Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 194 Knowledge is wealth

"Wait, I'll help you dig it out." Hagrid said, carrying a hoe.

"No, I'll just come." Jemini sighed, quickly made two seals, and slapped the ground.

The ground beneath his feet trembled, and after a rumbling sound, the mound in front of him was pushed away, revealing a large number of fire crab corpses, about a hundred in number. Full of colorful gems.

"More than--"

Jemini opened the writing wheel, his eyes swept over the gems, and then he called Dobby: "Put these things away, clean them up, and send the shells to the Hogsmeade mansion when you're done. go."

"Understood, Dobby will do it well, Master Fox!" Dobby said arrogantly.

"Don't hurt the shell, this is a protected animal, and it can't be obtained under normal circumstances." Jemini reminded, turned and left.

"I don't understand, Jemini." Hagrid was a little puzzled. "Although the shells of fire crabs are not cheap, they don't seem to be particularly valuable."

Hagrid is right, the gems produced on the fire crab shell are not as valuable as the gems born in the natural ore veins. The elves of Gringotts do not recognize this thing, and they have special methods to verify it.

And if Gringotts does not recognize it, it is naturally not recognized by the wizarding world.

"First of all, you must know that fire crabs are produced in Fiji, a tropical island country located in the South Pacific Ocean in eastern Australia, and also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Although they left the Commonwealth two years ago, their relationship with the United Kingdom has always been ambiguous. That's why you can get fire crabs, in fact, fire crabs are very difficult to get elsewhere, you have to have a special permit."

"The second is the definition of gemstones," Gemini explained. "The second is the definition of gemstones, stones or minerals that can be polished and polished to meet the requirements of jewelry, and precious minerals that do not change under the influence of the atmosphere and chemicals."

"And the shell of the fire crab was used as a cauldron by those unscrupulous wizards in the past. The magic fire potion can't affect it, and naturally it won't be affected by the atmosphere and chemicals."

"So, in their own sense, these gems completely meet the definition of gems, and the fairies only believe that these gems made by magic are of low value based on the magic residues above."

Jemini smiled. "But to Muggles, these things are gems, natural gems."

"Is the gemstone still natural?" Hagrid looked blank.

"Of course, gems or diamonds can be artificially synthesized, and Muggle technology can do that."

Jemini explained: "However, the quality of artificial gems is very good, and there will be no mixed colors or flaws like natural gems, but they are not as valuable as natural gems, and the gems on the fire crab shell are completely Matches the characteristics of those natural gems I've seen."

"That is to say, if these gems on the shell are sold to the Muggle society, it will be a considerable wealth."

Hagrid looked shocked: "You know so much!"

"Of course, knowledge is wealth. The more you know, the more ways to make money." Jemini smiled.

Since he came to the magic world, he has been absorbing the knowledge of the magic world like a sponge absorbing water. There are too many ways to make money between the Muggle society and the magic world.

Most wizards are poor because they don't see it.

Although Muggle-born wizards have a certain understanding of Muggle society, they have been in wizarding schools during the important growth period from eleven to adulthood, which leads to their limited technological understanding of Muggle society. , their knowledge is not enough to support them repeatedly jumping between the wizarding world and Muggle society for profit.

Even if there are a very few smart guys who think about it, they may not be able to make money from it. Some of them will be noticed by forces like Gringotts and the Ministry of Magic, and they will be sent to Azkaban under the pretext of secrecy laws.

It can only be said that there are too few guys like Jemini who can make money and have not dared to provoke them.

At noon, when Jemini returned to school, there was news of the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher everywhere, and I heard that this guy is very good at dealing with the dark spell.

Jemini's face suddenly became strange, Barty Jr. would not have replaced Mad-Eye Moody like the original?

After thinking about it, Jemini found Harry at the Gryffindor table.

"Are you free, Harry? I need you to do me a favor," Jemini said gently.

"Twenty Galleons." Harry's eyes were very calm.

Jemini: "???"

Boy, your way is narrow!

Opposite Harry, Hermione burst out laughing, and smiled, leaning back and forth: "Does this count as retribution?"

"Well, in that case..." Jemini sighed: "I can only tell Professor Snape the secret of your Marauder's map."

"Don't don't don't - it's me who swelled!" Harry smirked and grabbed Jemini's arm, then he took out a piece of parchment from his arms and handed it to Jemini: " How long will it take you?"

"Right now, just take a look." Jemini said softly, and the dagger clicked on the map: "I solemnly swear that I have no good intentions."

Inky lines appeared on the map one after another, and soon the whole sheet of paper was covered. Jemini found the Office of Defense Against the Dark Arts and saw the names of the people in the office.

Alastor Moody.

Barty Crouch.

Two names, Moody's name did not move, the name Barty Crouch occasionally moved.

Jemini opened his eyes and glanced over, and found that he was eating in the office, sitting at the location marked on the map.

It's really him...

In the previous Quidditch World Cup, Jemini opened his eyes and saw that Barty and Wink were both knocked unconscious, but because there were so many people present, Jemini didn't mention it, otherwise Barty would definitely be arrested.

And old Barty looked around in the woods and found Barty in a coma, but he was afraid of Jemini's ability to roll his eyes. He didn't show anything, but secretly cast the Imperius Curse to let Barty leave first. out there.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he returned to the crowd, he was restrained by Jemini and poured Veritaserum, and Barty also took advantage of this time to break free from the Imperius Curse and ran away.

As for the fact that he found Voldemort so quickly, Jemini was not unusual.

The Death Eaters had Dark Marks on their arms, and when Barty clicked the mark, Voldemort would sense the location. After all, no one would dare to play with it.

What surprised Jemini was that this time and experience were different, but they still chose Mad-Eye Moody as their target, which was very different from the butterfly effect of the previous two years.

But this is not unreasonable. Voldemort wanted to make a fuss about this game. Even if Voldemort didn't do anything, Jemini would let Peter Pettigrew take the initiative to propose this strategy.

And if you want to do things in the game, the identity is naturally the more convenient, the better. Mad-Eye Moody, as a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts and an old friend of Dumbledore, this identity is obviously more suitable than other identities.

It's a pity that Jemini still thinks they can pick Viktor Krom.

After all, a creature like a potential rival can die one more, and Jemini is not too dead at all.

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