Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5819: Indemnity for ceding land

5819 ceded land indemnity

"So, that's all the decrypted information?" Lin Rui asked.

"No, it is very informative. Some of them are still being confirmed. But we have determined that they are studying a kind of genetic weapon, and they are targeting a specific group." Mr. K replied.

"What does targeting a special group mean that this genetic weapon is only effective for some people?" Lin Rui asked.

"Yes." Mr. K nodded, "According to the information we have obtained so far, this weapon is mainly aimed at the Europa-Mediterranean type."

"White people?" Lin Rui was surprised. "They are researching biological weapons that specifically target the genes of white people?"

"To be corrected, the so-called Europa race is indeed white, but there are many different types. Non-Mediterranean European whites have white skin, heavy hair, heavy body odor, deep eye sockets, low cheekbones, flat jaws, The nose is tall, the lips are thin, the hair is curly, and the iris is mainly blue-green in childhood. The Caucasians around the Mediterranean region have darker skin than the former, and the hair and iris are brown and reddish-brown. Lord. South Asian Caucasians tend to have darker skin.

As Caucasians age, the iris and hair contain more melanin, so most Caucasians have a darker iris and hair color in adulthood than in childhood, possibly from blond to brown or black. Occasionally blond Caucasians in adulthood, seen only in European Caucasians of non-Mediterranean ancestry. "Aladdin said slowly.

"What's the difference?" Lin Rui asked with a frown. "I'm not a biologist or an anthropologist, so I don't know anything about it. But why do they study weapons specifically for white people?"

Aladdin smiled slightly, "The Europa-Mediterranean type, there is a big branch that is the Arabs of the Middle East and Northwest Africa."

"As soon as I say that, I understand. They are creating a biological weapon specifically for the Arabs in Northwest Africa." Lin Rui nodded.

"It can be said that the secret society controls the Oromi Federation, and the main enemy around them is not African blacks, but African Arabs. For historical reasons, blacks in Africa have a low status and have always been dominated. However, the Arabs in Africa are relatively powerful in history. With the unique advantages of nomads, their tribes are far more cohesive than blacks, so many of them have become powerful warlords in Africa. For example

"For example, General Logan and his nephew Kassan, as well as those warlord leaders in Anmore." Lin Rui replied.

"Yes." Mr. K replied. "And of course there are some parts of the Middle East. So the United States should be very interested in these things, so the research of the secret society organization will be a hit with them."

"So it is." Lin Rui nodded. "So what is the specific weapon, is it a biological virus or some kind of toxin?"

"The highly infectious virus is the most lethal weapon, while genotoxins appear to be more controllable. From their research, we think it should be the former." Aladdin replied.

"Biological virus." Lin Rui nodded, "This is a huge trouble."

"What's worse, we only have their research projects and some of the data, and it's unclear whether their research has been weaponized, or at least partially weaponized," Mr. K replied.

"Then what are you going to do with these things?" Lin Rui asked.

"We don't have a clue yet, but Mr. K wants to start the investigation in the United States. He will use other channels to follow up on the matter, and I will use my own method." Aladdin replied.

Lin Rui frowned, "That is to say, this matter cannot be announced at all."

"No one will believe that when it is announced, genetic engineering itself is a very cutting-edge project. And genetic weapons for military use are even more taboo. There are some things that can be done but cannot be said. This kind of thing is one of them. When we stab this matter out, it will only cause a few days of heat at most, and it will be slandered as a conspiracy theory. Just based on some research reports, it will not explain much.

It is useless to accuse the United States of conducting research on genetic weapons. Because there are far more countries with similar technologies and conducting the same research than the United States. For example, Israel has similar technology. The UK also has it, but everyone is tacit. "Aladdin smiled slightly.

"So our adventure this time has no effect?" Lin Rui asked.

"Of course not. Your actions this time have given me a lot of new information, and it has also made us more aware of the actions of the secret society organization," Aladdin replied.

"Is it just that?" Lin Rui asked.

"Of course not. As long as we grasp this point, we will be able to unravel the connection between the secret society organization and the upper levels of the U.S. military. In the end, we will find out all the truth and will find a way to completely solve them." Mr. K replied.

"It's very simple to solve it completely. It only takes a bullet." Lin Rui replied, "We know who the head of the secret society organization is. The matter is already very clear. If we deal with the secret society grand duke, the secret society organization will be punished. It may even fall apart. We know who the silver wolf Michelle is in disguise."

"What if you know?" Aladdin said slowly, "Most of the time, the Grand Duke of the Secret Society does not directly direct the organization of the secret society. Even he can not contact his subordinates for a few years, but the secret society organization He still implements his established strategy under a standard and strict framework. That is to say, even if you get rid of the Grand Duke of the Secret Society, it will not help. This organization has formulated a series of regulations from the beginning of its design, which can be determined by the head of the organization. After the beheading, various tasks are still carried out in an orderly manner, until a new leader is generated, and then the organization is fully taken over.

And, you're really 100% sure. Is the Grand Duke of the Secret Society the Silver Wolf Michel? Even if he admits it to you himself, can you believe it? And if he really is Michelle the Silver Wolf, why did he spend so much to hide his identity, and finally reveal his identity to you, the enemy? Is this really logical? "

"I don't know." Lin Rui took a deep breath. "Sometimes I'm not sure what I can believe. I don't even know if I can believe you."

"Indeed." Aladdin nodded. "It's not something any of us can do to fight the Order, but we can join forces. That's why I need you all. Of course trust isn't something that can be built quickly, Especially for people like us. But our previous cooperation has been a good start. Mr. K has his intelligence channels, I have my underground forces, and you can provide resolute and effective action. This is the original intention of our cooperation , is also the way we join forces to restrain the powerful enemy."

"What do we do next?" Lin Rui asked.

"My opinion is to continue to assist Anmor's military forces. They are currently at a critical stage. If they can help them stabilize their positions, the follow-up can be expected." Aladdin replied, "Assisting them is equivalent to helping them in Austria. There is a knife behind the Rumi Federation. No matter how much means the Orumi Federation controlled by the secret society organization has, they have to be careful of the knife behind it.”

"Where's the Hammer Organization?" Lin Rui asked.

"The secret society organization's control of the Orumi Federation is becoming more and more strict, and the previous guerrilla model of the Hammer Organization is no longer suitable for the current situation. Therefore, they will continue to secretly conduct underground activities in accordance with my request. And their armed forces are The local military and police forces that managed to integrate into the Orumi Federation. They only play the role of providing information in peacetime, and will only show their strength when they have to. I have reached a consensus with their leader.

We will continue to provide them with weapons and personnel training, but all for their better concealment. ' Aladdin replied.

Lin Rui nodded silently, "Maybe this is the best path for them. But soon they will be recognized as a terrorist organization. Even if they are just a group of ordinary people fighting for their rightful rights."

"This is the price of pursuing freedom and independence. You must pay with blood and life. It is the same in the whole world." Aladdin said slowly.

"Okay, let's not talk about that. How is Anmore's situation these days?" Lin Rui asked.

"After a series of tug-of-war, with the intervention of Western countries and the African Union, the two sides have officially ceased fire. Of course, this is also their choice. Anmore wants to have a breather, and the Orumi Federation In fact, the side is also a plan to delay the troops. So agreeing to the ceasefire was expected." Aladdin smiled. "But both sides have their own plans."

"Kassan is very tough on the negotiating conditions. Regarding the demands of the Orumi Federal Army, the mediation with the African Union is almost impossible. This is also because the previous negotiations in the Battle of Anmore were too bad, and General Rogan was the He lost at the negotiating table. So this time Kassan was as tough as granite. He declared that he would either fully accept the conditions of Anmore, or continue to fight." Mr. K smiled bitterly, "It is useless for the French to mediate. "

"This is also a loss for you Western countries. If you didn't sell Anmore last time. They could not have ended so badly, and they could even compete with the Orumi Federal Chamber. This time, Kasan is fighting. I'm sure I won't let go." Lin Rui nodded, "What are the conditions of the Orumi Federation Army?"

"They demanded that the Anmore army retreat to the northeast of Pinestone, and set up a ceasefire buffer zone along the Kem River. Both armies can enter, but the ceasefire agreement must be respected. In addition, they asked Anmore to revoke the title of independence." Latin replied.

"These conditions, Kassan will only agree to it unless he has Alzheimer's disease. Retreat to the northeast of Pinestone Town is equivalent to giving up the original defensive advantage zone. The original triangular defense system was broken, and the original triangular structure became It is an unacceptable condition even if it is purely considered from a military point of view.

What's more, the two important towns around Songshi Town were originally Anmore's territory, and now asking Kassan to give up voluntarily is almost equivalent to betraying the country. In addition, it is nonsense to allow the Orumi Federal Army to freely enter the Kem River area. That is the lifeline of Anmore. From the north bank of the Kem River directly north, you can enter the most important area of ​​Anmore. Again, unless Cassan is senile, there is no way he would agree. Lin Rui shook his head, "If it were me, I would have torn up this contract on the spot. "

"It is true that the conditions of the Oromi Federation Army are very excessive. But Kassan is not his uncle, General Logan, after all. He does not give anyone face at all. And his demands are even more outrageous. He asked Anmore to restore the establishment of the Federation. The previous form of the republic. Just waiting for independence. And not only independence. In fact, before the establishment of the Oromi Federation, Anmore was a sovereign state. At that time, the territory of Anmore was two more provinces than now, That is, the two provinces to the southwest of Anmore.

His request to revert to the pre-union was tantamount to declaring sovereignty over the two main industrial provinces. This condition almost angered the negotiators of the Orumi Federation. ' replied Mr. K.

"Well, this really looks like something Cassan would do. If General Logan is a soldier, then Cassan has a rogue spirit." Lin Rui nodded.

"That's not enough, he even asked the Orumi Federation to compensate him for a huge sum of money. The reason is that because of the previous Anmore battle, the Orumi Federation controlled the two provinces that originally belonged to Anmore through illegal means. He asked for compensation for it," Mr K replied.

"War indemnity?" Lin Rui couldn't help laughing. "He wants to go to the full set. The land is ceded and indemnity, he can play everything."

"However, how can the Orumi Federation agree to such a condition? But because it is a plan to delay the army, even if the Orumi Federation can't agree, it has to talk to him patiently. This will delay the time and regroup the army." Aladdin He said slowly, "According to the latest news, the troops of the Orumi Federal Army are continuing to assemble, claiming to be conducting military exercises.

It is normal to perform exercises during the negotiation, show off your muscles, and increase your bargaining chips during the negotiation. But in fact, they are not just the army of the exercise. These troops can become the main force of the Orumi Federation at any time and relaunch the raid on Anmor.

Of course Cassan is not stupid. He knew the intentions of the Orumi Federation better than anyone, so he was also gathering troops. Not only Anmore's troops, but even some troops from neighboring countries. These troops were originally on the sidelines. They neither supported the Orumi Federation, but were afraid of being beaten by them. So dare not blatantly support Kassan. Since the two sides went to war, they have been watching.

Now Anmor forced the Orumi Federation to take the initiative to seek peace. These neighboring countries thought that the opportunity was coming, so they all sent troops to support Kassan. It gave him a lot of fighting power. "

(End of this chapter)

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