Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 5752: Electronic Warfare

Electronic countermeasures

"At present, soldiers of the 2nd Battalion of the 2nd Infantry Regiment of our army continue to carry out house-by-house searches in the suburban and outer areas of the south of the city, and they have found a large number of weapon storage points.

Among them, there are even 57mm heavy anti-aircraft guns, which can cause heavy damage to most armored vehicles except tanks; in addition, our army has also discovered factories that make improvised explosive devices, one of which carries more than 500 pounds of explosives.

Soldiers from the 2nd Battalion also cleared a large number of mines and explosive devices near Route 7 there.

In the battle that day, many soldiers of the 1st Battalion of the Marine Corps were killed in sniper operations; in a building in the F area, the Anmore Army ambushed a group of snipers, causing us a lot of casualties. In today's battle, the enemy uses a large number of snipers to suppress our search teams. These snipers often launch attacks at a distance of about 500 to 800 meters, and even have a record of shooting more than 1,000 meters. So we have reason to believe that a group of mercenaries who are very good at sniper operations are mixed in among them. ' Christine reported to the Red Baron.

"I think you also think this result is not satisfactory." The Red Baron said slowly.

"Yes. However, this is just the beginning. Our army has all reached the front line, and has begun to turn back to the north for further cleaning, detouring to the north of the city to destroy the Anmor army; in addition, there are still a few enemy troops left in the southern area of ​​​​Scarlo. Armed gathering point. I think it will take at least 4 days to fully control the southern suburbs and parts of the south of the city.

In addition, when we searched the suburbs of the south of the city, we found a large underground bunker filled with a large number of weapons, including anti-aircraft guns. Apparently the enemy's withdrawal was too chaotic to remove these heavy weapons in time.

As the fighting continues, the Red Star Moon Society, a humanitarian organization, is still unable to provide food and drinking water to the city, and the situation in the city may deteriorate further. The longer you delay, the greater the pressure on the enemy. ' Christine replied.

"Loss of water and electricity can only cause them some trouble. Scarlo has an independent energy system, and it is located in the south-central part of Anmore, with abundant water resources, and there is no shortage of water in the city.

None of these can fundamentally solve the problem. To solve the problem, you have to start with defeating the enemy. "The Red Baron said slowly.

"Yes, Baron, we have drawn up several plans before. Now with the arrival of reinforcements, the offensive can be fully launched. The Anmor army originally hoped to replicate the success of the Russian Grozny in 1994, but here they have not been able to do so. Because we didn't take that kind of long drive into the city center, but instead used the tactic of clearing the camp one by one, one by one.

And pay attention to leaving garrison troops and snipers behind to prevent the infiltration of the enemy army. In the end, we were able to capture the entire city at a low cost and eliminate the Anmore army defending the city as much as possible. So we have a slow start, but it is still very stable, and as long as this stability is maintained, we can finally win. ' Christine replied.

"I hope so. I have seen your plan, it is indeed very controversial, and the deployment in all aspects is also very reasonable, but any plan depends on the implementation effect. I only believe in the facts." The red baron said slowly .

"Yes, Baron." Christine bowed her head.

"It's only in the suburbs of the south of the city, and you still struggled to win after paying a heavy price. This battle did reflect the main methods and characteristics of the joint force's urban attack, but also exposed various problems and deficiencies. These warlords are flexible and flexible in their armed forces. Urban ambush, sniper warfare and other tactics effectively kill the Orumi Federal Army and delay our combat operations. The respective characteristics of the warring parties explain the winning mechanism of modern urban combat from different aspects.

At this point, we are well ahead of those Anmor warlord forces. But don't forget those mercenaries. Although these mercenaries are small in number, they are very good at fighting. And they know even better about our strategy and tactics. Because they have been in Africa all year round, they have experienced countless battles. Especially good at skirmishes.

The restrictions of the complex terrain of the city forced us to give up large-scale operations and move forward with small teams. And this is precisely the other side's strengths. They are so proficient in squad combat that they know how to fight this kind of battle. As long as there is a reasonable firepower configuration, several key points are controlled. They can even suppress an entire company with a dozen people. Be careful with those mercenaries, they are very difficult. "The Red Baron said slowly.

"Understood, Baron." Christine nodded and left, put the battle briefing in her hand on the table, and turned to leave.

According to the plan of the Orumi Federal Army, the operation was under the unified command of the Oromi Federal Management Committee. The main combat force is the 1st and 2nd regiment combat teams. Before the war, the Orumi Federal Army tried to cut off Scarlo's connection with the outside world: establishing blocking positions in the east and south of the city, and trying to make the north of the city the starting position for the attack of the Orumi Federal Army. But Anmore's response was quick, making it difficult for them to complete the siege of Scarlo.

The Orumi Federal Army advised the civilians in the city to evacuate through public opinion warfare and psychological warfare, distributing leaflets and loudspeaker propaganda, and took actions such as feints, raids, blockades and searches to confuse the Anmore Army. In addition, the Orumi Federal Army also carried out air-to-ground fire strikes on targets such as suspected improvised explosive devices and enemy positions to clear obstacles for ground attacks. But neither achieved good results. There was even a fighter jet destroyed by ground-based anti-aircraft missiles on the Anmore side.

There are not many fighter planes in the Orumi Federal Army, and most of them are old models. So this loss is not small.

On the 8th, the two siege groups of the Orumi Federal Army launched a side-by-side attack on Scarlo from the south. The 1st Regiment Combat Team on the west side served as the main attack, and the 2nd Regiment Combat Team on the east side provided assists.

In the early morning of that day, the Oromi Federal Army reconnaissance detachment quickly moved from the offensive starting position to the fire support position in the northeast corner of the city, carried out direct and indirect shooting, killed more than 30 Anmore soldiers, and pulled out many places on the outskirts of Anmore. stronghold. At 19:00, an armored company entered the offensive fire position to provide fire support for the breach opening operation.

The commander of the company called the attached artillery to carry out fire strikes on important targets in front. At the same time, the infantry fighting vehicles fired three salvos, causing chaos in the northern area of ​​Anmore and causing a large number of casualties, weakening the enemy's defense at the breach.

At 13:15, the Anmore engineer unit detonated a large number of improvised explosive devices in the pre-selected area where the Orumi Federal Army broke through. One of the Oromi Federal Army's infantry company suffered heavy losses.

After two hours of hard fighting between the two sides, the Orumi Federation Army successfully opened the breakthrough and quickly broke in.

At about 20:00, an armored company of the Orumi Federal Army passed the breach and used 120mm main guns to destroy the roadblocks along the way while maneuvering towards the target.

In the case of continuous fire from the enemy, the Anmore Army Company stationed in the area still effectively coordinated with artillery and anti-tank firepower and destroyed many Orumi Federal Army tanks. The improvised explosive devices and multiple firepower points of the Anmor army showed great power in this battle, destroying a large number of enemies. When the 2nd Regiment of the Orumi Federal Army successfully opened the breach and eliminated the enemy in the southeastern part of the city, the 1st Regiment's action to open the breach was frustrated. In a critical moment, the 1st regiment could only use the 2nd regiment's breakthrough to enter the city. Attack and Suppression.

In the early morning of the 9th, the Orumi Federation Army launched an attack on the No. 9 highway around the city.

However, the counter-offensive of the Anmor army was swift and violent, killing hundreds of enemies and causing serious casualties themselves.

At 14:10, the front-line troops of the Orumi Federal Army received an order to stop the attack on the front line in the south of the city and turn back to the flank to clear the remaining enemies.

On the 10th, a machine-infantry company of the Orumi Federal Army continued to clear the remaining enemies to the Department, and another company was responsible for ensuring the safety of the existing defense lines. On the 11th, all the troops of the Orumi Federal Army returned to the vicinity of the defense line and were ready to continue their offensive north.

During this period, the communication security of the Orumi Federal Army was attacked, which led to the blockade of battlefield communication and confusion for a time.

Had to retreat to the south of the city to make adjustments, and received a notice to launch a new offensive until 11:00. During this period of waiting, the Orumi Federation Army was ambushed by Anmore's heavy troops, causing heavy casualties.

At the critical moment, the front-line commander Christine decisively decided to lead his troops to move south and return to his own defense adjustment line.

On the 13th, the Orumi Federal Army conducted a search and suppression operation between the garrison and the suburbs of Nancheng. At 15:00 that day, the Orumi Federal Army continued to attack north. From the 14th to the 20th, the search and suppression operations and urban street battles were very intense. Neither side achieved ideal results. However, problems such as poor coordination, poor communication, and unfavorable support resulted in slow operations, casualties and equipment losses. As a result, the Orumi Federal Army had to withdraw from the southern area of ​​Scalo again.

The entire battle process was a torment for both sides.

At 14:00 on the 18th, the Orumi Federal Army couldn't bear it again and resumed the action to open the breach. This time, the Orumi Federation Forces chose the breach on the west side of the train station in Scarlo, first using air power to drop several bombs, and then using armor to cover, opening two gaps in the middle of the rail guard.

At 19:00, the Orumi Federal Army once occupied the railway station to provide fire cover for the sappers who were moving through the area. After the engineer detachment reached the breakthrough area, two paths were opened from the minefields set up by the Anmore Army using the in-line mine-clearing charge.

The situation was chaotic for a time in the process of opening a breakthrough and opening a passage. After some twists and turns, the breach finally opened, and a company of the Orumi Federal Army took the lead through the breach and moved south.

During this period, the company was only hit by sporadic rockets and light weapons. The Orumi Federal Army fired back with heavy machine guns and destroyed a large number of improvised explosive devices, eliminating the enemy who resisted along the way. The other two companies then passed through the breach. After reaching the Chengbei Highway, they were organized into three-way columns and attacked key targets along three roads, encountering only slight resistance along the way.

In the early morning of the 20th, the company of the Orumi Federal Army arrived on the north side of Scarlo, the center of gravity of the operation, and searched for a large number of weapons. Because the main points were blocked, their infantry could only get out of the car to fight, and then turned back to Nanqing to suppress the remaining enemies.

During this period, the Oromi Federation Army was attacked by Anmore rockets and suffered heavy casualties.

At 12:30, the 2nd Regiment of the Orumi Federal Army and the 1st Regiment came to complete the shift. The 1st Regiment concentrated on destroying the enemy's living forces, and the 2nd Regiment completed the complex clearing operation.

But on the same night, the retreating Orumi Federal Army 1st Regiment was ambushed by the Anmore Army in the northwest corner of the city, and the two sides fought fiercely. The battle was fierce, and the poor communication on the battlefield led to the loss of contact between the front and rear, left and right neighboring troops of the Orumi Federal Army, and serious casualties. During the battle, the personnel and equipment of the Orumi Federation Army suffered losses and had to withdraw from the city as a last resort.

In previous battles, the Orumi Federation Army, especially the troops organized by the Secret Society, could often gain asymmetrical advantages with advanced technology. Relying on advanced technology to obtain asymmetric advantages such as night combat, battlefield situational awareness, target acquisition and precise strike, it mainly fights against passengers in complex urban environments.

But this time apparently not. The first is that they found that the Anmor army was also equipped with night vision equipment, which made it impossible for the Orumi Federal Army to use night vision equipment to make the battlefield "one-way transparent". This makes it less profitable for them to fight at night.

In the past, with their advanced night vision equipment, they were able to detect and strike before the enemy at night, and they had obvious advantages in urban night battles. The Anmor army could only be beaten passively because they did not have the ability to fight at night. But it's different now.

On the way to the target, the armored troops of the Orumi Federal Army did not know that the Anmor army had night vision capabilities. They tried to use the cover of night to cross the street. As a result, the armored vehicles were destroyed and all the personnel were killed.

Second, UAVs provide near real-time battlefield situational awareness. The Orumi Federation originally used small drones to provide front-line officers and soldiers with a large amount of high-value battlefield intelligence, especially to provide and update the battlefield intelligence information one to two kilometers ahead of the front-line officers and soldiers in a timely manner, so as to provide support for the officers and soldiers to predict the dangers they will face in the next moment. , effectively reducing the fog of the battlefield and taking advantage of opportunities in complex urban environments.

But I don’t know why the Anmor Army seems to have used some high-power jamming device. The UAV of the Orumi Federal Army lost contact soon after it took off, until it lost control.

These Anmore local warlords seem to have mastered some electronic warfare skills. Reminiscent of the previous communication loss, Kristin wondered if this unit had any ecm electronic countermeasures capabilities?

The concept of electronic countermeasures is actually not unfamiliar, also known as "electronic warfare" or "electronic warfare". The use of electronic technology to conduct combat operations by hostile parties. The purpose is to weaken and destroy the use efficiency of the enemy's electronic equipment, so as to protect the effectiveness of our own electronic equipment to be fully utilized. Including radar countermeasures, radio communication countermeasures, photoelectric countermeasures, etc. The basic contents are electronic countermeasure reconnaissance, electronic jamming and electronic defense. It is an important means of combat in modern warfare.

But the Anmor army simply could not have such a combat capability. To be honest, their personnel and equipment are quite low, and they do not have such modern combat capabilities at all.

(End of this chapter)

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