.

  Because of Lu Li!

  Anna suddenly understood.

  Tesla is one of the people who knows the inside story of the Shadow Swamp incident. He knows that the Swamp Mother is different from other evil gods, and also knows the cooperative relationship between the Swamp Mother and Lu Li.

   "Are you going to Shadow Town? The road is not safe, but I will try my best to protect you." The deep affection and seriousness in Anna's eyes made it difficult for Lu Li to look at him.

   "Well, you can stop by the exorcist meeting."

The    meeting will start in five days. The original plan was that they would set off in three days, passing through the Shadow Swamp.

   Now it seems that you can leave one day earlier and leave early the next morning.

   will decide to tell the Jimmy siblings. They plan to have Remy follow, with Jimmy and the "kids" staying behind to watch the house.

  Anna rejected their offer. Bringing Remy will delay their speed. If it is just her and Lu Li, they can reach Ellen King City before noon without stopping.

   and she would rather only be with Lu Li, no one else.

And this journey is not straight-forward - Lu Li will first go to Shymfast, then to Shadow Town to find Tesla's ghost wife, and then cross the swamps and deciduous mountains, before arriving at the meeting place, Ellen King City, in the Tafeng City, dozens of miles away, stopped for a while - Lu Li wanted to verify something.

  Is the experience in the confession room real, and what is its original unaltered trajectory?

   So bringing Remy on will make it difficult for Lu Li to appear in the city.

   "How is Anna going to hide?" Remy said worriedly.

   "She can be like a pagan." Lu Li replied.

   is still a new idea in Tesla's letter.

   As long as you put on a black robe, the people will only be surprised and wary of Anna. Even if an exorcist noticed Anna's existence, they would retreat because of the senior investigator badge on Lu Li's chest.

   (end of this chapter)

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