Seeing the big guys of the three armies so excited, they felt that if they came up with electromagnetic weapons, they were already invincible in the world.

Su Ming had to alert them.

“Guys, the improvement of electromagnetic weapons to the army is indeed incomparable, but there are also some flaws!”

“Electromagnetic weapons can only go in a straight line, not turn a corner. On land, it is influenced by mountains. ”

“It is impossible for an electromagnetic cannon to blast through a mountain and attack the enemy again, because kinetic energy will decay.”

“On the plains, the electromagnetic tanks of the army are of course invincible, but in the mountain areas, electromagnetic weapons will reach a lot of limits.”

“The attack of ordinary shells is a parabola, falling from a high altitude, creating an explosion. This advantage, electromagnetic weapons can not do, because electromagnetic weapons do not turn around. ”

“The same goes for the Navy! Sea levels range from high to low. The missile falls from a high altitude, creating an explosion that is almost unaffected by the environment. Electromagnetic weapons can only walk in a straight line and are affected by huge waves and sea levels. ”

“Electromagnetic weapons have the most obvious lifting effect on the Air Force.” After all, fighters fly high and are not affected by mountains, rivers, oceans. ”

“Electromagnetic weapons cannot directly make the three armed forces invincible, and their greatest effect is to use anti-missiles.”

“As long as I deploy high-power electromagnetic guns in space, any country’s missiles, as long as they fly to our country, can be destroyed.” Its greatest role is to deal with global nuclear weapons. ”

Su Ming’s words were like a basin of cold water, pouring out the generals who wanted to rely on electromagnetic weapons and directly make the three armies invincible.

Admiral Yang said with a smile: “Generals, relying on electromagnetic weapons, our country can shoot down any nuclear bomb, and this is enough.” Everybody is right. ”

“Yes! What Admiral Yang said is very correct, we are too excited. ”

“Haha, almost dizzy, how can you rely on a weapon, directly invincible. Those shortcomings mentioned by Lieutenant Colonel Su remind us. ”

“To be able to avoid a nuclear attack, electromagnetic weapons are already Zhenguo artifacts, and the rest does not matter.” Lieutenant Colonel Su’s contribution to the country is unprecedented! ”

“Great, in the future, our country can sleep in peace, no matter how strong the nuclear arsenal of his hairy bear and eagle sauce is, it is not worth mentioning for our country.”

The big guys of the three armies finally all sobered up.

Su Ming smiled: “Guys, do you only see the military value of electromagnetic weapons?” In fact, the economic value of this electromagnetic gun in my hand is at least $10 trillion, which is enough to raise China’s economy to a higher level. ”

As soon as Su Ming’s words came out, the big guys’ eyes widened, and their brains couldn’t turn away.

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, do you want to make money by selling electromagnetic weapons?”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, electromagnetic weapons can’t be sold! If it is sold, China’s nuclear weapons and missiles can also be shot down by other countries. Isn’t China’s nuclear weapons also abolished? ”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, you can sell electromagnetic guns with less power to make money, but high-power anti-missile electromagnetic guns can’t be sold!” Otherwise, our missiles can also be shot down by other countries and cannot be cut. ”

“Lieutenant Colonel Su, it is best to have electromagnetic weapons only in our country. This kind of magic weapon cannot be sold for money. ”

Seeing that the bigwigs are worried that they will sell electromagnetic weapons, they will threaten the Dragon Kingdom.

Su Ming shook his head and smiled: “Guys, I mean electromagnetic gun technology, the value produced by civilian use.” ”

“Alright! Let me explain a little clear. ”

“Although this electromagnetic gun is powerful, if there is no high-energy storage battery, it is waste.”

“High energy storage batteries, the storage capacity is 10,000 times that of ordinary batteries, to 100,000 times.”

“Guys, if we use this battery to make mobile phone batteries and computer batteries, then China’s mobile phones and computers, once charged, can be used for one year. This kind of ultra-endurance mobile phones and laptops crush any foreign company. Every citizen wants. ”

“Guys, many countries around the world are now engaged in green cars. Among them, electric vehicles are the most important. ”

“Compared with oil vehicles, the biggest disadvantage of electric vehicles is the lack of endurance. But with a high energy storage battery, is the endurance still a problem? ”

“Using high-energy storage batteries, China’s electric vehicles have a range of more than 10,000 kilometers, which is more convenient than oil vehicles.”

“Electric cars cost only 1 cent for a kilometer. And oil cars, in general, are five cents a kilometer. ”

“If all our country uses electric cars, everyone has a car. The monthly fuel bill will drop fivefold, which will greatly save the expenses of the people and bring huge benefits to the people. ”

“For the country, the benefits are immeasurable.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“The first point is that the cost is low due to the electric car driving process. People with cars don’t have to worry about expensive fuel, they prefer to travel by car. This will definitely stimulate China’s tourism industry and explode. ”

“While the country’s fuel consumption has decreased, the country’s income from oil has decreased. However, tourism consumption is more prosperous, everyone travels, eats, drinks and has more fun, is willing to spend money, and the state can get more taxes from it. The wool is still out of the sheep, and taxes will not be reduced. ”

“Second, China is a big oil importer, and its dependence on oil has reached 80%. If electric cars are used throughout the country. China hardly needs to import oil from other countries. ”

“China doesn’t need too much oil, so we don’t have to worry about energy security.” Don’t worry that one day, oil imports will be restricted from abroad, and the country’s economy will be greatly affected. ”

“Energy security is an important issue after food security0…”

“Our country is not short of food and solves the problem of energy security. Our country’s development is limited by any country. ”

“Of course, the life of the three-barrel oil company is not good.”

“All use electricity, three barrels of oil company, can be laid off directly.”

“The third advantage, I will also talk about.”

“China’s environment is seriously polluted because of the development of industry. In the last decade or so, the number of cars has increased wildly. The exhaust emissions of these cars have a huge impact on China’s environment. ”

“If you use electric cars, there are no exhaust emissions. Our country’s environment will be better and better, and our body will be healthier. Environmental protection issues will be fundamentally improved. ”

“The fourth advantage, China’s automotive industry, will become the first in the world.”

“Eagle Sauce’s Tesla company relies on electric cars to become the world’s first.”

“China has high energy storage battery technology, electric vehicle technology, unique in the world. China’s electric vehicles can enter the world and unify the global automobile market. ”

“The global automotive market has reached more than 10 trillion US dollars. Our country has the capacity to take them all. ”

“A car, there are more than 20,000 parts, if our country wants to produce billions of electric cars, this requires millions of small enterprises to join forces with automobile groups, which will provide tens of millions of jobs in our country.”

“Little devil, little devil, little Yingzi, little fazi, these four developed countries have made a lot of money by the automobile industry. With high energy storage battery technology, the automotive industry of these countries cannot compete with China, and the big cake of the automobile market, China can eat alone. ”

After Su Ming said, the big guy suddenly realized.

The most powerful technology of electromagnetic guns is actually high energy storage battery technology 1.5.

This high-density battery can make Longguo mobile phone become the world’s first.

It can make the Longguo laptop become the world’s first.

It can make Longguo Electric Automobile become the world’s first.

This battery, after civil use, brings economic value, will bring huge income to the dragon country and provide huge jobs.

The country’s economy will take off rapidly.

An electromagnetic gun, the technology contained in it, can not only greatly improve the country’s military capabilities.

The economic value generated by civilian use is also immeasurable.

The bigwigs and generals looked at Su Ming’s eyes as if they were looking at gods.

With this young man in front of him, surpassing Eagle Sauce in an all-round way is no longer a dream, but a reality.

With Su Ming, the Dragon Kingdom seemed to be omnipotent.

[PS: Since the previous chapter has been reviewed, I can only quickly code out a chapter for everyone to see, this chapter has few words, the next chapter will write more, sorry. ] Ask for a subscription. 】。

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