A country cannot be strong only by the military, the economy must also be strong, and the people must have higher incomes.

Mao Xiong was bent on only engaging in military affairs and developing heavy industry, and as a result, even civilian products such as clothes and shoes were difficult to self-sufficient, and the people’s income was not good, and their lives were miserable, and finally the disintegration of Mao Xiong became inevitable.

Mao Xiong’s mistake, Dragon Kingdom can not make it again.

The Dragon Kingdom has always given priority to the economy, developed the economy, and then engaged in military affairs.

The importance of the economy to the country is self-evident.

Su Ming’s high energy storage battery, the value generated by military and civilian use, is immeasurable, and the improvement of national strength is incomparable.

But there is one more point that worries the big guys.

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, the price of a commodity, a large part of the cost, is the cost of logistics and transportation. If cars across the country use electricity, transportation costs fall, which will bring down the price of all goods in the country. ”

“The benefits of this will benefit every citizen in the country.”

“But there’s one thing, we’re worried!”

“That is the problem of electricity, cars all over the country use electricity, according to the calculation of 1 billion cars in our country now, if all the force, the electricity consumed every day, it is too terrifying.” An estimated 100 additional Three Gorges Dams would be needed to supply such electricity demand. ”

“China is already the country with the highest power generation in the world.”

“Hydropower is already at full capacity across the country. Nuclear power plants generate electricity, which has potential safety hazards. Wind power generation, the cost is too high. ”

“How can we meet the electricity demand generated by electric vehicles for all?”

The Great Elder’s question hit the nail on the head.

But for Su Ming, this is not a problem at all.

09As long as the Ark reactor is developed, more large Ark reactors will be built across the country, and the problem of power generation will be solved.

If it doesn’t work, after Su Ming earns enough contribution points, he can analyze nuclear fusion technology.

Nuclear fusion can use seawater to generate electricity, and one liter of seawater can produce the equivalent of 300 liters of oil.

The sea is humanity’s endless source of energy.

In order to reassure the bigwigs, electric vehicles are promoted nationwide.

Su Ming had to lie: “Guys, I have long considered the problem of electricity.” ”

“You are right, if cars all over the country use electricity, then the demand for electricity is terrible.”

“I am working on a technology that can perfectly solve the problem of electricity demand in our country.”

“This technology is called cold fusion technology.”

As soon as Su Ming’s words came out, everyone was stunned.

“Cold fusion technology, what is it? I’ve only heard about fusion technology! ”

“Nuclear fusion is to generate heat through fission, cold fusion sounds like it can’t generate heat, how can this generate electricity?”

Su Ming smiled and explained: “Cold fusion technology is a future technology. It works like nuclear fusion, producing energy by fissioning radioactive fuel. ”

“Once nuclear fusion is out of control, it will produce a powerful explosion, which is about the same power as a nuclear bomb. So it’s a bit difficult to control nuclear fusion. ”

“The advantage of cold fusion is that it does not heat up and does not explode. Its safety performance is higher than that of nuclear polymerization. ”

“I’m designing a cold fusion reactor that was inspired by the Ark reactor in the Iron Man movies. Once the reactor is designed, it will generate 3 billion joules of electricity per second. ”

In other words, it is a small Ark reactor that generates one-sixth the electricity of the Three Gorges Dam. A power station with a large reactor is comparable to the Three Gorges Dam. ”

“It took China more than a decade to build the Three Gorges Dam and hundreds of billions of dollars.”

“As long as cold fusion masters the technology, China can mass-produce and make hundreds, or hundreds of reactors, a year, and it is not difficult.” This is equivalent to allowing China to build 100 more Three Gorges Dams every year. ”

Su Ming’s words made the big guys jump with excitement.

“Cold fusion technology is equivalent to allowing China to go to 100 more Three Gorges dams a year? This is also too perverted. ”

“Only one sentence: lying groove, can describe my current mood.”

“With cold fusion technology, there will never be a shortage of energy in our country.”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, when will you finish the cold fusion technique?”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, if the cold fusion technology is completed, then it will not be a problem to meet the electricity consumption of electric vehicles in the country.”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, how much money is needed to develop a cold fusion reactor, please open your mouth, the state will definitely fully support.”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, as long as you can develop a cold fusion reactor, what do you need, directly ask the state, we will definitely meet you.”

Seeing the big guys so excited.

Su Ming smiled: “I just need the state to do me a favor.” Cold fusion reactors require palladium, which is the fissile material needed for cold fusion reactors. ”

“While other countries don’t know the importance of palladium. Please come forward and buy all the palladium elements in the world. ”

“The more palladium, the greater the number of cold fusion reactors.”

“If foreign countries knew that our country used palladium to make cold fusion reactors, they would definitely raise the price.”

“Eagle sauce, that dog thing, will definitely make bad things from it.”

“So we’re going to hoard palladium like crazy while they don’t know.”

As soon as Su Ming’s words came out, they caused the big guys to applaud collectively. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, what you said is extremely true. We immediately let the Ministry of Commerce buy palladium globally, as much as we want, and give double the price. ”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, our country’s cold fusion technology depends on you.”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, your Huasheng Group doesn’t produce cars! I think it is better to use high energy storage battery technology to cooperate with automobile manufacturers across the country. Joint production of new electric vehicles. Let China’s electric vehicles become the world’s first as soon as possible. ”

The opinions of the bigwigs, Su Ming did not object.

A car needs 20,000 parts, and if you let Huasheng Group do it all, it is too troublesome.

Now there are more than a dozen large automobile groups in the country.

They have complete production lines, skilled staff, and various sales channels.

Borrowing chickens to lay eggs is the fastest way to make money.

Huasheng Group only needs to provide high-energy storage batteries, and other auto parts are produced by major companies themselves.

Working together to make money will not only provide more jobs, but also produce extremely high output.

After thinking for a moment, Su Ming nodded directly: “In order to make China’s automobile industry the first in the world, I am willing to cooperate with major automobile companies, mobile phone companies, and computer companies.” ”

Su Ming is willing to give benefits to the people and not eat alone.

This makes the big guys very impressed.

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, your contribution to the country and the people will be remembered by everyone.”

“The state wants to provide 50 billion yuan in funds to invest in the Huasheng Group to manufacture various electromagnetic weapons.”

“If you want, the state wants to provide 100 billion funds to invest in Huasheng Group and support you in manufacturing high-energy storage batteries.”

“If you don’t mind, the state also wants to invest 100 billion yuan in funds to support you in cold fusion reactors.”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, all decisions of the Huasheng Group are decided by you, and the state will not interfere.”

“If you have any needs, the state will fully support it, I don’t know what you think.”

Using the state’s money to develop Huasheng Group is also a good choice, at least in various policies, the state will give itself the green light all the way.

Moreover, after the state became a shareholder of Huasheng Group, various approval procedures did not exist.

What Huasheng Group wants to do, you can do it directly.

As for sharing some benefits to the country, Su Ming did not mind.

Anyway, Su Ming’s money has not been spent for several lifetimes, and it is bound to the country, that is the long-term strategy.

Any businessman, if he wants to have a bowl of water, drink it himself, eat meat himself, and not even give soup to others, it will definitely not be long-term.

Su Ming pondered for a moment and directly agreed: “Now that the country is willing to cooperate with Huasheng Group, of course we are willing.” Let benefit the people, let benefit the country, and make the country prosperous and strong together, this is also one of my goals. ”

After Su Ming boldly agreed to the state to invest in the shares, the bigwigs were completely relieved at the end of 837.

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, do you need to hold a press conference to announce the progress made in electromagnetic technology in our country?”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, do you need to hold a press conference to call on the national automobile manufacturers, mobile phone companies, and computer dealers to cooperate with you?”

“If you need it, we’ll do it right away.”

Su Ming smiled: “Now is the era of network information, and it is too troublesome to run to the capital.” ”

“I intend to use the online platform to announce the latest news of Huasheng Group. This saves you the trouble of running around the capital. ”

“I want to set up a live broadcast room and announce whatever I want. Netizens all over the country can see me, which is more close to the people. I don’t know the big guys, can you give a convenience? ”

The bigwigs also thought that Su Ming was going to make some requirements, it turned out that he just wanted to borrow the power of the state and set up a super-large live broadcast room to facilitate the announcement of various technologies by Huasheng Group.

When the big guys boldly agreed: “Lieutenant Colonel Su, your request is too easy.” We will soon order the information department to issue a national network notice. Every netizen must pay attention to your live broadcast room. ”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, please rest assured, our country will provide two satellites and a supercomputer to provide technical support for your live broadcast room. There will never be a problem with poor network signal. ”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, please rest assured, 100 computer experts across the country escort your live broadcast room, and absolutely no hacker can invade your live broadcast room.”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, please rest assured, anyone who makes trouble in your live broadcast room, the Internet police will arrest them as soon as possible.”

Su Ming was comfortable: “In that case, then it will trouble you big guys.” I will go back to Huasheng Group first, and after the live broadcast room is completed, I will announce the company’s scientific and technological progress through the Internet. ”

After Su Ming said goodbye to the big guys, he quickly returned to Huasheng Group.

Su Ming was busy making new factories design and produce various electromagnetic weapons, mass production of high-energy storage batteries, and production of various gene potions.

The various technologies of Huasheng Group are rapidly turning into products and are preparing to loot the world’s wealth.

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