Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5993: smooth confluence

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of battlefield contract workers!

After meeting, Lin Rui lay there for a while, breathing fresh air.

He sneezed incessantly, listening to the echo of the fading rails overhead.

When he jumped out of the car, he collided with a weedy **** sloping down.

He tried his best to keep his body in a ball and roll down. Eventually fell into a dry ditch. He was panting, covered in mud, and his nostrils were choked with dust.

Several others were not much better than him, and although the sausage had slowed down, jumping off the train was definitely not as easy as one thought.

He got up, tried to move his muscles and bones, and found that he was not injured, but just broke his clothes.

"If it's a movie, this jumping action couldn't be more exciting." Sergey was still teasing.

"Shut your broken mouth and wipe the blood from your nostrils." Lin Rui said calmly.

Sergey was actually quite embarrassed. He knocked his nose and was still bleeding.

"Sausage, didn't I tell you to slow down?" Lin Rui turned his head and asked while grabbing Cass, who was still breathing.

"It's really slowed down." Sausage shrugged, "Maybe you're not ready."

"Stop talking nonsense, we have to get out of here. Inform Kuai Ma and Viper Yelena that we can't meet at the station as planned.

Let them go to the scheduled meeting place and join us. "Lin Rui shook his head.

They climbed out of the dry ditch, climbed the slope, and looked at the railroad tracks. The train has disappeared.

The group quickly left the rails, walked down the slope, and then stepped onto the dirt road.

Based on a satellite map, they decided to turn left and jog for two miles along a narrow, paved path.

At this point he stepped onto a gravel road and then turned left. Ten minutes later he got into a rural truck full of vegetables.

The Latvian truck driver doesn't speak much and has no interest in the identity and purpose of the hitchhiker.

After taking a few banknotes, he took Lin Rui and others to a town, where Lin Rui and others got out of the car. The driver nodded to him and said goodbye.

On the way, I met two policemen. They stood idly on the corner of the street, neither paying particular attention to them nor showing any curiosity to him.

Obviously, the news of the railway tragedy has not yet reached here, but it will come at any time.

They met in a small house offering accommodation on the outskirts of Rezekne. It was a dirty place, just a little better than a mouse hole.

However, the owner of the house, an ugly and unsmiling woman, was able to keep her mouth shut, and she didn't mind her own business.

Lin Rui estimated that this woman should be an accomplice or family member of the smugglers in the logistics team, and was used to how to keep it secret.

When they arrived, Yelena and Khan and others were already waiting for them here.

"You guys look terrible." Yelena frowned.

"Don't mention it, what's worse, Gorpov is dead." Lin Rui shook his head.

"This is terrible." Kuima said in surprise.

Lin Rui took the towel and wiped his face, then turned his head and said, "Take out that mobile computer, Cobain, check it out and see how this guy leaked our whereabouts."

"What's this?" Cobain asked.

"This guy lied about giving us a sum of money, so he logged into the bank to transfer money. I suspect that this is the only possibility for him to reveal our whereabouts." Lin Rui replied,

"I'll take a look." Cobain took the computer, turned it on, and checked it, "Well, this is a fake website that looks like a European bank.

But in fact, this website has nothing to do with the bank except for the exact same page. The positioning will be completed as long as it is opened.

When he logged on to the website, he had already sent a signal. The secret society organization soon got the news. "

"Damn, I knew this guy was playing with me!" Sergey was furious.

Cass curled up in the corner in fear.

Lin Rui patted Sergey on the shoulder, "Don't treat a patient like this. Besides, if you want to arrest someone, don't you allow others to struggle?

To blame, you can only blame you for being too greedy. Not careful enough. Don't look at this guy dumb, he is a hacker with top technology.

When you let such a person operate the computer, it is like giving the weapon to the other party. If you don't cheat on you, it's just insulting his IQ. "

Lin Rui turned to look at Yelena, "Ask him about the dark side and hacker extortion."

"Why am I interrogating, what about you?" Yelena asked.

"Because you and Sergey are both Russians." Lin Rui patted the blood and mud all over his body, "I have to take a shower. When I come back from the shower, I want the results."

The result of the interrogation was similar to the conversation that Lin Rui and others overheard before.

This Cass and Gorpov are both members of the seventh group of the Secret Society.

Gorpov is the team leader. Behind the back of the secret society organization, he and Cass established a so-called dark side organization, which specializes in extorting large companies.

Because Cass has autism, he has little contact with people other than Gorpov. So he became Gorpov's best money-making tool.

These two people, within two years, partnered to extort hundreds of millions of assets.

Relying on himself as the boss, Gorpov naturally wants to take the big head.

But although this Cass has autism, he is not a soft persimmon.

I do all the dirty and tiring work by myself, so why do I get so little?

Therefore, when Lin Rui and Sergey sneaked in before, the two of them were falling out because of the uneven distribution of spoils.

So in fact Gorpov is just a pretense, in fact, the dark side is this Kas.

"Boss, I've already asked, what do you think?" Sergey looked at Lin Rui.

"The CIA wanted but now Gorpov is dead. We don't get paid if we hand this guy over.

However, since he is in our hands, we might as well make a deal with him. Let him hand over the money, and we let him live.

Anyway, it's not worth our trip. "Quickly said.

Lin Rui turned his head to look at Cass, "What about you, glasses. My companion asked you to spend money to buy your own life, what do you think?"

Cass nodded again and again, "I can pay, a lot of money." But he still didn't dare to look at Lin Rui.

"Unfortunately, so much money can't buy your life back." Lin Rui shook his head, "We let you go today, and it won't be long before the secret society organization will find you and kill you.

You know their abilities and means. That's it on the train today. They will never allow leaks.

It doesn't matter whether you betray them or not. The important thing is that you could be a threat to them while you are alive. "

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