Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5753: street fighting

Street fighting wrestling

"It's an ewtv electronic warfare tactical vehicle, a vehicle equipped with jamming equipment." The Red Baron said slowly.

"The U.S. Army has only recently equipped the 1st Cavalry Division with equipment. Although the Americans secretly support Anmore, it shouldn't be possible to deliver such advanced equipment to them?" Christine hesitated.

The Red Baron shook his head, "Although there is no evidence that the United States gave these equipment to the Anmore Army. But it cannot be ruled out that they used this battle to field test this tactical jamming vehicle. So it is very likely that the Anmore Army have this or a similar device."

"Does the Baron know anything about this electronic jamming vehicle?" Christine said in surprise.

"We have some information channels." The Red Baron nodded. "Since the 9/11 incident, the United States has launched wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, dispatched troops to occupy these two countries, and began to suppress terrorists and opposition forces there. However, , Armed to the teeth, the U.S. military with the most advanced weapons and equipment on earth has encountered a new problem-the terrorists and guerrillas with very simple equipment and a completely asymmetric military force ratio have begun to use a very effective method. Inflicted heavy losses on the U.S. military.

This is the improvised explosive device. They use mortar shells, howitzers, mines and even explosives with a simple combination of electronic devices to make very simple and concealed improvised explosive devices, which are placed on roads, beside roads, in buildings, The use of timed explosions or simple remote control detonation devices to detonate bombs when U.S. military convoys and personnel pass by has been tried and tested, causing great trouble for the U.S. military.

In order to solve this problem, the U.S. military developed and equipped the an/vlq-12 jammer developed by src in 2005. The jammer is nicknamed "Duke" and is called an improvised explosive electronic warfare device (crew in English). ——As the name implies, it is a device specially used to interfere with the control signal of the remote control device for the remote control of improvised explosives. It can interfere, block and shield the electronic signals that control the detonation of improvised explosives within a certain range.

When the U.S. military convoy passes through the area where improvised explosives are placed, if the "Duke" jammer takes effect, then the terrorists cannot use the remote control to remotely detonate the explosives, so that the safety of the U.S. patrol convoy can be effectively protected.

With the continuous development of electronic warfare tactical vehicles, two important development directions are reflected. First, the an/vlq-12 jammer has more and more functions, more and more powerful performance, and can do more and more things. It is evolving from a single type of improvised explosive jamming equipment to an army mobile Accompanying multifunctional electronic warfare/electronic countermeasures equipment.

Second, the an/vlq-12 jammer has changed from being widely and temporarily equipped on various types of army armored and non-armored vehicles to being fixedly installed on a certain vehicle, forming a kind of Fixed dedicated electronic warfare vehicle equipment, the US Army officially named it the electronic warfare tactical vehicle ewtv.

In early September, the 3rd Brigade Combat Team of the 1st U.S. Army Cavalry Division sent some combat personnel to Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona for a 2-week course study and training in operating the new electronic warfare tactical vehicle EWTV system. , in order to master the combat use of the vehicle.

At Yuma Proving Ground, personnel from the 1st Cavalry Division learn how to use the An/Vlq-12 Duke jammer to quickly identify the exact location of potential enemy units, assisting commanders in deciding how to attack the enemy to neutralize threats, such as cutting off enemy forces communication transmission, preventing opponents from effectively organizing counterattacks; or warning them not to approach U.S. troops, or even request reinforcements or directly call for air strikes or artillery fire support.

It can be said that the fitting test has achieved good results. At present, the US military will expand the equipment of this new electronic warfare vehicle in some brigade-level combat teams. So it is possible for the Anmor army to get this kind of equipment. Moreover, our communication signal was interrupted several times, which was obviously caused by interference and blocking of the signal. It is very likely that the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft lost contact with the wireless signal due to severe interference. "

"Damn, so the Yankees are still behind the scenes?" Christine frowned.

"In all regions of the world, many military conflicts are fueled by such big powers. This is not uncommon. There is also a little interference. They do not intend to go to the forefront. At least the United States has not publicly stated its position, which shows that they do not There is no plan to deeply interfere in the situation of Anmore. Just let some mercenaries assist Anmore. Therefore, we don't have to pay too much attention to the thoughts of the Yankees, we can do what we want." The red baron sneered.

"Baron, what do you think we are now?" Christine hesitated.

"Don't ask me first, ask yourself, as a commander, you must trust your own battlefield intuition." The Red Baron said slowly.

"We fought hard and now almost everything bricked is a point of fire for the Anmore soldiers, who break into houses, climb on roofs, hide behind gutters or walls, and the whole Scalo has become a huge The bunker. Once our troops entered the city, it was like falling into an iron barrel. The hail of bullets poured out from all directions, and every advance became extremely difficult. Our army’s repeated attacks were always trapped on the edge of the city by dense firepower. There is armor support, and it is not easy." Christine replied.

"Because of the guidance of those mercenaries, the Anmor people learned the essentials of urban street fighting. The Anmor people formed their troops into commandos, each commando consisting of a part of infantry, anti-tank guns, sappers Troop composition. In actual combat, the effect of this organization is very ideal. The loss of our chariots was mainly caused by those Anmor infantry who commanded and launched anti-tank rocket launchers. In addition, the communication was blocked, which was very difficult for us. The impact is also huge.”

"These are small things. You have to understand that behind this war, the real commanders, who really play a key role in the opposing army, are the mercenaries of the Trident Company. These people are experienced and they know how to Combat. And the other Anmore troops are just commanded characters." The Red Baron said slowly. "These mercenaries are hard to deal with, but it's not impossible to deal with them.

The current street fighting itself is in chaos. All it takes is an experienced reconnaissance team to go deep behind the enemy, find out the location of the enemy's headquarters, and then resort to decapitation tactics. As long as the mercenaries of the Trident Military Company are gone, the enemy's command system will return to chaos, and some other problems will be solved. "

"Baron, you mean beheading?!" Christine hesitated.

"Yes, that's what it means." The red baron said slowly, "In addition to quickly destroying the enemy's command system, there is no other way. If you want to fight against the opponent, it is not practical. Their current back line is very solid. , so there is no problem with transportation security. Even if you surround them for two months, they will still not have much shortage of supplies."

On the side of the Anmor army, the battle is about to enter the white-hot stage of street fighting. Traffic ditches were constructed everywhere in the urban area of ​​Scarlo, barricades were generally built, and all buildings facing the street were converted into fortifications.

The windows of high-rise buildings are reinforced and sealed to form shooting holes, which constitute cross-fire with the barricades and underground shooting fortifications on the ground.

On the street, in addition to barricades, anti-tank barriers, deer villages and concrete fortifications were added. All train stations, bridges and fork access points have been converted into strong points of support,

The roads in the urban area are also important defensive areas.

Almost all the attached mortars have been deployed to enhance the firepower of street fighting, many of which are powerful 120mm mortars.

Vehicles and light armor under repair, as long as the artillery can still fire, are pulled and used as fixed fire points, hidden at the intersection.

At this time, the losses of Anmor's army have been rising, and the troops have been depleted. In order to gather the soldiers needed for street fighting, General Kassan of the High Command of Anmore ordered that the police go door to door with the gendarmerie to notify male citizens of Anmore between the ages of 15 and 60 to join the army, and after a short training, they formed a militia commando. A large part of them were sent to the south of the city to participate in the defense of the first line. On the night of the general offensive of the Oromi Federation Army, they were slaughtered in pieces by the enemy until they were withdrawn from the outer positions.

And those who did not participate in the peripheral battles also had to participate in the more brutal Scarlo street battles.

The Orumi Federation Army has invaded the southern part of the city several times, but it will be driven back before it can be consolidated.

The follow-up Orumi Federal Support Forces are still advancing towards the city with all their strength, and the armor and personnel cooperate with each other to file into Scarlo's urban streets in column formation.

There was rubble everywhere, and the streets that were not wide became even narrower. The Orumi Federal Army tanks can only march in one column, and the commander and gunner can only stick their heads out and watch the surrounding situation nervously. Because in the case of limited vision in the tank, they can't find any targets at all.

And Anmore's soldiers quietly crouch in buildings or among the ruins, waiting for their prey to enter the trap. When the Orumi Federal Army convoy completely entered the street, the rockets and anti-tank shells of the Anmor Army suddenly flew out from the rubble and buildings and smashed into the vehicles and personnel of the Orumi Federal Army. The Anmore militiamen who had no combat experience, together with the Anmore soldiers, risked their lives to destroy the armored vehicles of the Anmore army from the side and even from the top with anti-tank rocket launchers.

The Oromi Federation armored vehicle hit by the anti-tank rocket launcher does not form many perforations from the outside, but the metal jet will detonate the fuel and ammunition inside the vehicle, and the armored vehicle often becomes the grave of the tanker in the dazzling explosion.

In fact, when the Orumi Federal Army entered the southern city, apart from the burning flames, there were not many bodies of the Anmor army on the street. It turned out that the Anmor army had already evacuated the main force from the periphery before their assault. . Although the outer positions have been razed to the ground, it has not lost much of the strength of the Anmor army. The cunning Anmor people also let the Orumi Federation Army waste so much ammunition.

On the evening of the 19th, the Orumi Federal Army had broken through the third line of defense and entered the south of the city. And here, the Anmore army did not retreat. They built traffic trenches, built barricades, and anti-tank barriers everywhere in the urban area of ​​Scarlo. All the buildings facing the street were converted into fortifications, the windows of the high-rise buildings were reinforced and sealed to leave shooting holes, and the ground barricades and underground fortifications constituted crossfire.

Of course, as street fighting becomes more and more intense, it is extremely difficult to obtain information, because the two fronts often have me in you and you in me, changing and intertwining, and the timeliness of information is strict. Moreover, Anmore's communication equipment and technology are not very mature, the installation rate of communication equipment is not high, and a small number of telephone lines may be cut off at any time.

The Orumi Federal Army was affected by wireless signal interference, and the wireless signal was often interrupted by interference.

In this way, regardless of the two sides, the company platoon commander reported the battle situation to the battalion headquarters, and many times degraded to the level of World War I. Information can only be delivered by messengers, and these messengers can easily become the prey of snipers, causing delays or even interruptions in battlefield intelligence.

Anmore's snipers were not only targeting signal soldiers, they also shot high-value targets such as officers, artillerymen, machine gunners, and tankers. Especially those mercenary snipers, who are so ruthless that they shoot to death.

In street fighting, both sides fight in close combat, skirmish and even hand-to-hand combat.

But snipers are different. They hide in the dark and shoot with long-range and high-precision sniper rifles. They can take the rank of general in the army, and they can also cause panic to the enemy and damage the morale of the enemy.

In fact, through in-depth cooperation with the Anmore Army, Lin Rui found that some of their combat concepts really stayed at the stage of World War I.

The Anmore Army only paid attention to the sniper tactics of close support within 600 meters.

On the contrary, real modern snipers are better at shooting at long distances, even at targets 1200 meters away.

However, in street fighting, due to the complexity of urban buildings and the occlusion of the smoke of war, the maximum line of sight that snipers can obtain is no more than 400 meters, resulting in almost no difference between Anmo Army and Orumi Federal Army snipers.

Coupled with the team sniper tactics that the mercenaries instructed the Anmore Army, one person was in charge of searching for the target, the other was in charge of shooting, and then the sight-seekers covered the shooting and made supplementary shots when the main shooter made a mistake. This kind of close cooperation In a street fighting environment with complex terrain and good concealment conditions, it is obviously better than a sniper going it alone.

After all, logistics in street fighting is the real key to the struggle between the two sides. Street fighting was originally a clearing operation after the enemy had broken the city. The defenders either suffered heavy casualties or ran out of ammunition and food, and at this time they had to face the crazy attack of the enemy's superior forces.

In this most arduous time, logistical supplies are like a lifeline, maintaining the combat effectiveness and morale of the front-line troops. The reason why Anmor's army is still standing in Scarlo is because the logistical supplies are in place. On the contrary, the Orumi Federation Army was a little bit unbearable.

(End of this chapter)

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