Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 258: HORSE shooting game

The next day, on the training ground.

"Lee, you~" Coleman was a little anxious.

Li Nan looked serious, "Call the captain! Call the captain during training!"

Coleman didn't care, he just called, and he won't die. "Captain, is what you said is true? As long as HORSE beats you by shooting, you can have a holiday today?"

"Of course! The coach did not come today, I have the final say with Dominic." Wilkins beside Li Nan nodded in cooperation.

Coleman's eyes shined. He is a master of horse shooting. He was as early as elementary school!

Of course, it's not just Coleman alone, many people on the team are similar.

"Hurry up, hurry up and start, I can't wait."

"Yeah, hurry up, hurry up."

"It's time to show off my 20-year HORSE shooting champion."

Even Iverson, who was silent, had a rare interest.

One day off! That's a day off! Escape from Larry Brown’s ‘clockwork’ training for a day!

However, Frank King, the skinny monkey beside him, suddenly appeared and asked weakly, "Lee, are you doing those difficult dunks?"

"Huh~~" The crowd booed Frank King contemptuously.

"Frank, do you know what a HORSE shooting game is? This is a shooting game!"

Frank King is the mountain monkey in everyone's eyes, the mountain monkey who has never seen the world.

Big Brother Wilkins also helped to explain.

"HORSE shooting game, to put it simpler, it is an imitating shooting game. Specifically, it is like this..."

The first player chooses a point to shoot. If successful, the next player must shoot in the same position and in the same position. Dunking is not allowed in the process. If the latter fails to make a shot, then he will get a letter "H".

Of course, if the previous player misses a shot, the dominant player will be in the hands of the second player, who will choose the shooting point and shooting method.

When a player failed to imitate 5 times and got the five letters "H-O-R-S-E", he was out.

After listening to the explanation, Frank King clapped his hands, "Is it only shooting? That's really great. If it's just shooting, I think I'm pretty confident."

Seeing that everyone was ready, Li Nan also spoke.

"Then, let's start, who of you~ (come first

I haven't spoken yet~

"Oh~" Frank stood at the front with an innocent look, "I~ this, that, Captain, can I go back?"

Frank wants to go back, but Coleman's wickedness is not allowed, "Hurry up, stop the ink!"

Bring a Frank out to try Li Nan's strength, these guys are pretty ghosts.

"Frank, don't be nervous~" Li Nangang wanted to comfort him

"Wait a minute, I want to warm up!"

Frank knew that he was the cannon fodder of the old brothers, but he was unwilling to sacrifice. Although it was the first time to play this, he never gave up to save himself.


Amidst the laughter of everyone, Frank stretched, expanded his chest, stretched, and ran back and forth.

After a while, Frank finally came back, warming up, "Okay!"

"OK, Let\'sgo!" Li Nan waved his hand and the shooting game started.

In the first action, Li Nan made a shot behind the rebound!

Raise both hands, a relaxed, straight up and down shot.


Hit the basket,

Did not enter!

Li Nan didn't get in at the beginning, and those guys started booing.

"Li, your action is too bad, I don't need this action in elementary school."

"That's right, Li, are you releasing water?"

"Li, if you just have this thing, you can't beat me."

Li Nan also spread his hands, "I can't help it, I'm really not a master at this game."

At this time it was Frank's turn to play.

"Frank, come on!"

"Frank, you can!"

"Frank, you will be the No. 1 superstar in Asia if you beat Lee."

After the rebound, Frank King was extremely calm.

He didn't even listen to the number one superstar in Asia. All he was thinking about was holidays, holidays, holidays!

Any shooting action is fine, and Frank quickly thought of one.

Standing at the free throw line, Frank picked up the basketball and threw it.

Whoosh! Hollow into the network.

"Puff~~ Hahahaha."

Frank actually made a urinal free throw, and everyone couldn't laugh.

However, what made everyone laugh even more is that Li Nan didn't even enter!

"Oh roar! Oh roar! Oh roar!"

"My day of vacation is coming soon!"

"It turns out that Li is really not good, hahaha."

Amidst the laughter, Frank on the court became more and more courageous.

Back shots in the paint area; pass the ball to the backboard with back and then catch the rebound shot; throw the ball into the sky, run back around the basket, catch the earth, turn around and shoot in the air; throw the ball over the backboard, then After catching the ball in the air behind the backboard and shooting it in front of the backboard, then coming back to catch the ball in the air and shoot...

Frank has never played HORSE shooting, but his imagination and creativity are really good.

When Li Nan's aerial catch and shot failed, Li Nan collected five letters and Frank "HOR" three. Frank yelled:



"I won!"

Frank held his hands up and ran around the audience, telling the world loudly, "From today onwards, I am the number one superstar in Asia!"

Li Nan also smiled and shook his head.

At this time, other people suddenly came over.

"Lee, me next!"

After Frank, Coleman and the others were eager to try.

Even Frank has succeeded, so how can they fall behind?

Soon, the training ground became a HORSE game arena.

Wilkins, who was watching, silently gave Li Nan a thumbs up...


While the 76ers were training, other games also came out.

Bulls 3-1 Knicks,

Supersonic 3-1 Timberwolves,

Lakers 3-1 Trail Blazers,

Jazz 3-1 Nuggets,

Heat 3-2 Hornets,

Sun 2-3 calves,

Pacers 3-2 Cavaliers.


Wang Dazhi’s Nuggets were sent home by the Jazz 3-1, and the three bullock cart Mavericks won the Suns in the following At this time, the league announced the best rookie of the season.

Tim Duncan of the Mavericks!

In 80 games, he averaged 24 points, 12.7 rebounds, 3.4 assists and 2.8 blocks per game.

Duncan got the vote.

And Wang Dazhi ranked second,

Appeared in 78 games, averaging assists, 6.2 rebounds and 1.2 blocks per game.

Wang Dazhi was completely suppressed by Duncan, and the only thing that could comfort him was the Rookie of the Year.

Duncan, Wang Dazhi, Keith Van Horn (Spurs), Blevin Knight (Cleveland), Ron Mercer (Celtic)


The 76ers, who had rested for nearly a week, finally waited for their second-round opponent, the Indiana Pacers.

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