Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5818: genetic weapons

Gene weapon

"Boss, we have to go. Before they can react, we have to leave immediately." Kuai Ma patted Lin Rui.

Lin Rui nodded, "Evacuate. According to the plan, we will evacuate separately."

Lin Rui and his mercenaries scattered and evacuated together. When the next day dawned, they had already arrived at the border city of Ukrui.

The fight last night was almost completely gone. Everyone sat in the shaking container car, feeling sleepy.

"Here you are." The actuary handed Kishi a can of drink to Lin Rui.

Lin Rui nodded, took the drink, and asked casually. "How long?"

"In two or three hours, we will be able to cross the border of Ukere. We will be safe by then. Rest assured, this route is a safe corridor arranged by our people. And when we get there, our people will pick up.

But boss, I have to say, your actions this time are dangerous enough. The actuary smiled. "No one thought that you would really dare to go back and kill Van Dinov. "

"Rosefield is currently fighting against Ukrui, so no one will suspect us. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to take the risk." Lin Rui took a sip of his drink and said in a low voice.

"But yesterday was really cool. We haven't done this for a long time." The actuary nodded. "I mean, it's been a long time since we fought for ourselves."

"Yeah." Lin Rui sighed, "Actually, you also understand that I have to do this. But Van Dinov is a huge threat. If we don't remove it in time, it will bring us a lot of trouble. Instead of waiting for others to start, it is better to start first."

The actuary nodded Kishi, "I understand. Once Van Dinov shakes out the fact that we entered the Ukrei operation, it will be difficult for us to gain a foothold in Rosefield in the future. This possibility is not impossible, and with our Yelena did not follow his plan, and Yelena managed to escape. This will increase his sense of crisis and even prompt him to act against us. So it is a wise choice to get rid of him in time. "

"Don't you think I'm risking my brothers' lives?" Lin Rui asked.

"Don't say that, we o2 have long been one. My life is your life, if you decide to go all out, then we will risk our lives." Actuary Kishi replied.

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, I don't know what I would be like now." Lin Rui smiled bitterly, "Maybe I have already fed wild dogs somewhere in Africa."

"It is indeed possible, but as I said, we are one. As long as our o2 is still there, you are not alone." The actuary patted Lin Rui on the shoulder.

Lin Rui nodded heavily, "When will the person who will be with you arrive?"

"We should meet them in an hour," the actuary Kishi replied, "They have our satellite positioning. They will transfer the container halfway to Poland. They will take the route arranged by Aladdin, using all the It's his people. It's his route in Europe to Africa, so it's absolutely safe."

"If it was arranged by him, there would really be no problem. This old guy is indeed better than everyone else in this regard." Lin Rui nodded.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon that day, Lin Rui and the others met with the people who answered them. What he didn't expect was that it was Zhao Jianfei who came to meet him.

"Old Zhao!" Lin Rui walked up to him and gave him a hug, "I didn't expect you to come."

"Don't be dazzling here, get in the car first, we'll talk on the road." Zhao Jianfei patted him.

After getting in the car, the two had a brief conversation, and Lin Rui told him what happened before.

Zhao Jianfei frowned slightly, "You are still a little reckless in this matter. Rosefield's people are not so easy to deal with as those African warlords, they will definitely investigate Van Dinov's death in detail."

"Do you think we will be tracked down?" Lin Rui asked.

"Not necessarily, and it may not be feasible if you want to blame Ukre's militia. The militia and the Rothfield soldiers fought all night, and these militia killed a lot of enemies, which is understandable. But they themselves have zero casualties, This will not make people think that this is the strength of the militia. The militia attacked the regular troops, directly attacked the headquarters, killed an intelligence officer, and then retreated with zero casualties. This kind of thing is impossible.

So they will definitely investigate, and although you haven't left any clues that might be traced, be careful. "Zhao Jianfei whispered.

"Indeed, what you said is indeed the case. We do have some omissions in this matter." Lin Rui nodded.

"For the time being, you should go to Dengshen Island to avoid the limelight. We will try to help you solve this matter so as not to cause trouble." Zhao Jianfei replied.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Rui asked.

"We have our own methods." Zhao Jianfei whispered, "By the way, the information you brought back from this mission is quite remarkable. Judging from the parts that have been cracked so far, this information has a huge impact. Both Mr. K and Aladdin hope that I can talk to you as soon as possible."

"What did you find?" Lin Rui couldn't help asking.

"You'll know when the time comes." Zhao Jianfei whispered.

Under the cover of Zhao Jianfei, they quickly withdrew from the dangerous area and returned to a certain sea area in Africa.

"Dengshen Island." Lin Rui was on a boat, looking at the huge black island in the distance. This is Aladdin's lair, a huge offshore operation platform, of course not many people know about it.

Their ship soon berthed somewhere on the platform. Lin Rui and his mercenaries set foot on this Dengshen Island again.

Zhao Jianfei sent several off-road jeeps to the core of Dengshen Island.

The core area of ​​the island is still heavily fortified, and many areas are closed.

"This place looks a lot bigger than last time." Lin Rui said while looking outside.

"Yes, areas l and h have been expanded and expanded. The area has increased by nearly 20%. Of course, the entire Dengshen Island is an operation platform floating on the sea. The so-called expansion is only It's just to increase some areas of the platform." Zhao Jianfei replied.

"It's really a rich man's stuff. If it were me, I would never have imagined such a thing. A large arms dealer owns an unsinkable floating island." Lin Rui smiled bitterly.

"Aladdin is also compelled. Under the pursuit of the secret society, there is no place for him on land, so he went to the sea to seek safety. Be careful, we are almost there. From here is the Aladdin Guard. The territory under control." Zhao Jianfei replied.

"What about those before then?" Kuaima couldn't help asking.

"Before those people were just outsiders. They didn't know the truth of this facility at all. They only knew that this island is a research facility jointly managed by multiple marine research institutions." Zhao Jianfei replied.

The vehicle drove all the way inward, and after passing through multiple bayonets, it finally arrived at where Aladdin was. Aladdin and Mr. K are still there.

"Rick, welcome." Aladdin looked at Lin Rui and smiled, "Thanks to you, we discovered the project that the secret society organization is researching."

"Is it a biological weapon?" Lin Rui walked over and asked.

"It can be said yes or no." Aladdin said slowly, "This matter is very complicated."

"Complicated?" Lin Rui felt a little strange.

Aladdin looked at Mr. K. "You say it, or I say it?"

Mr. K was silent for a while and said, "Let me tell you." He looked at Lin Rui seriously and said, "Have you heard of genetic weapons?"

"I've heard of some, but they should all be rumors." Lin Rui frowned, "Those studies led by the secret society organization are genetic weapons?"

Mr. K replied, "Genetic weapons refer to new biological warfare agents developed using genetic engineering technology, also known as the third-generation biological warfare agents. Genetic weapons will be another development direction of modern new concept weapons.

It uses advanced genetic engineering, a new technology, and uses similar engineering design methods to insert genes that can resist common vaccines or drugs in some pathogenic bacteria or viruses through genetic recombination according to people's needs, or The pathogenic microorganisms are inserted into the body of the disease-causing gene to create a biological weapon.

In particular, the development of synthetic biology can realize the artificial design and synthesis of organisms or viruses that do not exist in nature. It can change the genetic material of non-pathogenic microorganisms to produce pathogenic bacteria with significant drug resistance, and use the differences in biochemical characteristics of human races to make the pathogenic bacteria only have a pathogenic effect on people with specific genetic characteristics, So as to selectively destroy the enemy's living forces. "

"Wait, wait, I don't understand what you said, can you make it simpler?" Lin Rui waved his hand.

Mr. K looked at him and said, "Genetic engineering, genetic engineering in the military field is a weapon of genocide. Because any form of a person reflects his genes, killing people with genetic weapons can achieve the purpose of genocide. For example, It is said that the use of genetic weapons can only kill people with reddish-brown hair, but also short or tall people, blue-eyed or dark-eyed people. It is revealed that some countries are preparing to create racially-mutated viruses, by targeting people with group genetic characteristics The human cells, tissues and organs and body systems exert targeted chemical or biological influences to make mistakes in the genetic code, so as to achieve the purpose of killing.

The rapid development of molecular genetics in the 1970s and 1980s made it possible to develop genetic weapons. Genetic weapons are based on the recombination of deoxyribonucleic acid, the carrier of genetic information. With the help of genetic engineering methods, gene separation and recombination can be achieved to form composite deoxyribonucleic acid. Obtain highly toxic toxins that poison people, animals, and plants, and make biological weapons that can alter genetic organs.

The introduction of highly virulent genetic material into bacterial or human viruses could yield bacterial weapons capable of killing large numbers of people in a short period of time. Scientists expect genetic engineering to lead to greater success in bacterial biology, revealing the mechanism of action of toxins and producing toxic substances that can be used as weapons.

The study of innate and genetic differences between people and their subtle biochemical structures suggests the possibility of developing so-called racial weapons. Scientists believe that in the not-too-distant future, such weapons could be used to kill certain ethnic groups that are disliked by other ethnic groups. Differences in blood, skin color, and genetic structure will be the basis for this selection.

Research in the field of racial weapons aims to discover the genetic weakest points of certain ethnic groups and to develop specialized vectors that can be effectively exploited. According to the estimate of the famous American medical scientist R. Hammerschlag, the use of racial weapons with different validity periods can kill 25% to 30% of the population of the attacked country. Note that this amount of population loss in a nuclear war is considered an unacceptable loss, indicating that the country will be victorious. "

"That is to say, a biological weapon that targets a certain type of gene for precise killing." Lin Rui nodded.

Mr. K replied, "In the study of human genome diversity, genetic weapons have found that there are indeed genetic differences between human races. This difference is likely to be used by racists and terrorists. They can be based on different The characteristics of racial genome diversity, the use of genetic engineering techniques to design and develop genetic weapons for a certain race, thus causing a potential and huge threat to the security of a certain race or country.

Strategically, genetic weapons will significantly change the way we fight. Users only need to put genetically engineered germs into other countries before the war, or use aircraft, missiles, etc. to put microorganisms with disease-causing genes into other countries' traffic arteries or cities, so that the virus can naturally spread and multiply, causing the enemy's people and animals. Suffering from an untreatable disease for a short period of time, rendering him incapacitated.

In addition, genetic weapons can arbitrarily recombine genes according to needs, and can transfer genes that damage human intelligence into some organisms. When people of a certain ethnic group are infected with this germ with a gene that damages intelligence, they lose their normal intelligence.

Tactically, genetic weapons are not easy to be found, which will make the opponent hard to guard against. Because of the modified viral and bacterial genes, only the manufacturer knows its genetic "code", which is difficult for others to decipher and control.

At the same time, the killing process of genetic weapons is carried out in secret, and people generally cannot find out in advance and take effective protective measures. Once you feel the damage, it is too late, and it has already been attacked by a genetic virus before, and it is difficult to treat. In addition, genetic weapons also have the characteristics of low cost, long duration, simple use method, various means of release, and no damage to the enemy's infrastructure and weapons and equipment, and have a strong psychological deterrent effect. "

"There really is such a weapon? I thought these precision-guided biological weapons were just legends." Lin Rui shook his head.

"No. Now at least the United States and Russia have plans to develop genetic weapons. The United States has developed some genetic weapons with practical value. They have inserted a common brewer's bacteria into a bacterium that causes terrible fission fever in Africa and the Middle East. genes, so that Saccharomyces cerevisiae can transmit schistosomiasis.

In addition, the United States has completed the splicing of the tetracycline-resistant Escherichia coli genetic gene and the penicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus gene, and then introduced the spliced ​​molecules into E. Escherichia coli.

Russia, on the other hand, has used genetic engineering methods to study a new type of toxin that is an anthrax variant that can be resistant to any antibiotic, but no antidote has been found. These are only known. ' replied Mr. K.

(End of this chapter)

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