Please show the deity?

Who is it?

Lin Fan himself?

The relationship is good, the key is can you really invite it out?

The audience didn't believe it, but the next second, the projection disappeared on the stage, as abruptly as his appearance, and there was an antique moonlight door on the stage.

At a glance, the audience can see the classical landscape inside the door, so that everyone's eyes and even their minds pass through the cave door and appreciate the endless painting and artistic conception beauty in the classical garden with winding paths leading to seclusion.

More importantly, an unusually familiar figure is slowly passing through this door, walking towards everyone, and entering everyone's sight.

The audience exploded at this moment, "Ah ah ah! Brother Fan! It's really Brother Fan!"

"It's Brother Fan himself! God, I actually saw Brother Fan himself!"

"The host didn't lie, it's really Pan brother!"

The fans in the live room also went crazy:

[Seeing through and not saying through is still a good friend: ah ah ah! It's generic, really generic! President, what kind of **** luck are you, you actually saw Fanfan here! 】

[Chopping durian with bare hands: why why why! Why wasn't I the one who won the free ticket? If I win a free ticket, will I be able to sit there now, see Fan Fan with my own eyes, and hear Fan Fan sing with my ears? 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Omg! I'll pack up and go out now and rush to the Honghuang Universe Theme Park! Even if you can't get in, you can still breathe the air that you have breathed! Maybe you can meet Fan Fan by chance at the gate! 】


The atmosphere at the scene was so lively that many audience members simply stood up from their seats, especially fans like Wang Lingli, who jumped and jumped and were so excited that they couldn't contain themselves.

After all, when everyone came out to play, they didn't think too much about being able to meet idols here by chance, let alone idols who took the initiative to perform on stage!

On the stage, Lin Fan was also a little helpless, but he didn't force everyone to calm down. After all, people were too excited to calm down quickly.

Lin Fan directly signaled the staff to play the music, and a soothing piano sound came out. The melody repeated four times, bringing people a soothing and unique listening enjoyment.

At the same time, it also calmed the emotions of the audience and made them realize: "Fan Fan is going to sing!"

"Quiet, quiet! Brother Fan is about to start singing. Everyone sits in their seats and don't affect Brother Fan's performance!"

"Oh, this is the prelude to "Dongfeng Po"! I can hear it as soon as I hear it! I like this song the most!"

Music can always go directly to the heart, not to mention that in the live audience, except for the ordinary audience like Wang Mama and Lao Wang who came to play with their daughters, everyone else is Lin Fan's fans!

And even Mama Wang and Lao Wang, although they are not fans of Lin Fan, they are also fans of Lin Fan's film and television dramas, and they are very fond of and familiar with Lin Fan's songs.

Therefore, as soon as the prelude to this "Dongfeng Broken" sounded, many people's emotions were attracted by the familiar melody, and the noisy and lively scene gradually quieted down.

After all, no one wants to miss Lin Fan's performance.

At the end of the piano sound, it was replaced by the sound of harp and acoustic guitar. The crisp drum beats and the warm tone of the guitar were intertwined, and the eyes of the audience became brighter and brighter, and then:

"A saddle

standing alone at the window

I'm behind the door

Pretend you haven't left yet—"

The whole chorus was so neat and tidy. Following Lin Fan's low and gentle voice, they sang the classic "Dongfeng Po".

There is no need for anyone to guide or rehearse in advance. As soon as the music arrives, the singing will blurt out so naturally, and the familiar lyrics seem to have been engraved in the mind, and can be sung without recalling at all.

On the stage, Lin Fan was also a little helpless.

Originally, I wanted to surprise everyone and sing a song for everyone, but now it has become everyone singing to themselves.

Who can blame this?

I can only blame myself, what song is not good, I have to copy such a good song, a song that is very popular among Chinese audiences. If I only want to go on stage, if I don’t sing new songs or songs with high difficulty, basically it is the whole audience. Chorus.

This is also the reason why Lin Fan doesn't like to hold concerts very much all the time: in other people's concerts, he is exhausted to death, and in his own concerts, fans sing hoarsely for him, and there is absolutely no chance for him to perform.

But what can be done?

This is the stage that I took the initiative to be on, and it was my intention to come here to surprise the fans and tourists, and I chose the song "Dongfeng Po" by myself, so let's sing the chorus!

"Old places are like revisiting

The full moon is lonelier

Candlelight in the middle of the night

Can't bear to blame me-"

The prelude to this song, the tune is soft, gentle, smooth and steady, has both the beauty of classical elegance and the fashion of modern singing. Aesthetics, in the Chinese music scene, has an extremely amazing singing rate.

At least not a single person in the audience can't sing. Even a child can hum two lines of lyrics along with them. After all, these lyrics are so beautiful, so rhythmic and catchy. After listening to them a lot, they will remember them.

The sound of the chorus was so loud that even the soundproof walls specially equipped here in the activity center could not completely cover up the movement.

"Wandering in a Pot

Wandering around the world is hard to swallow

after you go

wine warm memories miss thin

water flows east

how to steal time

Ripe as soon as it blooms

I missed-"

The other tourists who didn't arrive in time to grab a seat only heard exclamations and applause from the activity center, and the sound of the current chorus made everyone's hearts itch. I don't know what happened here what happened.

I just thought that this show should be pretty good, right? Otherwise, how could the audience inside have such a big reaction?

It seems that the next time has a chance, I still have to come and see this show, otherwise I always feel as if I missed 5 million.

However, on the Internet, the news that #林phan appeared in Honghuang Paradise# was passed on from the audience's mobile phones and in the live broadcast. More and more netizens saw this message, but they were still skeptical. Mentality, came and watched.

But after entering the account of the audience who posted these news, they really saw Lin Fan's own photos and live video, and everyone was stunned!

Lin Fan is here!

This time, the entire network is in a frenzy. Other tourists in the park also learned the news from the Internet, tips from friends and other channels, and flocked to the activity center, just to be able to take a look at Lin Fan from a distance, alive!

The Honghuang Universe Theme Park directly released the official news:

[Honghuang Cosmos Theme Park: Today, now, at this moment, Fan Ge appeared in Honghuang Park and performed a flash mob! Are you surprised or not? 】


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