Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 259: You can't catch me

On May 5, Indiana, the weather was fine in the morning, but in the evening, there was a sudden thunderstorm.

Thunder, lightning, wind, showers!

Very grumpy! This is the weather in Indiana.

And the people here, the fans here are just as tough!

At this time, the Pacers' home market square arena was full of voices.

"Let\'sgo, Pacers!"

"Get rid of them! Get rid of the defeated men!"

"This is the home of our Pacers! No one wants to be presumptuous here!"

"Let the Philadelphia Gemini come and go!"

"Tread them! We are going to the Eastern Conference Finals!"


Entering the scene, Li Nan clearly felt the sound here.

That is the fanaticism of the fans towards the home team!

This is the atmosphere that the playoffs should have.

Li Nan, who hadn't played for a week, was full of energy at the moment.

"Let's start, hurry up!"

Like Li Nan, the teammates were eager to try.

The 76ers suffered a lot of losses in the Pacers during the regular season. Today, in this playoffs, they have to ask for what they say.


Beep beep! ! !

The starting players from both sides debut!

Pacers: Mark Jackson, Reggie Miller, Chris Mullin, Dale Davis, Rick Schmitz,

76ers: Eric Snow, Allen Iverson, Li Nan, Derek Coleman, Ben Wallace.

Reggie Miller, with no expression on his face, walked towards Li Nan.

"Boy, you will lose it ugly today. Get ready to cry."

While he was talking, he squeezed up and got stuck in front of Li Nan, grabbing a favorable position.

"The way you cry on your nose must be ugly."

While speaking, Li Nan also began to exert his strength, squeezing and arching. The tough Miller was squeezed away by Li Nansheng.

The competition between the two has started before the game.


The game is on!

Schmitz jumped the ball to grab the first opportunity for the Pacers.

Mark Jackson holds the ball high.

On the other end, Reggie Miller started running.

The Pacers' offense has begun!

The 76ers players are very familiar with this offensive system. This is what Larry Brown left for the Pacers. Reggie Miller is the super shooter Larry Brown has cultivated.

However, it is troublesome to be familiar with it, and to really defend.

Reggie Miller is very cunning, and Li Nan has been chasing him very hard, but after all, he is still a miss.

Reggie Miller slipped the bottom line, the edge of the penalty area, and Schmitz's cover blocked Li Nan's way well. Li Nan chose to go around the back. However, Reggie Miller turned around and smashed his carbine. , Ran beyond the three-point line.

Miller is here, Jackson is here!

Throw it up!


In three points!


"Good shot! One more one!"

"Reggie! Shoot them through!"

"Let\'sgo, Pacers!"

"Victory belongs to us!"

The scene was boiling, and the Pacers fans cheered.

On the court, looking at Li Nan in front of him, Reggie Miller rubbed his hands "a piece of cake".

"Boy, you can't catch up with me!"

Relying on one person to chase Reggie Miller, Li Nan admitted that he did not chase well enough, and it is inevitable to miss people.



It was the 76ers' turn to attack.

The 76ers understand the Pacers' tactics, so why don't the Pacers know the 76ers' moves?

Outside, Snow gave the ball to Iverson, Iverson held the ball high.

However, the Pacers know that Iverson is now a cover. The Sixers' offensive focus is on the other end, Li Nan!

Li Nan moved suddenly, got up and stopped, and got up.

Reggie Miller is not slow, but Li Nan's rhythm changes make him very uncomfortable.

Seeing that Li Nan was about to run, he couldn't hold back anymore. He just pulled it with his hands, and the jersey he pulled was a small tent.


The referee who is most uncomfortable with the whistle blows the whistle!

Reggie Miller looked incredulous.

"Oh no! I didn't! I didn't even touch him, why did I foul?"

Javie gave Reggie Miller a hard look, who immediately turned away.

"I didn't say it!"

Javie is recognized as unselfish in the referee. He doesn't care if you are a superstar or not, you will be punished for fouls!

"Will you still drag me?" Li Nan also raised his eyebrows provocatively at Reggie Miller in front of him.

"A joke! I want to drag you? This is a big joke!" Reggie Miller looked disdainful. It’s just that one of his hands has been placed behind Li Nan, and he already has something in his hand...

"Hen~" Li Nan smiled and shook his head, and then unceremoniously swiped his hand back and opened the paw.

However, Reggie Miller quickly reset his hand again, not forgetting to grab Li Nan's back.

With a "sizzle", Li Nan was also with the elbow, giving Reggie Miller a delicious elbow from China.

"F*¥!" Reggie Miller also bared his teeth...

The two were vying to each other...


Re-serve the ball.

The 76ers' offense has begun its own pattern that has been repeated hundreds of thousands of times.

"Slap" off Reggie Miller's hand, Li Nan moved again, and with the "tail" behind him, he rushed to the restricted area, to the position of Ben Wallace and Schmitz.

The big Pacers center Schmitz wanted to delay Li Nan, however, his speed was a little slower, but he became a big natural stake.

On the other side, Ben Wallace hung up on Reggie Miller who was circling, and the latter's speed dropped abruptly.


Miller couldn't catch up with Li Nan, so he could only shout to his teammate Chris Mullin to defend.

Just outside the 45-degree three-point line, Mullin came just as Li Nan received the ball.

However, Snow is also by his side.

Li Nan quickly took advantage of this 2-on-1 opportunity, with the help of Snow's cover, took a step to the bottom corner, jumped up and shot!

Reggie Miller has arrived, but he can only see, but can't feel it.


Li Nan responded with a three-pointer!

"You can't catch up with me!" Li Nan smiled and looked at Reggie the original words were returned!

"Hen~boy, don't be proud, the game has just begun!" Reggie Miller's mouth crooked.

The game is really just beginning. The fight between two people is like a long-distance race, and they start to wrestle each other.

You run instead, I'm empty cut. You slip the bottom line, I will go around the pile. You intersperse in a V shape, and I run in an L shape. You throw in one, and I retaliate immediately...

The off-ball position of the two powerful shooters constantly pulls on the opponent's defensive line.

As the game progressed, everyone slowly entered the state, and the defensive strength of the two teams also slowly increased.

The defenses of the two teams against Reggie Miller and Li Nan were tightened.

In many cases, the players of the two teams would rather give up other players, but also to defend the two shooters.

At this time, the Pacers took the lead in making changes.

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