Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 6208: capture the general

Capturing the general

"Go!" Khan said quietly.

As soon as they walked out of the stone group, there was a brigade of Orumi Federal Army chasing after them desperately.

In the early morning, General Claude, the commander of the Oromi federal army, was arrested, his deputy An Kai raised his hand and surrendered, and another deputy, Barnett, was killed. However, there are still more than 8,000 Orumi Federation troops lingering in the Devil's Canyon.

When General Claude was carried to Lin Rui's headquarters, it was already the time when the sun rose.

Lin Rui's headquarters was set up in a shady grove, less than three kilometers away from Devil Canyon, and everything in the canyon could be seen from the naked eye. The conditions and furnishings are very rudimentary. Except for a few communication stations and computers for communication, there are also stacks of military maps. There are no other items. The military topographic map near Devil Canyon is hung between two small trees. During the time, the wind was blowing, and every time they looked at the map, the two staff officers had to grab the two sides of the map in person.

Lin Rui did not rush to pay attention to General Claude and An Kai, but first held a simple ceremony to announce the recognition of the brothers of the 11th and 9th battalions. Both battalions performed equally well, but since the 11th Battalion was the first to capture General Claude, it was awarded a merit and reported to General Kassan for approval.

As a result, Kassan quickly called back, awarded the award, canceled the first and second points, and ordered the entire army to award the award. At the same time, Lin Rui announced that each of the officers and soldiers of the two battalions will receive a third-class merit medal, including their left-behind troops.

The award order quickly spread throughout the entire Devil Canyon area of ​​the Anmor army participating troops, and many troops were gearing up. Prepare to add a layer of bright gold to your military flag, especially the other troops are more jealous. Several battalion leaders are hiding in the headquarters, carefully trying to figure out the military map, and want to find some conditions that can be used from it. , the first credit was not grabbed, and the follow-up credit must be pursued.

General Claude was quickly brought up, and with a sullen expression, he seemed to have completely lost the demeanor of a general of the Oromi Federal Army. Because the serious injury has not healed, and the two days and two nights of fighting have completely consumed his energy, making him look a little dying, his lips are dry as if they are about to split, and his eyes are also dimmed in vain. Matte. As if numb.

The blow to him was not physical, but psychological.

When the troops were dispatched, no one expected that this Orumi Federation Army force would end in such a complete annihilation. Including General Claude himself, they are all ready to triumph. In the eyes of the Oromi Federal Army. Even if there may be a little setback on the way to the south to help Ankewei, in the Ankewei area, no one can stop the progress of the Orumi Federal Army, and no one thinks that the Orumi Federal Army will fail. However, the Orumi Federation Army failed completely, and the failures were clean and not leaking.

General Claude obviously could not accept this too much contrast. So the head is always in a trance, sometimes awake, sometimes in a coma.

Lin Rui greeted people and brought milk tea and coffee to General Claude. After drinking several cups of coffee and milk tea in a row, General Claude's spirit and energy seemed to recover a little, and his head seemed to be clearer, but most of the During the time, he still lowered his head. As if to escape everything that happens in this world. The morning sun was warm and comfortable, but it seemed to him that it was burning him on top of everyone, making him restless, depressed and impatient.

However, from time to time, General Claude will also look up and look at his opponent.

It was the first time I saw my opponent, the Asian guy on the other side was so unremarkable and so young. The actuary next to Lin Rui, Jiang An is more like an intellectual. He wears glasses and does not seem to have the slightest smell of blood. Instead, he is full of bookish air. However, it is such a combination, but it is the mercenary leader who has long been heard of by the Oromi Federation Army. The mercenary unit they command is almost a massacred army. In the first and second Anmore Countless people were killed during the war.

General Claude may indeed know little about the Trident Military Company, but he has indeed heard a lot of legends about Lin Rui. Those are all from the mouths of the mercenaries who have traveled south and north. In their descriptions, this person is definitely the most ruthless character in the past few years. During the First Anmor War, the population of the western Oromi Federation did not decrease significantly.

But this time, when Lin Rui led the Anmor army to attack, the population there was almost reduced by more than half. This great "merit" undoubtedly fell on Lin Rui, and also created his murderous mastermind. title.

And now, how exactly is this devil going to deal with the Oromi Federation Army?

Lin Rui said casually: "General, order your troops to lay down their weapons, and I will guarantee your safety."

General Claude refused without hesitation.

Since the establishment of the Oromi Federal Army, there has been no precedent for surrender, and General Claude would rather die than bear the charge of being cursed and scolded. The backbone of the Orumi Federal Army is solid, and it will never surrender. The Orumi Federal Army will never surrender. If he orders to surrender, I am afraid that even the soldiers of the Orumi Federation Army who are besieged in the Devil's Canyon will despise their behavior.

His deputy An Kai's lips seemed to move, but he didn't say anything, but his face darkened even more.

Lin Rui smiled slightly and didn't say much.

General Claude was quickly taken down and arranged to stay overnight in a small village, of course under strict surveillance. That night, General Claude tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, and sat silently until dawn. But the guards of the Anmor Army did not seem to mean to embarrass him, nor did they force him to sleep, nor did he stop talking loudly to An Kai next door.

This kind of generous treatment made General Claude feel incredible and a little scared. He started when he was arrested. He thought that he would definitely be used to threaten all the Orumi Federation forces to lay down their weapons, but Lin Rui did not, which made him feel even more uneasy. These mercenaries are by no means good people, and there must be other more vicious conspiracies behind them.

It's a pity that General Claude wants to break his head. I can't imagine what conspiracy and tricks Lin Rui arranged.

The day passed so quietly, General Claude did not hear the sound of guns, but early the next morning, he heard the sound of intense guns in the distance. Judging from the sound, it seemed that the Orumi Federation Army launched an attack on the Anmor Army to the east, but was repelled without any suspense.

General Claude said anxiously: "I want to see Lin Rui."

The guards quickly brought him to Lin Rui.

Lin Rui seemed to be researching something on the map. General Claude accidentally saw that the location of Devil Canyon had been painted in blood red, and there was a big cross in the middle. Claude remembered that this was what was on the map yesterday. No. And in the southwest of Devil Canyon, about three or four kilometers away from Devil Canyon. But there is a new type of logo, which is a symbol representing artillery on military maps.

Lin Rui looked at General Claude expressionlessly, and seemed to ignore him, and said coldly: "I'm sorry to tell you that there was a little episode just now. You lost more than a thousand more. Man, another high-ranking officer has been killed. What do I remember?"

The actuary next to him smiled, "Judson."

General Claude was speechless.

An Kai also hesitated.

Judson is the commander of the 4th Battalion, and has always been incompatible with General Claude. This time, General Claude did not hesitate to order his troops to go to the front to be cannon fodder. It's a pity that he didn't die on the battlefield. In the old days, Judson would be dead. General Claude will never be sad, and will even consider finding someone to replace him for the first time. But at this moment, I can't help but feel a little sad, has the Orumi Federation Army really come to an end?

A communications officer whispered to Lin Rui, saying that the artillery unit would arrive in two days.

Lin Rui nodded calmly.

General Claude felt a tremor in his heart, and he immediately understood that the reason why the Anmor army was not in a hurry to launch an attack was because they were waiting, waiting for the arrival of heavy artillery. As long as the cannons reach the Anmor army, they can annihilate them all without a single shot. Lin Rui drew a big cross at the location of Devil Canyon on the military map, which was the target to be bombarded.

Lin Rui didn't need prisoners at all, so he paid no attention to General Claude. This mercenary leader with a heart like a snake and a scorpion is carefully weaving a plan to send all the Orumi Federal Army to hell. The legend is true, this mercenary is a murderous devil.

General Claude felt that his heart began to gasp, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

That night, General Claude fell asleep in a daze. In his dream, he always dreamed that the Orumi Federation Army was bombarded with flesh and blood by the cannons of the Anmor Army. When he woke up, he was covered in cold sweat. .

The day passed quickly.

On the third day, General Claude was brought up again.

Lin Rui said calmly: "We decided to put the chariot troops into the battlefield."

General Claude's face changed suddenly.

When the chariot troops went to the battlefield, General Claude could imagine the consequences with his heels. If there is a surviving Oromi Federation Army in the battlefield after the chariot force ravaged, he, General Claude, will write the name upside down.

"You..." An Kai, General Claude's adjutant, murmured, feeling that he was powerless.

He could clearly feel that his spine was about to be broken, and the backbone of the Orumi Federation Army was also broken.

All of a sudden, the sound of gunfire erupted in Devil Canyon again.

General Claude and Sierra's faces suddenly turned dead gray.

Lin Rui frowned slightly.

He didn't give an order to attack, and it must have been the commander of the Anmor army who was eager to try.

Sure enough, upon investigation, it was learned that the two battalion-level battle groups could no longer hold back.

Seeing that the Orumi Federal Army was right in front of them but they did not receive an order to attack, the two battalions racked their brains and finally came up with a solution.

Lin Rui ordered not to take the initiative to attack the Orumi Federal Army. Otherwise, military law is engaged, but the Orumi Federation Army's active attack is not counted. So they deliberately opened a small hole in front of their own positions, and deliberately exposed it to the Orumi Federation Army, and lured the Orumi Federation Army cavalry to break out from here, and the Orumi Federation Army in despair was really taken. , desperately ran towards this small opening. Thinking that God took care of them and finally gave them a way to survive, who knows, this is simply a trap.

Sure enough, seeing that the number of the Oromi Federation Army was almost there, Shi Liwei ordered the mouth to be sealed. After a loud sound of gunfire, the more than 2,000 Oromi Federation Army cavalrymen squeezed out of the small opening suddenly found that there were all around him. He is a heavily armed Anmor army soldier. In the face of the dark muzzle, helpless. They had to raise their hands.

Under the leadership of Lin Rui, General Claude reappeared on the battlefield. However, he appeared on the battlefield this time, not as the commander-in-chief of the Orumi Federation Army, but as a prisoner of the Anmor Army.

The position they were standing was at the highest end of the Devil's Canyon, and they could look down on the entire Devil's Canyon battlefield. Inside the Devil's Canyon, there are wrecked vehicles and corpses of the Orumi Federation Army, broken flags and burning tents everywhere.

Without food and oil, the Orumi Federation Army soldiers could only survive on the last breath under the scorching sun. According to what they saw, there was no need for an active attack by the Anmor army, and it only took another seven or eight days for all the Orumi Federation troops in the Devil Canyon to die of lack of water. UU reading

General Claude only felt a sore nose, and tears couldn't help flowing down.

At the same time, General Claude also saw it, but he couldn't see clearly. In the distance is... the artillery of the Anmor army!

Finally, General Claude was convinced that it was the artillery of the Anmore Army that was slowly coming from the southwest.

These should be the cannons that came from Anmore. After several days of hard treks, they finally reached the surroundings of Devil's Canyon. 152mm cannon howitzers, 122mm howitzers, and even rocket launchers loaded on heavy trucks. Lined up, the muzzles are aimed at the Devil Canyon area, just waiting for an order to send everyone and everything inside to heaven or hell.

General Claude closed his eyes in pain.

He finally understood that what Lin Rui was waiting for was not just to let the besieged Orumi Federation Army give up its will to resist completely, but the most important thing was to wait for the arrival of his own heavy artillery. From the very beginning, Lin Rui had no intention of threatening herself. To be precise, she did not want the Oromi Federation Army to raise her hand and surrender, but to kill them all.

(End of this chapter)

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