Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5994: life-saving opportunity

Cass was shaking all the time, muttering to himself, not knowing what he was talking about.

"I think this guy is so scared that it's useless to say anything to him." Kuaima shook his head.

"He's going to freak out? The Russians made him hand over the money at gunpoint.

He calmly opened the prepared fake website and calmly sent data for help.

He may not dare to deal with people, but his courage is definitely not small. "Lin Rui shook his head.

He walked up to Cass, "Cass, I'll give you one last chance.

If you don't respond, we'll hand you over to the Americans who know how to get you to speak.

You can also make a deal with us, we only need half the money and you can keep the rest.

And we can give you a chance to live, do it with us. "

Cass turned his head, "You are mercenaries, I won't fight, I won't fight."

"Stop pretending, we need people like you too.

As long as you join us, we will help you cover the dark side of things.

Anyway, it can be pushed on Gorpov's head, and we can also declare that you are dead too.

The Secret Society will not go after a dead person. In addition, we have connections with Americans and can help you get fake identities.

The price, of course, is to join us and help us for a few years. "Lin Rui whispered.

"Then, in a few years, will you kill me again?" Cass trembled.

"We are not the same as the secret society organization, we will sign a formal contract with you. Get paid for your work, and ask nothing else.

While we already have some very good experts, I am very impressed with your technique. "Lin Rui nodded.

"Especially the one who invaded and controlled the oil pipeline of the American fuel company, it is simply imaginative and imaginative."

Cass finally smiled, and it could be seen that he was also very proud of his actions.

"You have the skills and brains, and we have the resources to protect you." Lin Rui nodded, "So I think it's a pity to hand you over to the Americans.

We can totally cooperate, we can use your technology. Cobain, what do you think? "

Cobain nodded, "That's right, in terms of technology alone, he's very good.

However, he is a member of the secret society organization after all. Can not be reliable do not know. "

"If it's a completely brainwashed guy from the Secret Society, there's really no way. Those people are just fanatics.

But at least he wasn't, he could still make money secretly behind the back of the secret society organization. "Quickly nodded.

"The greed of money is an advantage, at least for mercenaries." Lin Rui said with a smile, "How is it? Is Cass interested in joining us?

As an entry fee, we charge you half the money.

Of course even joining us, you have to listen to Cobain. He is the boss of the network information assistance department. "

"Cobain? That Cobain?" Cass turned his head to look at Cobain, nodded after a long time, and turned his face away again, "Okay, really.

Nice to see you, Cobain. I've heard of you, you're well known in American hacker circles. "

Cobain frowned, "Have you heard of me?"

Cass looked at the ground and nodded, "A lot of people have heard of it. Well, if you can give me a guarantee, I can work for you.

And give half of the extorted money to you, the other half is also Gorpov's anyway, and this **** plans to take the money for himself.

I only take my share, and I work for a fee. "

"Of course. I've never treated my employees badly, but you'd better be honest and stop doing small things behind our backs.

I am open and honest with my employees and expect them to respect me. "Lin Rui nodded.

"Let him go, let him take a bath and change his clothes." Lin Rui turned around and said.

Quickly walked over to untie Cass and took him to the bathroom.

"Boss, you just accepted him like this? This guy is not very reliable. What if he informs the secret society again?" Sergey asked.

"He's not stupid." Lin Rui nodded. "Knowing that the secret society is going to kill him, he will not contact the secret society at all, he will only hide as far as possible.

And this person is still useful to us.

Yankee's oil pipeline is still closed, and if we force him to hand over the solution, he will not.

Because it is a means of saving his life for him. This guy has autism. Once he becomes stubborn, there is no way to deal with it.

So let's reconcile with him first and then put what the dark side did on Gorpov,

In order to solve the follow-up trouble, he must hand over the method of unlocking the oil pipeline.

Because of this, we can help him deal with the aftermath and frame everything on Gorpov. "

"It turns out that, I thought you really wanted to keep him." Sergey nodded.

"There's nothing wrong with keeping him. This guy's skills are quite good," Cobain replied. "In fact, our team needs such a person."

"Yes, I think so too. This Cass is silent, but he is very familiar with the seventh group of the secret When we meet the seventh group of the secret society in the future, maybe He can offer some help. At least he's very familiar with our enemies.

This is the greatest value. "Lin Rui nodded.

"But what if this guy is unreliable?" Sergey whispered, "Will it be a problem to let him join Cobain's technical team."

"It's impossible to say absolutely reliable. But for his own safety, he has no other choice.

He seemed dumb, but he was actually very shrewd. He completed the police silently, and even we were caught in his plot.

In the train compartment, he accurately calculated the shooting angle of the militants of the secret society below, lying there unharmed.

Gorpov next to him was beaten with holes all over his body. Lin Rui shook his head, "Since then, I thought he was not simple.

So he understands his situation. If he is alone, there is no way to escape the pursuit of the secret society.

I also took advantage of the situation to ask him to join us and work with us. Otherwise, could he simply agree? "

"That said, this man has a deep heart. If this joins us, we will have to guard against it in the future." Kuaima nodded.

"Of course, but the technical department is completely separate from other key departments, and they have always provided purely technical support. No company secrets are involved.

In fact, he was the safest there. "Lin Rui nodded.

Cobain also nodded, "Yes, the technical support department is the purest technical department. It does not involve the company's overall strategy and specific tactics.

To put it bluntly, we are a group of computer gamers. Provide technical assistance only when the company needs it. "

"That's fine." Sausage nodded. "Not to mention he's going to pay a huge joining fee. I decided it was a good solution."

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