Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 771 102. That's The Love Of My Life.Jpg--Add More For Brother Wu Sangui【9/15】

Chapter 771 102. That's the love of my life.JPG——add more for Brother Wu Sangui【915】

The "negotiations" between the great pirate Bu Laike and the leader of the mechanical gang have reached a deadlock from the beginning.

Obviously, the stinky pirate didn't think about having a good talk, otherwise he wouldn't show off his mocking skills when they met. He was relieved to find that his ability to attract hatred was still as strong as ever.

After he finished speaking, Bondo Giant Bunch held a metal wrench, and under the action of the propeller behind him, roared and rushed towards him.

This mechanical gnome is much smaller than him, but its destructive power is definitely not small.

The moment he took off, the weapon slots on the mechanical body opened up, and small missiles fluttered like a honeycomb in the air doing Braun movements and shot towards Laike.

But the pirate jumped into the shadows first, and left a demonic portal in place. When Bondo's mechanical assault smashed down, he faced a rough-skinned and thick-skinned angry guard.

Crazy Clin Fran has no complaints about Boo Laike using himself as a "meat shield".

It's even thrilled to be wreaking havoc yet again.

The moment he rushed out of the portal, the irascible demon who had just completed the advanced level swung the two magic steel battle axes in his hands, resisting the repelling and explosion of the missiles, and the windmill of the magic blade storm rolled come over.

But that brutal and heavy slash was blocked by the energy matrix shining from Bondo's wrist, and the sharp blade slashed on the energy shield, making the sound of steel colliding.

After Clinfran became the Wrath Guard, his height exceeded three meters. Compared with the mechanical dwarf who was less than one meter and two meters tall, he was completely a titan exuding a scorching aura.

Boss Bondo had to look up to see the ferocious face of the angry guard.

This desperate height difference once again ignited the mechanical anger in Bondo's heart. He used the matrix to resist the demon's wild bombardment, and blew a weird mechanical whistle.

Just like a hunter summoning his war beast, amidst the bang, an unmanned spider tank rushed out of Bondo's mechanical room.

Bu Laike, who was hiding in the dark, carefully observed Bondo's "war machine" with the eyes of Keir Rogge.

That thing is very similar to a spider, but it only has four mechanical legs swinging back and forth. The center is the console, on which are two large-caliber dwarf machine guns.

There is a large rotating gear on the power compartment at the rear, and when the spider tank accelerates, the rotation speed of that gear also increases.

The impact speed of this thing is already very fast. Looking at its shape, you can tell that it is very good at impact damage. Bondo also made a crazy modification to it.

A flame turret was installed above the spider tank, which made this weird "chariot" look like an explosive scene of sparks and lightning when it charged.

"Gear, why is it a gear again?"

Bu Laike complained:

"You really love gears, don't you?"

He snapped his fingers in the shadow, and the swirling singularity of the shadow suddenly appeared in front of the spider tank that was rampaging towards the battlefield.

Zuramat, a shadow elemental like a big cotton candy, swung his body and rushed into the material world, right in front of the spider tank.

This body looked unreal, and the guy who looked very "loose" whimpered and opened his claws, like a reef resisting the impact of the tide, and pushed it on the advancing spider tank with a bang.

The void lord's body was instantly shattered by the strong impact, like being "crushed" on the spot by a crazily racing tank. The smoke of the shadow whizzed around and reunited his body a little behind.

The impact of the spider tank was greatly weakened by the collision just now, and its speed was also forced to drop.

This kind of head-on impact work is not real in Braike's battle pet at present, and Zuramat, who is extremely good at defense, can do it.

The most wonderful thing is that the stuffy gourd-like ethereal leader works hard and never complains about Laike's arrangements.

It feels so safe to have this soft and reliable blue cotton candy by my side.

Unfortunately, Bo Laike is not a person who needs a sense of security.

Just as Zuramat stopped the spider tank's charge, the pirate emerged from hiding.

The Warp Cutter slashed downwards, and the left arm of Bando Hulk was precisely cut off with a sharp stab of the saber. The material used to make the body of the mechanical gnome obviously couldn't stop the sharpness of the legendary long sword strengthened by source quality.

Amidst Bondo's exclamation, his shield-generating arm was kicked by Laike and spun out, landing among a group of people fighting in the rear.

A second later, there was a loud bang, and the arm exploded.

Sure enough, these lunatic dwarf "artists" have learned the "essence" of goblin engineering, and the parts on their bodies can explode as long as they are separated from their bodies.

More deadly than the loss of his arm right now, though, was the dagger thrust from Bo Laike's right hand.

The pirate who entered the assassin state was precise and ruthless. While slashing with the long sword in his left hand, he stabbed Bondo's small body six times with the dagger in his right hand within one second, and the attack speed was as fast as cutting.

Originally, they came here to kill him, so the pirates were naturally merciless when they attacked.

While leaving six holes in Bondo's metal back, he successfully activated the special effect of Finger of Death for the last puncture.

Archimonde's wild laughter echoed in Bo Laike's ears, and a deadly black light swished on Bondo's small body, causing the mechanical gnome to scream.

The crazily surging shadow power then exploded in his body, blasting Bondo's body to pieces.

However, before the magic power exploded, the mechanical dwarf warlord used a peculiar shield-shaped device to absorb most of the damage from the magic power explosion, allowing him to bear the brutal destructive power of the destructive magic, but he did not die immediately, but was driven into a dying state. middle.

During Bondo's screams, his attack and defense were completely destroyed. Crazy Clin Fran picked up the double ax and slammed at him, taking off Bondo's remaining arms and legs in two or three blows .

"You dirty flesh and blood, don't even think about destroying my conquest! This time, you'll barely win, but I'll be back!"

The demon wanted to go forward to make up the knife, but Bando's body suddenly shook violently, and he was activated like a teleportation spell with a scream, and disappeared in the shining arc.

"That's the teleportation module!"

Watching her new boss take down her old boss with just a flick of a finger, Trixie is genuinely thankful for her decision.

She is now armed with a ray gun and a large wrench, fighting with the gang of dwarfs in the same group as before. With an extremely fierce wrench, she knocked down a screaming dwarf bandit, and another shot shattered the guy's heart battery.

Then he turned his head and screamed toward Bu Laike:

"Bondo must have sent himself to the safe zone with phase teleportation. I don't know where his safe zone is, but Longshot must know! That guy was Bondo's concubine before!

Catch her fast!

Can't let Bondo get away! "

Under Trixie's reminder, Bo Laike rolled his eyeballs on his shoulders, and immediately in the chaotic courtyard, he saw a mechanical female dwarf rushing towards the assembly shed of the courtyard.

The gnome, like Trixie, had his entire body turned into a robot, his eyes turned into aiming goggles, and he had an antenna inserted in the back of his head.

But she looked like a beautiful mechanical dwarf, and she still stubbornly kept her golden hair that was quite beautifully styled.

Her name is long shot.

He is the croupier of Bando's courtyard and underground casino, and also the most trusted and loyal subordinate of the mechanical warlord.

At this moment, she saw Bondo leave the field in embarrassment, so she also grabbed her coil pistol and left the battlefield, as if she was planning to do something dangerous and bad.

While Bu Laike defeated Bondo Jumbo with a flash kill, the other people he brought basically completed the suppression and elimination of the mechanical bandits.

Bondo's loyal subordinates are just like him, a group of bullying bastards who are very good at fighting with the wind. They wanted to take advantage of their numbers to teach these land people a lesson.

But they were dumbfounded at the beginning of the fight.

Fenner knocked down the two dwarfs with her throwing axe, then drew out the troll-style Doomsday Revealer sword and rushed over swiftly and fiercely. The whirlwind cut directly penetrated the defense line of the mechanical dwarves and bandits, allowing those The little ones cried for their father and mother.

Little Xingxing and Cyanne didn't even make a move, just watched Jaina, who was taught by her parents and was full of dissatisfaction and anger, throw the spinning Frozen Orb.

Freeze the mechagnomes in place, and be called out one by one with rapid fire by gnome sharpshooter Kelsey Steelspark.

And the courageous robots released by the dwarf engineers also screamed and smashed around, making the courtyard completely chaotic.

Of course, the fighting power of these mechanical bandits is not so bad. They can be on the Mechagon separatist side, which shows that they have a certain strength. Unfortunately, their invincible boss was given a second by the opponent's boss at the beginning of the game.

It was a terrible blow to morale.

They can arm their bodies with steel, but they can't use steel to protect their fragile hearts. Mechanical gnomes are also gnomes.

Although they claimed that they were purer and nobler than the flesh and blood gnomes, they also had the neurotic shadow of the gnomes in their characters. After seeing the sudden turn of the battle, some mechanical gnomes chose to escape from the heart.

"What Bondo pays us for parts and batteries is not enough for us to die for him! It's worth Bondo's salary by now, guys, run!"

A group of people yelled and rushed out of the courtyard on a motorcycle. No one wanted to chase except for Xiao Xingxing who dragged a large coil gun clumsily and had fun shooting.

Mechagon Island is just that big, as long as Laike and his party take control of the compound, these escaped gangsters will have to come back obediently.

Prince Erazmin, who advocated order, would not want them. King Mechagon was more than happy to accept these guys, but only if they had to accept the transformation of their entire bodies into mindless, pure tool people.

"You've ruined everything for Bondo and me!"

The croupier who ran into the assembly shed rushed out quickly.

But this time she was not alone, and with the rumbling ground shaking, the clockwork titan, which was not fully assembled, was activated.

Under the "driving" of the long shot, he took heavy steps, swung his powerful arms, smashed the wall outside the assembly shed, and walked out with a rattling sound.

The eight-meter-tall mechanical titan walks with awe-inspiring power.

Although its rusty appearance is not intimidating, its terrifying weight and mechanical brute force are enough to make it an out-and-out destruction machine.

This is probably the "behemoth unit" of the mechanical gnome camp.

Judging from the appearance alone, it is really good.

The croupier sitting in the "cockpit" specially built for mechanical gnomes saw the messy courtyard, and the anger in her heart burned her reason.

Let her control the clockwork. The titan rushed towards a group of people and bombarded them with missiles, but these guys dodged flexibly.

"Die, dirty land people! You don't want to destroy my home!"

Her sharp, very recognizable voice echoed through the sound amplifier module in this noisy night, as the clockwork titan got closer and closer, Sienigosa beside Little Xingxing took a step forward, ready to turn into a Dragon shape destroys this thing.

Clockwork titan is awesome.

But it can't possibly be the opponent of an adult blue dragon who has experienced many battles.

Cianne, who is a master of both magic and martial arts, has a hundred ways to easily destroy it, but before the dragon guard is about to attack, she is stopped by Bu Laike.

The big pirate tucked his weapon back into his waist, looked up at the clockwork titan approaching step by step, coughed, and asked loudly:

"You just said that this is the great cause of you and Bondo? Why must the cause be two people? Why must you share this 'glory' with Bondo?

As long as Bondo is dead, this place can be your business alone.

We won't stay here for too long, we will eventually go back to our side, when the time comes, there will always be an owner in this courtyard, right? Don't tell me there's real love between you and Bondo.

You have transformed yourselves into machines, are you really going to talk about platonic love? "

The clockwork titan was silent, but it stopped and moved forward.

Representing Bu Laike's "theory of killing the heart" has had an effect. The stinky pirate twitched his fingers behind him and gestured to Trixie, but the mechagnome, who had taken refuge with Bo Laike, hesitated.

She dropped the coil gun in her hand and whispered:

"No, I want to keep her. Longshot is a nasty bastard, but she is very capable. Bondo can manage the courtyard well thanks to her overall help.

We need her. "

After speaking, Trixie took a step forward and shouted to the clockwork titan in front of her:

"Hey, Longshot, come out and talk. I will leave the courtyard to you. I have no interest in this place. I brought my new boss back to take back Mechagon City.

Where is my home, this big garbage dump is yours if you want it, and the forces left by Bondo are all yours.

But the premise is that Bondo must die!

Only you know where Bondo's 'safe house' is, tell us and we'll get rid of him for you. "

"I will not betray Bondo, that is the love of my life!"

A few seconds later, the croupier screamed righteously again from a long shot:

"I guess I won't tell you where Bondo is hiding! My beloved boss will rearm himself in the troglodyte's lair, and he will come with his ally King Gorbamak's troglodyte army to crush you!

There's no way you'll find Bondo before he's finished reassembling! "

"Thanks, this place is yours, you crafty bitch."

Trixie laughed, turned her head and whistled to the strange-looking Boo Laike, and said:

"Bondo is in the troglodytes' king's den, come on, let's kill him."

(end of this chapter)

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