Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 195 More Dangerous Than Dangerous

Jemini has no intention of touching Barty for the time being. He also points to Barty and throws Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire.

Getting Harry in the Triwizard Tournament is a must.

After all, Voldemort is a very ceremonial person. For example, he strongly demanded to kill Harry himself, and for example, he must win the Goblet of Fire in Harry and frustrate him at the most glorious time. This is also why he must participate in Harry. The reason for the Triwizard Tournament.

In fact, in the first grade, Jemini turned over the three-headed dog, the second grade killed the basilisk, and the third grade caught Peter Pettigrew, which also led to him brushing all the copies that originally belonged to Harry so far. Once again, poor little Harry has nothing to achieve except for being a saviour star.

And this is obviously something that Voldemort can't stand - anyway, it was because of you that I got a big somersault, and you turned out to be so mediocre?

Can't stand it!

It doesn't sound good to say it, does it?

After all, a person's level is not advertised by himself, but determined by his opponents and enemies.

Therefore, from Voldemort's point of view, he naturally hopes that Harry's reputation will be as loud as possible, and the more powerful the better, only in this way will he be able to flaunt his own strength after killing Harry.

Of course, this is only the most perfect result in Voldemort's vision.

If it's because of Jemini's intervention that Harry was unable to participate in the Triwizard Tournament... That's fine. Seeing that the plan failed, Barty can only take the next step and take Harry away with the door key at any chance. , In this way, the originally controllable plot will be completely out of control.

Might as well let him throw Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire.

The next two days were as dull as always, except that Hermione still resisted being taken back to Hogsmeade by Jemini every day. Although she resisted, the resistance was not very intense, just a symbolic beating of Jemini twice.

In contrast, Snape was in a bad mood these two days.

He was blown away by Professor Moody, who was pretending to be Barty Jr., he took advantage of Neville to burn out the sixth cauldron, arrested Neville and put him in confinement, and used Neville's pain to regulate his own mood. .

Sometimes, seeing Snape hiding from the fake Moody's eyes in the hallway, Jemini felt that it was a pity that Barty Jr didn't become an actor.

This guy played Mad-Eye Moody all year under Dumbledore's nose,

Snape avoided him when he saw him, and Dumbledore didn't find out until after the game, and it was because he was too excited to reveal it.

If you want to be an actor with this acting skill, it's just God's reward, why don't you want to be a Death Eater?

On Thursday morning, Jemini finally had his first Defence Against the Dark Arts class of the school year.

"It's "Black Magic: A Guide to Self-Defense" again. It's the same as in the first grade. Fortunately, I didn't throw it away. This book is well written, and it is indeed suitable as a textbook."

Jemini flipped through the book in his arms: "Unfortunately, I've already read it."

Draco held the textbook and walked side by side beside Jemini: "I really don't want to take the old guy's class. To be honest, I felt a little uncomfortable from the first sight of him."

Jemini nodded, being in Draco's position, whether it was a real Moody or a fake Moody, was not very friendly to him.

True Moody: Death Eater son!

Fake Moody: The traitor's brat!

Draco: I'm so hard!

When everyone came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Professor Moody was already waiting there, of course—it was fake Moody.

He sat behind the podium, humming a song, his prosthetic limbs like claws stomping on the ground to follow the rhythm, and when the students were almost there, he shook his head and shook off his gray, shabby, messy hair. , revealing the magic eye that kept moving.

"Okay, put away all the textbooks." He stopped the students who wanted to open the books, and said gruffly, "I don't need these things in my class."

Then he took out the roster and started to call everyone. When he called Jemini, his eyes were fixed on Jemini's face at the same time. After a pause for two seconds, he continued to read the next name.

"Okay." After the last student answered, he put down the roll and continued: "I received a letter from Professor Lupin, it seems that you have mastered a lot of basics on how to deal with black magic creatures. Knowledge - you learned how to deal with Boggarts, Red Hats, Shinkpunks, Grindyllows, Kabbahs, and werewolves, right?"

The students murmured their approval.

"But in terms of how to deal with spells, you learned—"

His magic eye swept across Jemini's face again, and after a pause, he continued, "Most of you, you haven't learned enough."

"Did he want to include you just now?" Draco kept his lips still, gritted his teeth and choked softly from his throat. This was the skill he had mastered in speaking in class without being noticed by the teacher.

"Probably so..."

"So, I'm going to give you a taste of what the wizards do between them, and I have a year to teach you how to deal with dark magic." Moody was still speaking on the stage, and then he clapped his rough hand and went straight to the speech.

"Okay, let's get down to business - spells, they come in many forms, with different magical powers. Now, according to the Ministry of Magic, I'm supposed to teach you all kinds of cracking spells, that's all, it stands to reason that you are less than six years old. Grades, I shouldn't tell you what an illegal black curse looks like, because you're too young to deal with something like that."

"But Dumbledore raved about your courage, he thinks you can handle it, and it seems to me that the sooner you know what you're dealing with, the better, and...I think some of you are more vulnerable to these dangers. The magic of the man should have been dealt with many times."

Moody's attention again to Jemini.

Jemini: "..."

What the hell do you keep staring at me for when you teach?

"If—" Moody continued, "if there's something you've never seen before, how are you going to protect yourself from it?"

The voice fell, and his eyes turned to Jemini again.

Jemini couldn't bear it any longer, and said in a deep voice, "Kill it."

"Smart answer, Mr. Fox! Yes, as long as you're more dangerous than dangerous—" Moody exclaimed gruffly.

There was low-pitched laughter in the classroom.

"But if any wizard wants to cast an illegal spell on you, he won't tell you in advance, he won't cast the spell on you frankly, justly, and politely, what are you going to do?"

Jemini finally understood that this guy wanted to attack him, and take advantage of this time to know in advance what he would do in this situation.

Thinking about it, if he were to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, it would definitely be the biggest obstacle on Harry's road to winning the championship, and even others could ignore it. He had to find a way to fix himself first.

"Well... Then kill the guy who looks suspicious in advance?" Jemini asked tentatively.

Moody: "..."

By the way, do I really want to attack this dangerous guy?

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