Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 542: One hundred and nineteen. Germination

   Chapter 542

   "Insignificant improvement." Lu Li said to Anna.

  Anna frowned, her eyes swept over the corpse of the monster, killing humans to gain humanity...

   "I know what you're thinking, no." Lu Li looked at Anna seriously.

  If Ana kills humans like Weird, her humanity will quickly disappear from her—another kind of humanity.

  Anna had never seen Lu Li show this look before, so she nodded lightly in agreement.

"And the problem may not be here." Lu Li became calm again, thinking and said: "I personally used the 'redemption' to obtain the obvious improvement of human nature several times. The amount of human nature obtained may be related to whether I hold it or not. ."

   "But the price is too high," Anna said.

   It's not worthwhile to trade near-irreversible sanity for the rate at which "humanity" increases.

   "Let's do this for now." Lu Li needs to think about how to acquire humanity.

   Now he has enough time to think.

  Anna picked up the "Investigator Weekly" on the blanket and read it. When she turned to the last page, Lu Li's voice sounded: "I plan to go to the exorcist meeting."

   "This time?" Anna put down the newspaper, revealing a delicate face with frowning eyebrows.

   "A newspaper is not enough for me to understand the current situation."

   "You can buy information from merchants," Anna said.

   "That's a backup plan."

   For a long time to come, Lu Li's only source of income for investigation points was the 140-point weekly salary for senior investigators.

  12,000 investigation points may seem like a lot, but as time goes on, the price of items and information sold by merchants will become higher and higher, just like deep sea stones.

   The extension of the refuge and the door seemed hopeless.

   Every day that followed was nearly the same.

  Ana will bring "Redemption" to hunt in the afternoon. Lu Li's humanity improves more than once every time she hunts, sometimes three or four times, but she usually only brings back one weird corpse, or returns empty-handed.

  Not all weirdos have bodies, and not all weird bodies fit human aesthetics—most of them are in the shape of human nightmares, or negative emotions that can induce the deepest fear and nausea in people.

   Although the Jimmy brothers and sisters who need to restore their humanity don't care if the weird is ugly and disgusting.

  When eating, the Jimmy brothers and sisters would take the "children" to avoid Lu Li, leave the cliff top and go to the elm forest to devour. After a period of time, when he returned from eating, Jimmy, who was supported by Remy, was pale, his pupils were bloodshot, and he seemed to have vomited not long ago.

   and every time without exception.

   Although the eating process was unpleasant, Jimmy's body was much better, and the monster's body no longer looked thin. At least he is no longer like Lu Li, who spends all day huddled in a reclining chair covered with a blanket, like a retired old man.

   The "children" have not changed much, perhaps related to their previous severe burns. Remy accidentally discovered that "Vier"'s "skin" was cracked, and then they learned that the "children"'s black charcoal epidermis was not their skin, but the carbonization after being damaged by fire.

  Under the cracked "skin" is new skin.

   Also changed is Anna. She became more and more cold, like wearing a mask called indifference. The aura of predators gradually increased, like the weird ones that hunted humans.

   It's just that her prey is weirdness itself.

  Only when facing Lu Li, will she lose her indifferent appearance and only be gentle.

   corresponds to the slow recovery speed of Lu Li. On the fourth day of training, he could only move at a slower speed than the old man on crutches.

On the fifth day of life at the refuge, when Anna left in the afternoon, she also took away the clean skeletons that Jimmy had left after eating the weird these days - she recently found some weird trails on Elm Street, and sometimes their footprints extended into the Elm Forest .

   Some are monster footprints, some are human footprints…

   But because of the negative emotions of the Elm Forest, they never went deep.

  Anna intends to sprinkle the bones on the edge of the elm forest to warn those approaching weirdos, especially those who leave human footprints.

   Whether they are heretics, or evil spirits.

   On the sixth day, Anna said she had found survivors. But the survivor was being bound by a black-robed infidel and taken away.

  Hiding in the dark to observe, Anna noticed the slippery scaly skin that was exposed between the black robes as the group of pagans walked.

   Anna didn't appear until they left.

  The captured survivors have nothing to do with her, and Anna will not care about other people except Lu Li.

  Especially a group of cultists with obvious intelligence and organization.

   and the fate of the captured survivors can be met—either as a sacrifice to please the evil god, or converted into a cult.

   The improvement of human nature is limited, Anna's six-day hunting only increased the number of Lu Li's human nature by less than 1%.

Every day on the    The Exorcist Radio the news is worse than the day before. The Ellen Peninsula was almost completely occupied, and only Shymfast was left to support it, where more than 90% of the population of the peninsula gathered.

   All the villages and towns in the Lord's Dependent Continent lost contact, leaving only the towns and main cities that gathered a large number of people around them.

  Luli marked the main continent and the Ellen Peninsula according to the broadcast.

   Originally distributed on the Main Continent, the cities and towns like the stars disappeared one by one, leaving only a few dozen sparse stars. The Ellen Peninsula was even darker, with only a little light from Shymfast.

   Early morning on the seventh day.

   The strange fog that spread to the inland slowly receded, and the sea was haunted by fog, and the black flesh and blood monsters like hills sank to the bottom of the sea.

  Lu Li opened his eyes and slowly sat up from the bed.

  The quilt slipped from her body, and Anna, who was standing beside her, put down the black cat and put the windbreaker over Lu Li.

   Then, like every day, she carried Lu Li onto the deck chair and took him to the edge of the cave. Although Lu Li can walk slowly.

   But today is not the same as usual. In the soil beside Lu Li's reclining chair, two young shoots grew out of the soil.

  The Jimmy brothers and sisters quickly gathered and were amazed at the sprouts.

   "It's about human nature?" Remy guessed, she couldn't think of any other reason.

   Try it and you’ll know. Remy carefully picked up the soil under one of the buds, planted it on the other side of the cave far away from Luli, and waited excitedly for tomorrow's results.

   In addition to the sprout that brought unexpected surprises to everyone, something new happened soon.

  The black crow came and landed on the armrest of the chaise longue.

  Anna took out the letter on the messenger's leg, the black crow still did not leave, tilted his head, the black pupil reflected the figure of Lu Li and Anna and the black cat.

  Ana went back to the shelter to fetch food for the black crow, while Lu Li in the reclining chair unfolded the letter.

   This letter is signed by Tesla.

   (end of this chapter)

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