Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 6209: Alternative persuasion

Alternative persuasion to surrender

Vaguely, General Claude felt that General Kassan might indeed want to use the remaining Orumi Federal Army as a hostage as a bargaining chip to threaten the Orumi Federation. However, this mercenary leader deliberately disobeyed his order and wanted to completely kill the Orumi Federal Army. Now it seems that he is real, maybe in his opinion, blasting the remaining Oromi federal military cannons to pieces is what he most wants to see. Someone once said behind his back that Rick, the brutal mercenary leader, did not like to see the surrender of the enemy the most, and what he liked most was the thrill of killing the enemy.

General Claude couldn't imagine the scene of the Orumi Federation army in the Devil's Canyon flying **** when these cannons were fired together.

Perhaps, it was no different from the artillery fire when he was injured before.

At the thought of Lin Rui's cold-blooded and cruelty that he had heard about, General Claude also shuddered.

The backbone of the Orumi Federation Army cannot withstand the bombardment of artillery.

"We... surrender..." General Claude felt his voice trembling violently, but he still said it from his lips.

Lin Rui smiled coldly, and seemed to hesitate for a moment before accepting General Claude's surrender request.

General Claude's heart trembled even more. Lin Rui really didn't want to accept his surrender, but only because he met the requirements of his employer, he did his best to accept it. If he hesitated a little in his decision, I'm afraid the cannons would have begun to roar.

But he didn't know that all the cannons were not here at all.

All he saw was the camouflage troops under Lin Rui. These cannons were just one-to-one inflatable models, used to set up fake positions to confuse the enemy.

The artillery firepower of the Anmore Army was too precious to be easily transferred out of Pine Stone Town.

Finally, after four days of fierce fighting, the Orumi Federation Army was forced to raise the flag of surrender helplessly. Under the leadership of General Claude, 7,000 Orumi Federation troops put down their weapons and walked out of Devil Canyon, an area that had been stained with blood. Many people were dying and even unconscious, but they were all well received by the Anmor army and returned to normal soon.

General Claude suddenly realized that none of the Oromi Federation Army despised his decision, and some people even treated him like a reborn parent, and some people silently salute him, making him feel ashamed.

The morning sun slowly penetrated the clouds, reflecting the golden glow on the ruins, bathing the earth in the vibrant sunshine of the rising sun, the wild grasses comfortably stretching their bodies in the morning breeze, and the unknown wild flowers are Under the sunlight, the greedy absorbs sunlight, air and water, so that they grow taller and stronger, can see higher and farther, and stay in this world for a longer time.

However, the rising black smoke was very abrupt and out of place in the rays of the sun. The ground was full of scattered stones and rubble, a mess. The mutilated corpses were hidden in the rubble from time to time, giving off an unpleasant stench, and many flies buzzed around the rotting corpses. The trees growing among the weeds and wildflowers were all scorched and blackened by the thick smoke, most of them had no leaves, and some even had only half of the bare wooden stakes. Where did it go.

After half a month of artillery devastation, Ankewei City has long lost its former style, and only the ruins are still burning. The original tall city wall has been basically destroyed. Only a few lucky sections of the city wall are left, which have also been scorched black by the smoke of the artillery fire. Under the base of the wall, there is still a raging fire. Black smoke.

Bunkers large and small, whether protruding from the ground or buried underground, have all been collapsed and blown to pieces. I can't see the original shape, only a few stone foundations on the outline of the circle, as if to indicate that a bunker once existed here. Those protruding from the ground are still recognizable, and those hidden underground were submerged in the deep soil along with the Orumi Federation soldiers who had fought in it. As for the winding trenches. Now it is no longer a trench, it has become the best cemetery for burying corpses. In order to clean the battlefield as soon as possible, a large number of corpses were thrown into deep trenches and buried with loess.

After the fierce battle, the stench of rotting corpses floating in from time to time made people feel extremely uncomfortable inside. The contrast between what I saw from the telescope and what I felt at the scene was too great.

Some corpses were not properly disposed of, instead they were piled up like a mountain in the back, stacked on top of each other, making people afraid to look at them. The logistics personnel responsible for cleaning up the battlefield are mostly locally hired. They were also terrified by the mountains of **** corpses with white flowers, and they were not willing to continue working until they had tripled the price.

The worst is the wounded wounded by the bombing. The commander of the Oromi federal army also placed them in the open space without any medical measures, not even medical staff. Only flies flying around. The wounds of some of the wounded and the sick were so badly decomposed that even their eyes had been gouged out, but they were still alive. He was still uttering a moaning, making people dare not approach.

Even though they were already used to death, they were not used to being injured, so their logistics department simply did not have enough ability to deal with the damage caused by this battle, and could only passively watch their wounded and sick suffer. Die tormented. The war they faced and the war they faced before were really two different things. Their consciousness and their skills were unable to meet the needs of this war. So what they can get in this operation. In addition to casualties or casualties.

"Boss, this attack that will soon shake the entire Federation is underway. The role of artillery is undoubtedly decisive. But the problem is that we don't have artillery. How do you solve this?" Actuary General Kishi asked Lin Rui. .

"There will naturally be a way then." Lin Rui smiled.

Ankewei is known as the first place leading to the north. It stands between the mountains and mountains. In ancient times, a large number of castles and city walls were built. These castles and city walls stretched and formed a state of interconnection. When General Logan was at its strongest, he also dared to contact Ankewei City head-on, but he was stricken with blood and returned embarrassed. Since then, no army has dared to offend Ankewei City again.

"Even if an army of 100,000 people is dispatched, it will take ten years to break through the city of Ankewei!" The military executives of the Orumi Federation Army have repeatedly uttered wild words and looked at the world. Their pride and arrogance disgust many people. But they also have to admit that they do have reasons to speak wildly.

Ankewei's fortifications are very perfect. Not only are the fortresses and city walls continuous, but also the traps and trenches are densely populated. All the traps are equipped with deadly daggers and simple metal spikes. If you are not careful, you will fall into it. Inside, he was stabbed to death by thousands of dagger spikes.

However, the strongest guarantee of Ankewei City is not these fortresses and walls, nor traps and institutions, but the elite and brave aboriginal army.

As the most important gateway to the northwest of the Orume Federation Kingdom, Ankewei City has a large number of elite Orume Federation troops stationed all year round.

In the past two days, the city of Ankewei has always been shrouded in the thick smoke of artillery fire, and the officers and soldiers of the Orumi Federation army in the fortress could hardly breathe, not to mention the roaring explosions all the time. In the eyes of many Oromi Federation officers and soldiers. These two days are their last days.

Under the fierce bombardment, the walls of Ankewei City collapsed piece by piece, the fortresses were also destroyed one by one, and the entire fortress was billowing with smoke. The sound of collapse continued. , a cannonball landed on the side, covering the collapsed city wall on the trench, and all the people inside would be buried alive.

rumbling, rumbling...

The two-day artillery bombardment of Anmore's chariot completely shattered the resistance of the Ankewei defenders, and the Orumi Federation army suddenly descended from heaven to hell. Many fearless Orumi Federation soldiers fell into a state of hysteria during the continuous bombardment, and even slaughtered their comrades unconsciously. In the end, he was also killed. The shelling caused serious chaos within the Orumi Federation army. The Orumi Federation soldiers who had to hide in the cellar became extremely violent, and many civil strife broke out.

On the third day, when the Anmor army officially launched the attack, the morale of the Oromi federal army was seriously low, and most people had serious tinnitus problems in their ears. Even standing seemed a little difficult, and was easily defeated by the mercenary soldiers. This artillery bombardment created unprecedented fear for the Orumi Federation soldiers. For what they could not accept, they appeared extremely fearful and desperate. , Their bravery exists in face-to-face hand-to-hand combat, and they have never heard of, let alone used to, this kind of war in which they are ruthlessly attacked without seeing the enemy at all.

The guards at the city gate were chatting in a low voice to pass the long night. Obviously, they did not expect that this group of menacing people was actually aimed at them. They thought it was the movement in the city. Only then did he suddenly realize that the fierce killing intent in the other's eyes was aimed at him.

With a quick gunshot, the mercenary in front of him, shot several short bursts in a row, and brought down all the guards at the intersection, and the scattered corpses fell near the intersection. The sound of gunfire broke the silent night sky in Ankewei City. In that instant, it seemed that all the sounds were broken, and there was a dead silence between heaven and earth.

But three seconds later, the rapid whistle and the alarm bell rang throughout the city.

The 60mm rocket launchers carried by the mercenaries are the latest weapons, only a small number of troops are equipped with them, because the special forces basically do not have mortars and no heavy firepower to provide support, and the rocket launchers are very suitable for special forces. Tough weapons, even destroying steel targets with a certain thickness, are much more powerful than mortars.

This time the commandos were carrying two 60mm rockets. Because the number of bazooka is also limited. And it looks a bit bulky. Even for a big man with a height and weight of more than 110 kilograms, it is not an easy thing to carry on the road for a long time.

Lin Rui looked at his watch deeply, and said sternly: "There are still eight minutes. Each team will execute their own actions according to their combat goals. Actions should be quick and decisive, and non-target people should not be entangled and spread out."

The commandos had actually dispersed long ago, and upon hearing the order, they soon disappeared into the cobblestone paths in the gardens of the Sandalwood Palace. These cobblestone paths. Connecting all corners of the car city, the pure white path is very easy to identify in the dark. Thus giving commandos an excellent memory channel. According to the combat tasks assigned in the dilapidated warehouse, each group rushed to their own targets like lightning.

Fortunately, the members of the commando are all watching the six ways. Listening to the heroes from all directions, I felt that something was wrong, and I immediately reacted. Looking for cover, it did not cause casualties. But even so, they tried to pass the blockade of the machine guns of the two watchtowers, but they soon found out that this was a very difficult behavior. The bullets from the machine guns were too dense, and the terrain around the watchtowers was very wide and flat. Solid concealment.

Rifle bullets hit the flowers and plants in the courtyard densely on the watchtower, and the golden chrysanthemum quilts shattered. Sprinkled on the ground, the whole courtyard looks golden yellow, and under the weak light, it is very warm and beautiful.

The commandos also returned fire with their guns. The bullets hit the stones of the watchtower, splashing the starting point of fire. From time to time, guards were shot on the battlements of the watchtower, their heads drooping out of the shooting holes.

But his body was quickly removed and filled by other guards, who continued to shoot. At first glance, there are still quite a few enemies in the watchtower. As long as someone dies, someone will immediately make up for it.

"That watchtower, get rid of it." Lin Rui said calmly with a cold face.

Kuaima had long been looking forward to the opportunity to perform, and immediately carried the rocket launcher, bypassed a small ruin, and aimed at the watchtower less than 100 meters away from the watchtower, pulled the trigger, and the rocket was fired. A rocket flew in directly from the shooting hole, and there was a strong explosion sound inside, and the whole ground seemed to vibrate violently.

The watchtower was destroyed from the inside by rockets, and the stone wall in the middle collapsed like flour, causing the entire upper half of the watchtower to fall off and land heavily in the garden beside it. Covered by dust, screams resounded throughout the city of Ankewei. In the billowing smoke and dust, the Orumi Federal Army soldiers who were lucky not to be killed and fell to death stood up from the ruins covered in charred blackness, only to be confronted by them. The grenade exploded again and shattered.

The Orumi Federation Army soldiers in the rest of the watchtower witnessed all this, and involuntarily let out a strange cry, as if a great panic had arisen inside, and the shooting suddenly weakened. They threw away their rifles immediately, ran out of the watchtower one after another, and retreated desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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