Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1196: How down-to-earth this big star is!

This is more than a surprise, it's like a pie from the sky!

And it’s the kind that can’t be stuffed directly into the mouth without eating.

This news from Earthman Studio has just been sent out, and it has been liked, forwarded and commented by countless fans immediately. All kinds of viewers who envy the audience at the time will not say it. More importantly, everyone wants to know:

[Aunt Bohemian: Fanfan airborne the theme park of the Honghuang universe, is it a personal act on a whim, or will there be such a surprise in the future? 】

[Beauty sees the same thing: I also want to know, will there be such a surprise in the future? If I go to the Honghuang Universe Theme Park, will I have the chance to meet Fanfan by chance? I don't have any extravagant expectations for performances, I'm satisfied if I can see it from a distance! 】

[Whose heart is broken by high heels: If Panfan will surprise tourists from time to time like this, then I will be squatting at the gate of your Honghuang Universe theme park from now on! 】


Although everyone understands that Lin Fan's airborne flash mob performance is likely to be a one-time personal act on a whim, Lin Fan's team will not let him do it often.

After all, whether Lin Fan is attending events or simply appearing in public, he will attract a lot of attention.

Not only fans, but Lin Fan's current crowd of passers-by is also very large. No matter where he goes, he will become the focus of attention, not to mention in the Honghuang Universe Theme Park, where fans account for the vast majority of tourists.

Therefore, everyone does not expect Lin Fan to be able to perform here as a long-term job in the future. Just like now, on a whim, come and see, play, and let the tourists meet by chance, they are already very happy.

This question, Honghuang Universe Theme Park is naturally unable to answer, because they are only responsible for the management of the entire park, not the boss of Lin Fan.

And Lin Fan's itinerary is also arranged by a professional team. Long-term work like this is not something that can be added.

What's more, this flash is really Lin Fan's personal behavior, the team didn't know it at first! It wasn't until the news of Lin Fan's performance on stage spread out that the Earthman Studio knew about it.

Then the first reaction was: Brother Fan went all the way, and the news could not be concealed from anyone, so let the park send a news and announce the news to get the greatest publicity effect.

Hence the announcement of the Honghuang Universe Theme Park.

Of course, when the announcement was made, Lin Fan had already stepped down from the stage and quietly left the park through the staff passage under the cover of the staff.

It's not that Lin Fan doesn't want to stay longer and perform more for a while. Just the security measures at the scene are really not enough to ensure that Lin Fan can leave safely and smoothly after the performance.

So Lin Fan had to obey the staff's arrangement and left early.

Those fans and tourists who gathered in a hurry after seeing the news on the Internet, naturally fluttered and failed to see Lin Fan in person, which made them even more envious of the audience present at the time.

Even the fans in the live broadcast room couldn't help but complain about Wang Lingli: I really don't know what kind of **** luck I stepped on, so that the president can meet Fanfan!

Of course, Wang Lingli knows that she has never had such good luck. She meets idols by chance, and she can also take the initiative to perform on stage.

But it happened to happen today, so the sisters of the support club said that they stepped on **** luck, but Wang Lingli didn't refute it.

Mainly because Wang Lingli felt in her heart that such luck should not be her own, but...

"Oh, that was Fanfan just now! The real person looks more handsome than the TV! The singing is also good! I don't know when he will perform again next time, we will come back then! This big star is so down-to-earth, even on such a small stage. Come and go, it's really dedicated!"

Wang's mother didn't realize how rare Lin Fan's appearance was. She just felt that this performance was very worth watching, and she wanted to continue it next time.

Seeing his daughter-in-law so happy, Lao Wang of course raised his hands in approval: "If you want to come, let's come again! I just don't know when I will meet this Lin Fan on stage next time. It would be a pity if I missed it, young man. The singing is really good, the songs are well written, and the people are good looking, I feel happy just looking at him."

Good-looking people and things can always make people feel happy.

Wang's mother said: "Isn't Lingli a fan of Fanfan? Go back and pay more attention to what activities Fanfan has on the Internet. Let's see when he comes over. Let's play too!"

Wang Lingli, who was cued, came back to her senses and said helplessly: "Mom, Fanfan rarely attends such small events. Today, I guess he came to watch it on a whim, and performed on stage by the way. Fanfan's itinerary There may not be this one at all, how do I know when he will come?

Moreover, even if we know when Fan Fan will come, we still have to buy tickets! Now this ticket is so hard to buy, when everyone knows that Fanfan will come, won't the ticket go crazy? "

As for the lottery to send tickets, it is not held every day. This time, Mother Wang has drawn three tickets in a row, and she is already lucky. Wang Lingli can't imagine that there will be such an opportunity next time.

But Mother Wang disagreed: "You can't get the ticket yourself, it doesn't mean I can't get it. I'm so lucky and lucky, why did you have such a handicapped hand?"

Wang Lingli took an arrow in the chest:...I will endure it!

Lao Wang also said: "Just pay attention! You don't need to grab tickets, everything is covered by your mother, what are you afraid of?"

Wang Lingli: I'm afraid you won't take me if you grab the ticket.

Don't look at the beginning, Wang's mother grabbed a ticket and gave it to Wang Lingli, but it was a ticket. As Mother Wang said, it is really boring for her to come alone.

But once there are two Mother Wang can come to play with Lao Wang, Wang Lingli believes that they will not bring her own!

But no matter what, Wang Lingli also had a glimmer of expectation in her heart: what if her own mother was the peerless European emperor?

Anyway, I stare at Fanfan's itinerary every day. It's not a big deal to pay more attention to it. If Fanfan is really airborne again at the Honghuang Universe Theme Park, maybe my own mother can really grab a ticket?

With such a mentality, Wang Lingli solemnly said to her parents, "I see, I will keep an eye on Fanfan's itinerary. Next time I find Fanfan coming back, I'll tell you."

Old Wang was happy: "That's right!"

Wang's mother was also satisfied: "You're right to pay attention. I think, Fanfan will definitely come back in the future. I don't know what itinerary is not, but I know that Fanfan must be very concerned about this prehistoric universe theme park.

Even if he comes to see the operation of the park and observe the attitude of the tourists towards the park, he will come again. My intuition is very accurate, listen to me, that's right! ” 15972/10548232

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